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Ian Macmillan

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Everything posted by Ian Macmillan

  1. Links – Sunday 9 April, 2017 Feature – Leanne Cope & Robert Fairchild & American in Paris: Sarah Crompton, Sunday Times Review – Royal Ballet, Jewels, London: David Dougill, Sunday Times Feature – Ninette de Valois & the 1946 Sleeping Beauty: Joe O’Shea, Irish Independent Review – Rosie Kay Dance Company, MK Ultra, York: James Ballands, BTG Reviews – 2Faced Dance, From Above, The Other, Fallen Angels, London: Jeffery Taylor, Sunday Express Rachel Elderkin, Exeunt Review – TH Collective & WHYTHBERG, JACK, Los Angeles: Jeff Slayton, SeeDance Review – Compagnie Herve Koubi, What the Day Owes to the Night, Vancouver: Janet Smith, Straight.com
  2. I'm not seeing a problem either, to be honest. For example, I went back into my Links post this morning within a minute, having spotted a typo that I'd missed to that point. The post then started by displaying 'Edited a minute ago' and now it's saying 'Edited 3 hours ago.'
  3. Links – Saturday 8 April, 2017 Feature/Interview – Kevin O’Hare talks about the Royal Ballet’s 2017-18 Season: Debra Craine, The Times Review – San Francisco Ballet, Prog 7: Trio, Ghost in the Machine, Within the Golden Hour, SF: Janice Berman, SF Classical Voice Tour Review – Northern Ballet, Casanova, Norwich: Judith Mackrell, Guardian Reviews – Compagnie CNDC Angers, Inlets 2, Place, How to Pass, Kick, Fall and Run, New York: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc Robert Greskovic, Wall St Journal Review – Anna Teresa De Keersmaeker/Rosas, Work/Travail/Arbeid, MoMA, New York: Wendy Perron, Blog Feature – “Doggie Hamlet” – Is it Art? Gia Kourlas, NY Times Review – Matthew Bourne/New Adventures, Early Adventures Triple Bill, London: Anna Winter, Exeunt Opera/Ballet Review – Royal College of Music & Others, Les Fêtes d’Hébé, London: George Hall, Guardian Feature – Carolyn Carlson, Choreographer: Molly Glentzer, Houston Chronicle News – The night the lights went out in Philly: Peter Dobrin, Philly.com Gallery – Vanessa Fenton, Methuselah, Face of Forgiveness, London: Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs Need a weekend workout? - Lauren Hibbert – My Workout: Ballet has given me strength: Daniel Masoliver, Guardian - Dance Workshop – Carmel and Rene Köster: Rachel Nouchi, Londondance
  4. Links – Friday 7 April, 2017 News – Royal Ballet 2017-18 Season: Roslyn Sulcas, NY Times Review – Compagnie CNDC Angers, Inlets 2, Place, How to Pass, Kick, Fall and Run, New York: Marina Harss, DanceTabs Review – Matthew Bourne/New Adventures, Early Adventures Triple Bill, London: Rym Kechacha, Bachtrack Preview – Australian Ballet, Faster, Infra, Squander and Glory, Sydney: Annabel Ross, Sydney Morning Herald Review – ODC/Dance Downtown 2017, 2 Programs, San Francisco: Rita Felciano, Danceviewtimes Diaries: - Next week in New York: Gia Kourlas, NY Times - Next week around Boston: Karen Campbell, Boston Globe Review – Paul Taylor American Modern Dance & Lyon Opera Ballet, Sacre du Printemps, Summerspace, Esplanade, New York: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc News – Turmoil and big changes ahead at Atlanta Ballet: Scott Freeman, Arts ATL Documentary – The Trocks, “Rebels on Pointe”: T’cha Dunlevy, Montreal Gazette Annabelle Olivier, Global News Preview – Eifman Ballet of St Petersburg, Red Giselle, Chicago: Staff, BWW Chicago Feature – AXIS Dance Company aims for the sky: Lou Fancher, SF Classical Voice Video – The Very Tiny Dancers: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Review – Dan Daw, Wild Card, London: Rachel Nouchi, Londondance Interview – Choreographer Malik Nashad Sharpe: Rachel Nouchi, Londondance
  5. Links – Thursday 6 April, 2017 News/Comment – Royal Ballet, 2017-18 Programme: Judith Mackrell, Guardian Zoë Anderson, Dancing Times Robin Johnson, Official London Theatre Georgia Snow, The Stage - Dressing the Bernstein ‘New McGregor’: Robert Dex, Evening Standard Review – Royal Ballet, Jewels, London: Louise Levene, Spectator Reviews – Compagnie CNDC Angers, Inlets 2, How to Pass, Kick, Fall and Run, Place, New York: Apollinaire Scherr, Financial Times Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Reviews – Matthew Bourne/New Adventures, Early Adventures Triple Bill, London: Clement Crisp, Financial Times Hanna Weibye, Arts Desk Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Howard Loxton, BTG Reviews – Matthew Bourne/New Adventures, Lord of the Flies, Melbourne: Jane Howard, Guardian Jordan Beth Vincent, The Age Charlie Gill, Daily Review Review – San Francisco Ballet, Swan Lake, SF: Paul Parish, Bay Area Reporter Review – Hamburg Ballet, The Little Mermaid, DC: Oksana Khadarina, DanceTabs Review – Joffrey Ballet, Romeo and Juliet (Pastor), New York: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc Review – Doug Varone and Dancers, Possession, Folded, ReComposed, New York: Deborah Jowitt, Arts Journal/DanceBeat Review – DEMO: Song and Dance, DC: George Jackson, Danceviewtimes News – National Ballet of Canada, MAD HOT BALLET Fundraising Gala, Toronto: Staff, BWW News – Los Angeles Ballet, Season 11 Gala, Beverly Hills: Staff, BWW LA Feature – Chicago Dance Month: Lauren Warnecke, Chicago Tribune Preview – Elizabeth Streb, SEA – Singular Extreme Actions, New York: Brian Schaefer, NY Times Review – Auckland Festival Dance: Joan & Mike Street, NZ Herald Feature – Uniting drones and dance: Tom Peeters, Flanders Today Video - Speaking in Dance, The Percussive Spectacle of Stepping: NY Times Gallery – 2Faced Dance Company, From Above, London: Stephen Wright, DanceTabs
  6. Links - Wednesday 5 April, 2017 Feature – Balanchine: the choreographer who put music first: Sarah Kirkup, Gramophone Reviews – Royal Ballet, Jewels, London: Jann Parry, DanceTabs Rachel Elderkin, The Stage Vera Liber, BTG Erin Whitcroft, Bachtrack Review – English National Ballet, In the Middle Somewhat Elevated, Adagio Hammerklavier, Rite of Spring, London: Rachel Elderkin, Fjord Review Review – San Francisco Ballet, Swan Lake, SF: Toba Singer, Culture Vulture Review – Joffrey Ballet, Romeo and Juliet (Pastor) & Gala Bill, New York: Robert Gottlieb, NY Observer News – Joffrey Ballet Archive donated to New York Library for Performing Arts: Joshua Barone, NY Times News – 2016-17 a record Box Office year for Northern Ballet: Clare Burnett, Business Desk Opera/Ballet Preview – Royal College of Music, Les Fêtes D’Hébé, London: Stephen Johns, Guardian Review – New York: Brian Seibert, NY Times - American Tap Dance Foundation, Rhythm In Motion - Doug Varone & Dancers, Possession, ReComposed, Folded Reviews – Anna Teresa De Keersmaeker/Rosas, Work/Travail/Arbeid, MoMA, New York: Siobhan Burke, NY Times Robert Greskovic, Wall St Journal Review – Stephen Petronio Company, Mixed Bill, New York: Deborah Jowitt, Arts Journal/DanceBeat Review – Orange County Dance Festival: Jeff Slayton, SeeDance News – Get Creative Weekend 2017 – Dance Workshops: Staff, Londondance
  7. I don't suppose the dancers will be packing trunks to be sent by sea via Harrod's Depository weeks in advance as happened in 1958.
  8. As you'll see from today's Links, the Couchman/Dawson/Human Seasons business has been picked up by the Telegraph. Nothing new - other than at the end, where it is said that David Dawson has issued a conciliatory statement addressed to the RB dancers and Kevin O'Hare. I'm not aware of it having appeared online anywhere. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/03/23/royal-ballet-choreographer-appears-ridicule-stars/
  9. Links – Thursday 23 March, 2017 Obituaries – Trisha Brown, Choreographer: Judith Mackrell, Guardian Emily Langer, Washington Post Reviews – An American in Paris (Wheeldon), London: Jann Parry, DanceTabs Quentin Letts, Daily Mail Sarah Hemming, Financial Times Eleanor Bley Griffiths, Radio Times Siobhan Murphy, Londondance Philip Fisher & Vera Liber, BTG Rosemary Waugh, Exeunt Reviews – Royal Ballet - Flight Pattern (Pite premiere), Human Seasons, After the Rain, London: Louise Levene, Spectator Joy Sable, Jewish Chronicle Review – Project Polunin, London: Louise Levene, Spectator Preview – Doug Varone and Dancers, Folded, ReComposed, Possession, New York: Jack Anderson, NY Times Review – Paul Taylor American Modern Dance/Lyon Opera Ballet, Diversion of Angels, Promethean Fire, Summerspace, New York: Lauren Gallagher, DanceTabs Reviews – Royal New Zealand Ballet, Petit – Carmen & L’Arlesienne, Wellington: Ann Hunt, Dominion Post Deirdre Tarrant, Theatreview Review – Northern Ballet, Casanova, Leeds: Susan Darlington, Morning Star Review – Dorrance Dance Project, Blues Project, San Francisco: Rita Felciano, Danceviewtimes Interview – Patricia Delgado on leaving Miami City Ballet: Jordan Levin, Miami Herald Review – Semperoper Ballet Dresden, Impressing the Czar, Paris: Patricia Boccadoro, Culturekiosque Feature – Busby Berkeley’s flamboyant dance fantasies: Judith Mackrell, Guardian Review – Emily Coates & Sarah Demers, Incarnations, New York: Martha Sherman, Danceviewtimes News – ODC/Downtown’s 46th Season, San Francisco: Leba Hertz, SF Chronicle Review – Dance Massive, Tiny Slopes, Melbourne: Andrew Fuhrmann, Sydney Morning Herald Video - #SpeakinginDance – Instagram needed for sound? NY Times In case you’ve missed the Couchman/Dawson/Human Seasons scandale extensively covered since Tuesday in the Performances area of the Forum and elsewhere, others have noticed it: Anita Singh, Telegraph Jennifer Stahl, Dance Magazine
  10. A link to live BBC News on the incident: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-39355505
  11. Nice one, Bruce - I couldn't find a copy again yesterday after finding it had been deleted. Does #respectgoesbothways look a little odd after his assistant's rant, I wonder?
  12. Links – Wednesday 22 March, 2017 Photo Tribute – Trisha Brown, Choreographer: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Reviews – An American in Paris (Wheeldon), London: Dominic Cavendish, Telegraph Michael Billington, Guardian Ann Treneman, The Times Mark Shenton, The Stage Jenny Gilbert, Arts Desk Henry Hitchings, Evening Standard Sarah Crompton, WhatsOnStage Marianka Swain, BWW UK Georgie Cowan-Turner, The Upcoming Feature – Why every Alvin Ailey show ends with Revelations: Lauren Warnecke, Chicago Tribune News – Scottish Ballet’s New York Debut: Staff, BWW Review – Akram Khan Company, Until the Lions, Montreal: Rebecca Galloway, Bachtrack Reviews – Emily Coates, Incarnations; Boomerang, This Is a Forge; Richard Move, XXYY & Martha@20, New York: Siobhan Burke & Brian Seibert, NY Times Preview – Hari Krishnan/inDANCE, Holy Cow(s), Toronto: Michael Crabb, The Star Review – Virginie Brunelle, To the pain that lingers, Vancouver: Alexander Varty, Straight.com London News – New Home Planned for Central School of Ballet: Robert Dex, Evening Standard
  13. I imagine that backstage relationships may be a little strained for the remaining performances this week. And, possibly quite unconnected, it appears that David Dawson has deleted the Tweet of some days past in which he complained about the early reviews of Human Seasons.
  14. Hanna Weibye, author of the Arts Desk review of the Triple Bill, has just drawn attention via Twitter to a comment late last night on the review. Posted by Tim Couchman, who staged Human Seasons, to my eyes it attacks at least some Company dancers for a lack of commitment to the piece. A link to the review again, and the comment below, is here: http://www.theartsdesk.com/dance/crystal-pite-flight-pattern-royal-ballet I've not seen a performance so do not have a programme to hand but, for what its worth in relation to the comment, I don't see his name in the credits on the ROH site here: http://www.roh.org.uk/productions/the-human-seasons-by-david-dawson
  15. Links – Tuesday 21 March, 2017 Obituaries – Trisha Brown, Choreographer: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Graham Watts, DanceTabs Allan Ulrich, SF Chronicle - Additional Tributes from 2010: Claudia La Rocco: NY Times Review – Paris Opera Ballet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Balanchine), Paris: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times (with a mention of A bras-le-corps) Reviews – Royal Ballet, Flight Pattern (Pite premiere), Human Seasons, After the Rain, London: Jann Parry, DanceTabs Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Reviews – Paul Taylor’s American Modern Dance, New York: - Diversions of Angels, Summerspace, Promethean Fire: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times - Book of Beasts, The Word, Esplanade: Lauren Gallagher, DanceTabs - Danbury Mix, Ports of Call, Black Tuesday: Mary Cargill, Danceviewtimes Review – Miami City Ballet, The Fairy’s Kiss (Ratmansky), Fort Lauderdale: Gay Morris, Danceviewtimes Review – Zurich Ballet, Swan Lake (Ratmansky), Zurich: Sarah Batschelet, Bachtrack Opera Reviews – Mark Morris dance Group & MMDG Music Ensemble, Curlew River, Dido and Aeneas, New York: Martha Sherman, dancelog.nyc Deborah Jowitt, Arts Journal/DanceBeat News – Dance at the 2017 Edinburgh International Festival: Vivien Devlin, Edinburgh Guide Review – Birmingham Royal Ballet, Cinderella, Sunderland: Ed Waugh, Northern Echo Reviews – Pacific Northwest Ballet, Empire Noir, New Suite, Her Door to the Sky, Seattle: Moira Macdonald, Seattle Times Alice Kaderlan, Seattlepi Review – James Cousins Company, Rosalind, London: Josephine Leask, Londondance Review – Akram Khan Company, Until the Lions, Montreal: Robert Everett-Green, Globe and Mail Review – Queensland Ballet, No Man’s Land, Glass Concerto, Ghost Dances, Brisbane: Deborah Jones, FollowSpot Interview – James Finnemore, Choreographer: Ka Bradley, Londondance Review – Chrissie Ardill/Plan B, Citizen, Edinburgh: Mary Brennan, Herald Diary – Next week in New York: Leigh Witchel & Martha Sherman, dancelog.nyc Preview – Rina Mehta, Rachna Nivas & Others, A Kathak & Tap Collaboration, San Francisco: Leslie Katz, SF Examiner Review – Clairobscur Dance Company, desiccated earth/California, Bully, Girl, Get Off, LA: Jeff Slayton, SeeDance Review – Lucy Guerin Inc., Split, Melbourne: Jordan Beth Vincent, Brisbane Times Preview – Footnote Dance, The Rebel Pink, Touring NZ: Carly Thomas, Dominion Post Review – Flamenco Express, London: Anna Winter, Exeunt And the RB’s Yasmine Naghdi has bought a flat: Evening Standard
  16. The New York Times was off the mark on this very quickly indeed. There's an Obit by Alastair Macaulay, plus a rehash of some tributes from colleagues dating from 2010: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/20/arts/dance/trisha-brown-dead-modern-dance-choreographer.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fdance&action=click&contentCollection=dance&region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/20/arts/dance/5-artists-on-working-with-trisha-brown.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fdance&action=click&contentCollection=dance&region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront
  17. Links – Monday 20 March, 2017 Reviews – Royal Ballet, Flight Pattern (Pite premiere), Human Seasons, After the Rain, London: Clement Crisp, Financial Times Debra Craine, The Times Zoë Anderson, Independent Review - New York: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times - Ashley Bouder Project, “At this dance, women take the lead” – Triple Bill - Wendy Whelan & Brian Brooks Review – San Francisco Ballet, Fusion, Salome, Fearful Symmetries, SF: Toba Singer, Culture Vulture Review – Annie Arnoult/Open Dance Project, ‘Bout A Stranger, Houston: Molly Glentzer, Houston Chronicle Review – Australian Ballet, Faster, Squander and Glory, Infra, Melbourne: Melinda Oliver, Daily Review Preview – Osipova & Guests, Qutb, Run Mary Run, Auckland: Dionne Christian, NZ Herald Review – L.A. Ballet, Divertimento No 15, Prodigal Son, Who Cares? LA: Shari Barrett, BWW LA Review – Natasha Gilmore/Barrowland Ballet, Wolves, Glasgow: Mary Brennan, Herald Feature – Anna Pavlova’s only performance on film: Valerie Lawson, dancelines Review – Chunky Move, Anti-Gravity, Melbourne: Andrew Fuhrmann, Brisbane Times Review – Dance Massive, Stellar Project, Melbourne: Jordan Beth Vincent, The Age Review – James Cousins Company, Rosalind, London: Ka Bradley, Exeunt
  18. Links – Sunday 19 March, 2017 Reviews – Royal Ballet, Flight Pattern (Pite premiere), Human Seasons, After the Rain, London: Luke Jennings, Observer Vera Liber, BTG Feature – Diana Vishneva on changing gears and concerns over the next generation: Sarah Crompton, Sunday Times Preview – English National Ballet, Pina Bausch’s Rite of Spring: Sarah Crompton, Sunday Times Reviews – American Ballet Theatre, Whipped Cream (Ratmansky premiere), Costa Mesa: Laura Bleiberg, LA Times Jean Lenihan, Arts Journal/Fresh Pencil Reviews – Project Polunin, London: David Dougill, Sunday Times Luke Jennings, Observer Jeffery Taylor, Sunday Express Reviews – London, Louise Levene, Spectator - Company Wayne McGregor & Paris Opera Ballet, Tree of Codes - Russian Ballet Icons Gala Review – Australian Ballet, Faster, Squander and Glory, Infra, Melbourne: Jordan Beth Vincent, The Age Feature – Ashley Bouder Project: She talks to Colleen Leahey McKeegan: Marie Claire Gallery – James Cousin Company, Rosalind, London: Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs Review – Danza Contemporanea de Cuba, Reversible, The Listening Room, Matria Etnocentra, Edinburgh: Kelly Apter, Scotsman Review – Miami City Ballet, Divertimento No 15, Arden Court, Who Cares?, Palm Beach: Susan Fulks, Palm Beach Daily News Review – Cincinnati Ballet, Cut to the chase, Minus 16, Cincinnati: David Lyman, Cincinnati.com Review – Hubbard Street Dance, Solo Echo, Imprint, Violonchelo, Jardi Tancat, Chicago: Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune Review – Ballet BC, Anthem, Solo Echo, Swan, If I Were 2, Vancouver: Alexander Varty, Straight.com Review – Company Chameleon, Words Unspoken, Witness, London: Joanna Paschali & Natalie Cameron Ward, Londondance Review – Adam Linder, Acto Ficto Reflexo, London: Lara Hayward, Londondance Preview – Atamira Dance Company, Awa: When Two Rivers Collide, Auckland: William Dart, NZ Herald Review – Queensland Ballet, No Man’s Land, Glass Concerto, Ghost Dances, Brisbane: Michelle Potter, ... on dancing Review – Alberta Ballet, Alice in Wonderland (Stripe), Calgary: Stephan Bonfield, Calgary Herald
  19. Yes, those first reviews are pretty damning - and if Graham Watts' Tweets last night are any guide, his review will be in a similar vein. And I fear it's true that capability as a dancer does not necessarily translate into capability as a Director. I still recall one of the early Acosta and Friends bills at the Coliseum and the surprise of the people next to us that we had reached the Interval. The three or four pieces to that point were all so identical in mood that they had not noticed the transitions from one to another. And to be honest, had I not been keeping track of the changes in music used, I might have been similarly surprised.
  20. Strewth! 5 years and a bit down the track and you're all still finding things that I know nothing about and can't find. But I seem to have managed well enough without ......
  21. Links – Wednesday 8 March, 2017 Feature – Christian Lacroix & Costumes for POB Midsummer Night’s Dream: Dana Thomas, NY Times Reviews – Arthur Pita & HeadSpaceDance, Stepmother/Stepfather, London: Louise Levene, Financial Times Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Donald Hutera, The Times Review – Ballet Black, House of Dreams, Captured, Red Riding Hood, London: Graham Watts, Bachtrack News – Pennsylvania Ballet 2017-18 Season: Ellen Dunkel, Philly.com Review – Boston Ballet, Artifact, Boston: Lucy Wang, Harvard Crimson Review – Martha Graham Dance Company, Mixed Bill, New York: Marianne Adams, Danceviewtimes Preview – Sisters Grimm, Voices of the Amazon, London: Dom O’Hanlon, London Theatre Interview – Richard Move, Choreographer, and XXYY: Siobhan Burke, NY Times Preview – Eiko, Remembering Fukushima: Art and Conversations, New York: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Review – Stopgap Dance, The Enormous Room, London: Ka Bradley, Exeunt Diaries: - Coming up in New York: Leigh Witchel & Martha Sherman, dancelog.nyc - Next week around Houston: Staff, Houston Chronicle - In Toronto: Carly Magna, The Star News – Derek Deane & Shanghai Ballet, Swan Lake with 48 swans, Melbourne: Staff, BWW Australia
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