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Ian Macmillan

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Everything posted by Ian Macmillan

  1. Twitter says that Mr Macaulay has spoken: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/21/arts/dance/balanchine-jewels-lincoln-center-festival-city-ballet-bolshoi-paris-opera-ballet.html?smid=tw-nytimesarts&smtyp=cur
  2. I have just posted on the Mariinsky News thread, and repeat here: I have just received an email from the ROH. Apparently there are now discounted price tickets available for the Mariinsky's Don Q on 25 and 26 July, only - Stalls at £65 and Amphi at £35, using promotion code 'donquixote.'
  3. I have just received an email from the ROH. Apparently there are now discounted price tickets available for the Mariinsky's Don Q on 25 and 26 July, only - Stalls at £65 and Amphi at £35, using promotion code 'donquixote.'
  4. Links – Friday 21 July, 2017 Feature – Bolshoi Ballet, The Taming of the Shrew (Maillot): Laura Cappelle, NY Times Review – Emery LeCrone Dance, Festival Program, New York: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc Review – Tanguera, London: Donald Hutera, The Times Reviews – Trajal Harrell, Hoochie Koochie, London: Donald Hutera, The Times Mark Hudson, Telegraph Staff, Londondance Preview – La Scala Ballet & Guests, Giselle, Los Angeles: Kathleen Luppi, LA Times What’s On: - New York, This Week: Siobhan Burke, NY Times - Near Boston: Karen Campbell, Boston Globe (scroll down) Speaking in Dance – Teresa Reichlen: NY TImes Interview – Andrew Pearson, Choreographer & Performer: Jeff Slayton, SeeDance News – Royal New Zealand Ballet Family Day, Wellington: Chelsea McLaughlin, Dominion Post Video – 2017 Fire Island Dance Festival: Robert Viagas, Playbill
  5. Links – Thursday 20 July, 2017 Preview – Degas at The National Gallery: Katy Cowan, Creative Boom Feature – An American in Paris (Wheeldon) reaches Chicago: Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times News – Miami City Ballet opening 2017/18 with Jewels: Staff, BWW Florida Review – San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival: Paul Parish, Bay Area Reporter Preview – Charlotte Moraga & Others, The Art of Kathak, San Francisco: Frank Artrage, SF Examiner Preview – Danielle Agami/Ate9, Exhibit b, Vickie, Jacob’s Pillow: Jack Anderson, NY Times Feature – Merritt Moore, Dancer and Physicist: Lauren Steussy, New York Post Feature – Holly Blakey, Queen of Music Videos: Kate Hutchinson, Guardian Preview – Imagery/Amy Seiwert, Sketch 7/Wandering, San Francisco: Brandon Yu, SF Chronicle
  6. Links – Wednesday 19 July, 2017 Radio Preview – That 3-Company Jewels and more at Lincoln Center: Marina Harss, WNYC News Interview – Carlos Acosta, no longer competing with himself: Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Interview – Viktoria Tereshkina, how motherhood helped her career: Mark Monahan, Telegraph Review – Israel Galván, La Fiesta, Avignon: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Review – Dorrance Dance, ETM – Double Down, London: Anna Winter, Exeunt Preview – Shane Shambhu, Confessions of a Cockney Temple Dancer, London: Ka Bradley, Londondance Preview – Adam Weinert, Dance of the Ages, Jacob’s Pillow: Brian Seibert, NY Times Diaries: - In London This Week: Staff, Londondance - Jacob’s Pillow & New York: Martha Sherman, dancelog.nyc - San Francisco Ballet in Napa Valley Dance Gala: Carlos Valladares, SF Chronicle
  7. Links – Tuesday 18 July, 2017 Feature – The Bolshoi under the exacting eye of Makhar Vaziev: Neil MacFarquhar, NY Times Review – American Ballet Theatre’s Spring Season: Robert Gottlieb, NY Observer Review – American Ballet Theatre, Whipped Cream, New York: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc News – Ohad Naharin to leave Batsheva Dance: Roslyn Sulcas, NY Times Review – Saburo Teshigawara/KARAS, Sleeping Water, New York: Apollinaire Scherr, Financial Times Review – Dorrance Dance, ETM – Double Down, London: Graham Watts, Bachtrack Feature – Everyday People – Memorial Day Party, Brooklyn: Jennifer Miller, NY Times
  8. Just in case you haven't looked at this morning's Links, this one is highly pertinent: https://www.musicomh.com/classical/reviews-classical/bryn-zen-grange-park-opera-west-horsley
  9. Links – Monday 17 July, 2017 Review – Bryn Terfel & Zenaida Yanowsky at Grange Park Opera: Sam Smith, Music OMH Feature – The Mariinsky’s Kimin Kim: Sarah Crompton, Sunday Times Review – Saburo Teshigawara/KARAS, Sleeping Water, New York: Marina Harss, DanceTabs Feature – Bangarra Dance: the next wave of indigenous Australian storytellers: Stephen Page, Observer Review – National Youth Dance Company, Tarantiseismic, Latitude Festival: Nicole Evans, Reviews Hub Review – Thodos Dance Chicago, New Dances, Chicago: Lauren Warnecke, Chicago Tribune Review – Stephanie Bastos, Timeline, Sarasota, FLA: Carrie Seidman, Herald-Tribune Review – Daniel Ezralow and Company, Mixed Bill, Beverly Hills: Jane Rosenberg, Seen and Heard International Review – Ochre Contemporary Dance & The Farm, Good Little Soldier, Perth: Margaret Mercer, Dance Australia
  10. Ismene Brown reports on a Bolshoi Theatre Press Conference today - the Russian Culture Minister appears to have been the driving force for the 'postponement.' Report and comment here.
  11. I can't say about other papers, but Yasmine's promotion got a fair splash in today's Times, here.
  12. Links – Thursday 6 July, 2017 Reviews – Royal Ballet, The Winter’s Tale, Brisbane: Jill Sykes, Brisbane Times Rhys Ryan, Limelight Eric Scott, Absolute Theatre Review – Royal Ballet, Woolf Works, Brisbane: Gillian Wills, Australian Stage Review – Bolshoi Ballet, Onegin, Moscow: Margaret Willis, DanceTabs Reviews – American Ballet Theatre, Whipped Cream, New York: Andrew Blackmore-Dobbyn, Bachtrack Barnett Serchuk, BWW Review – American Ballet Theatre, Tchaikovsky Spectacular, New York: Robert Greskovic, Wall St Journal Reviews – Sisters Grimm, Voices of the Amazon, London: Louise Levene, Financial Times Judith Mackrell, Guardian Debra Craine, The Times Zoë Anderson, Independent Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Anna Winter, The Stage Reviews – Les Ballets C de la B, nicht schlafen, London: Ka Bradley, Exeunt Rachel Elderkin, The Stage Review – Finucane & Smith, The Rapture, Melbourne: Jordan Beth Vincent, The Age Review – Java Dance Company, The Creamery, Wellington: Ann Hunt, Dominion Post Preview – West Australian Ballet, Don Quixote (Aldous), Bunbury: Emily Ace, The West Australian Film Preview – Okwui Okpokwasili, Bronx Gothic, New York: Siobhan Burke, NY Times Speaking in Dance – Isabella Boylston: NY Times Preview – San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival: Paul Kotapish, SF Classical Voice
  13. Links – Wednesday 5 July, 2017 Review – Paris Opera Ballet, Drumming Live; La Sylphide, Paris: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Review – Dance at the Venice Biennale, 2017: Judith Mackrell, Guardian Review – American Ballet Theatre, Onegin (Stearns, Abrera), New York: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc Review – Bangarra Dance Theatre, Bennelong, Sydney: Deborah Jones, FollowSpot Review – Les Ballets C de la B, nicht schlafen, London: Donald Hutera, The Times Preview – Boris Charmatz, 10,000 Gestures, Manchester: Roslyn Sulcas, NY Times Review – Kyle Abraham, Dearest Home, New York: Brian Seibert, NY TImes Review – Momix, Opus Cactus, New York: Joel Benjamin, TheaterScene And the Edinburgh Festival + Fringe are not too far away now: - Best Dance Shows for the 2017 Season: Kelly Apter, The List
  14. Links – Tuesday 4 July, 2017 Review – Royal Ballet, Woolf Works, Brisbane: Denise Richardson, Dance Australia Feature – Tchaikovsky & Ratmansky at American Ballet Theatre: Mario R. Mercado, Playbill News – Veronika Part leaving American Ballet Theatre: Joshua Barone, NY Times Review – Birmingham Royal Ballet, Coppelia; Arcadia, Baiser de la Fée, Pineapple Poll, Bristol & Birmingham: Bruce Marriott, DanceTabs Reviews – Les Ballets C de la B, nicht schlafen, London: Zoë Anderson, Independent Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Erin Whitcroft, Bachtrack Review – New York City Ballet Moves, Dances at a Gathering, Duo Concertant, In Creases, New York: Gay Morris, Danceviewtimes Review – Alexander Whitley Dance Company, 8 Minutes, London: Graham Watts, Bachtrack Review – Bangarra Dance Theatre, Bennelong, Sydney: Geraldine Higginson, Dance Australia Preview – QL2, This Poisoned Sea, Canberra: Michelle Potter, Sydney Morning Herald Tour Review – CoisCeim Dance Theatre, The Wolf and Peter, Melbourne: Annika Priest, Australian Stage Diaries: - Near New York: Martha Sherman, dancelog.nyc - London, this week: Staff, Londondance
  15. Anne: In all truth, I'd prefer not.
  16. I will not readily swap Mmes Lear and Keith-Lucas for serious chaps in specs, sorry.
  17. It all sounds pretty different from the 6-month tour of Oz and NZ in 1958/59. Trunks sent ahead by sea via Harrod's Depository weeks in advance, and then a three day flight out. But the personal kit boxes seen in one of Olivia's posts a couple of days ago look identical to the two in our garage, so that's something that appears not to have changed.
  18. Links – Monday 3 July, 2017 Review – Royal Ballet, Woolf Works, Brisbane: Deborah Jones, FollowSpot Review – Miami City Ballet, Allegro Brillante, Barber Violin Concerto, Polyphonia, Jacob’s Pillow: Martha Sherman, dancelog.nyc Feature – Lucinda Childs, dance master of minimalism: Debra Craine, The Times Report – Rumba 101 with Two Ballet Pros, New York: Marina Harss, NY Times Feature – The logistics in moving New York City Ballet: Geraldine Freedman, Daily Gazette Review – Alexander Whitley Dance Company, 8 Minutes, London: Anna Winter, Exeunt Review – Melbourne Ballet Company, Arche, Melbourne: Jill Sykes, The Age Review – AXIS Dance, Occupy: A Site-specific journey through an urban garden, San Francisco: Allan Ulrich, SF Chronicle Review – Lydia Johnson Dance, Crossing the River, Giving Way, Trio Sonatas, This, and my heart beside, New York: Joel Benjamin, TheaterScene
  19. Links – Sunday 2 July, 2017 Review – Royal Ballet, Woolf Works, Brisbane: Michelle Potter, .... on dancing Book Preview– “For the Love of Dance,” Beryl Grey, A Nureyev Incident: Dalya Alberge, Observer Reviews – Alexander Whitley Dance Company, 8 Minutes, London: Luke Jennings, Observer Jeffery Taylor, Sunday Express David Dougill, Sunday Times (Scroll down) Feature – Alexei Ratmansky’s Whipped Cream: James Sutton, Playbill Review – Laura Peterson & Dancers, Failure, New York: Carrie Lee O’Dell, Reviews Hub Reviews– Joe Goode Performance Group, Various Excerpts, San Francisco: Rita Felciano, Danceviewtimes David E. Moreno, Culture Vulture Review – Chicago Tap Theatre, Changes, Chicago: Lauren Warnecke, Chicago Tribune Interviews – Director Kevin Irving & Choreographer Gioconda Barbuto: Jamuna Chiarini, Oregon Artswatch Feature – Making Fantasy a Reality at American Ballet Theatre: Robert Sandla, Playbill
  20. I must admit I had been unaware of the AAD until the start of this thread - after a short Google, I take it that the reference is to the Association of American Dancing? And if you put "AAD" into the Search box at the top of the page, you'll find some previous mentions in Doing Dance.
  21. For the record, today's Times carries a correction to yesterday's picture caption.
  22. Goldenlily: As an outside observer, your two posts thus far in this thread strike me as evincing a distinct personal concern over the lack of opportunities given to 2nd Year students in these performances. That may or may not be the case but, before the discussion develops further, it would be useful to know whether you have a connection as parent, relative or friend with someone in that year. If not, then so be it - but if there are to be further claims of a lack of nurture at the RBS, it would be useful for us all to know from what basis you are approaching the issue.
  23. Today's Times tells me that Times 2 tomorrow will run a Xander Parish feature.
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