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Ian Macmillan

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Everything posted by Ian Macmillan

  1. Links – Friday 18 August, 2017 Reviews – Royal New Zealand Ballet, Romeo and Juliet (Ventriglia), Wellington: Deirdre Tarrant, Theatreview John Daly-Peoples, National Business Review Review – Amy Seiwert/Imagery, Wandering, New York: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc Feature – “Nureyev” and Russian Culture Wars: The Economist Feature – Australian Ballet: Amber Scott prepares for Wheeldon’s Alice: Catherine Lambert, Herald Sun News – Ballet Nacional de Cuba coming to Tampa: Carrie Seidman, Sarasota Herald-Tribune Review – Julie Cunningham and dancers, Brutal, Your Ten Thousand Eyes, London: Debra Craine, The Times Preview – Ragnar Kjartansson/Iceland Dance Company, No Tomorrow, London: Ben Luke, Evening Standard Diary – New York This Week: Siobhan Burke, NY Times Review – Dropshift Dance, The Remains, Chicago: Lauren Warnecke, Chicago Tribune Speaking in Dance – The Body, a Percussive Instrument: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Edinburgh International Festival & Fringe: Preview – Scottish Dance Theatre, TuTu Mucky: John Preece, Edinburgh Reporter Review – Alfonso Baron& Luciano Rosso, Un Poyo Rojo: Domald Hutera, The List Review – Protein Dance, Border Tales: Kelly Apter, Scotsman Review – Boy Blue Entertainment, Blak Whyte Gray: Lucy Ribchester, The List Review – Oona Doherty, Hope Hunt and the Ascension into Lazarus: Donald Hutera, The Times And if you have 7 minutes to spare, there’s this: Seattle Times
  2. Links – Thursday 17 August, 2017 Reviews – Royal New Zealand Ballet, Romeo and Juliet (Ventriglia), Wellington: Jack Yan, Lucire Ann Hunt, Dominion Post - Long Radio Feature - Deirdre Tarrant, Radio NZ Review – Mariinsky Ballet, La Bayadère, Contrasts, London: Louise Levene, Spectator Reviews – Erasing Borders Festival of Indian Dance, New York: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Apollinaire Scherr, Financial Times Q&A – Erna Ómarsdóttir, Iceland Dance Company Director: Bruce Marriott, DanceTabs Diary – Around New York: Martha Sherman, dancelog.nyc Feature – Classical Indian dance connecting with a US-born generation: Carrie Seidman, Sarasota Herald-Tribune Preview – Alyssandra Katherine Dance Project, Brace Forward, San Francisco: Brandon Yu, SF Chronicle Edinburgh International Festival & Fringe: Feature – What it’s like to be part of Nederlands Dans Theater: Kelly Apter, The List Review – Maria Pagés, Yo, Carmen: Kirsty Morgan, Bachtrack Review – Taiwan Season, 5 Shows: Kelly Apter, Scotsman Review – Rachael Young & Dwayne Antony, Out: Anna Winter, The Stage Review – Vanessa Cook Dance, Creature: Kelly Apter, Scotsman Review – 201 Dance Company, Skin: Donald Hutera, The Times Kelly Apter, Scotsman Review – Blue Boy Entertainment, Blak, Whyte, Gray: Mary Brennan, Herald
  3. Links – Wednesday 16 August, 2017 Review – Mariinsky Ballet, La Bayadère, London: Rachel Elderkin, The Stage Gemma Bond & American Ballet Theatre Dancers: - Review: Then and Again, The Giving, Impressions, New York: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc - Preview: eight/twenty-one/seventeen, Sun Valley: Gia Kourlas, NY Times --- Includes an interview with Isabella Boylston Feature – Chicago’s Dance for Life seeks new directions: Lauren Warnecke, Chicago Tribune Review – Wayne McGregor & Random International, +/- Human, London: Staff, Londondance News – Boston Ballet’s 2017-18 Personnel: Jeffrey Gantz, Boston Globe Preview – Dance: Made in Canada, Ottawa: Michael Crabb, The Star News – Misty Copeland to guest as Aurora with Australian Ballet: Staff, Dance Australia Review – Victoria State Ballet, Cinderella, Melbourne: Susan Bendall, Dance Australia Review – DanceBourne, Godai Mixed Bill, Melbourne: Susan Bendall, Dance Australia Edinburgh International Festival & Fringe: Review – Aracaladanza, Vuelos: Kelly Apter, Scotsman Preview – Boy Blue Entertainment, Blak Whyte Gray: Kelly Apter, Scotsman Review – Velocity, Rising: Kelly Apter, Scotsman Review – Sun Son Theatre, Heart of Darkness: Lucy Ribchester, The List Review – Joan Cleville & Others, The North: Anna Winter, The Stage
  4. Day 3, and 123 is still there, I fear. Another Invision-hosted site that I frequent is not thus affected, by the way. Ho hum.
  5. No change here on the 123 business, so that's 48 hours more or less now and it's increasingly clear that the problem lies upstream of us users. I was unaware of 'ISP caching' until Lizbie's post, above, and have had a quick Google on the topic. I don't pretend to any depth of IT infrastructure knowledge, but some of what I've seen suggests that such caching is generally short-term, measured in hours rather than days, and if that's what's going on here then the limits are being severely pushed.
  6. John: Before seeing your last, I cleared everything from my Chrome browser ... and still that 123 page returns using our basic URL. I seem to be stuck with it.
  7. Other than now seeing that I'm not alone, I can see no change this morning. Firefox and Safari are fine with the Home page and beyond but on Chrome, my working browser, I can't get beyond that 123 page unless I use www.balletcoforum.com with an extension. Trying to reset my Forum Bookmark on Chrome is proving hopeless thus far - putting the basic URL into the search line always resolves to the 123 page.
  8. I've managed to get here in a most roundabout fashion and am still seeing the 123 Reg page from my Bookmark and, once there, can make no progress. I got here by playing with the various icons at the top of the page and, given my experience today, am very surprised that many users appear to have posted throughout the day without difficulty. Could it really be the case that the Mods are worst affected by whatever has been going on back at the Host servers? Now to see if I can submit this post successfully ...... Edit: Well that went OK. It seems to me that it's the Home page that's affected - using my browser's History file, I've bookmarked the Forums page and I appear to get in from there. Further edit: I've now moved to Firefox and found the Home page OK, so is it a Chrome issue? And it's also OK on Safari.
  9. John: In addition to that 'Apache' page I emailed to you, I've been getting random "Internal Server Error" messages when clicking on various areas of the Forum in the past 5 minutes. But they go away and return - all most odd. Sample attached.
  10. Links - Monday 07 August, 2017 Review - Mariinsky Ballet, Anna Karenina, London: Debra Craine, Times Review - Mariinsky Ballet, Swan Lake; English National Ballet, Romeo and Juliet, London: David Dougill, Times Review - English National Ballet, Romeo and Juliet, London: Gerard Davis, Dancing Review Review - Vail Dance Festival, 2 mixed programmes, Vail: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Edinburgh International Festival and Fringe: Review - Gandini Juggling, Sigma: Anna Winter, Stage Review - Djuki Mala: Claire Sawers, The List Review - Lenka Vagnerova, Gossip: Lucy Ribchester, The List Review - Margaret McAuliffe, The Humours of Bandon: Lucy Ribchester, The List Review - Gecko & Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre, The Dream: Lucy Ribchester, The List Review - Arab Arts Focus, dance double bill: Donald Hutera, The List Review - Vanessa Cook Dance, Creature: Donald Hutera, The List Review - Northern Ballet, Casanova, Manchester: Staff, Arts Shelf Review - Marie Chouinard, Soft virtuosity, still humid, on the edge; Emanuel Gat, TENWORKS (for Jean-Paul), Montpelier: Pawit Mahasarinand, The Nation Featurette - The dancer as brand ambassador, then and now: Valerie Lawson, Dancelines Feature - Alice Reyes, AD Emerita Ballet Philippines: Cathy Canares-Yamsuan, Philippines Inquirer Feature - Leadership lessons from a ballet teacher: Shellie Karabell, Forbes Posted with apologies - the formatting tools are still not working properly. Links trawl completed by Janet McNulty.
  11. How else is he going to pay all his dancers the equivalent of substantially more than £1800 per month?
  12. Links – Saturday 5 August, 2017 Reviews – Mariinsky Ballet, Anna Karenina, London: Mark Monahan, Telegraph Louise Levene, Financial Times Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Mark Pullinger, Bachtrack Edinburgh International Festival & Fringe: Feature – No Miracles Here: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Preview - Requiem for Aleppo: Kelly Apter, The List Preview – Aracaladanza, Vuelos: Kelly Apter, The List Preview – Maria Pagés, Yo, Carmen: Kelly Apter, The List News – Should the EIF dates change (again)? Brian Ferguson, Scotsman News – Ballet and the sweet smell of success: Jack Malvern, The Times Feature – Renegades & Radical Bodies in 3 New York Exhibitions: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Feature – AileyCamp Miami, boosting confidence through dance: Brooke Henderson, Miami Herald Review – NOW Festival, 2017, Los Angeles: Jeff Slayton, SeeDance Diary – Edinburgh & London: Judith Mackrell, Guardian Book – Katherine Dunham: Dance and the African Diaspora/Joanna Dee Das: Siobhan Burke, NY Times Review – Yvette Nolan, Michael Greyeyes & Others, Bearing, Toronto: Emma Doran, Dance Current Review – Mudra Dance Company, Kartikeya, Wellington: Donna Banicevich Gera, Theatreview
  13. Links – Friday 4 August, 2017 Reviews – English National Ballet, Romeo and Juliet (Nureyev), London: Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard Margaret Willis, Bachtrack Gerald Dowler, Classical Source Siobhan Murphy, DanceTabs Vera Liber, BTG Gallery – Mariinsky Ballet, Anna Karenina, London: Dave Morgan, DanceTabs Review – San Francisco Ballet, Annual Outdoors Program at Stern Grove: Toba Singer, Culture Vulture Review – Rome Opera Ballet, Parade, Pulcinella, Pompeii: Martina Angioloni, Bachtrack Feature – David Hallberg returning to Australian Ballet: Hannah Francis, Sydney Morning Herald Review – Trajal Harrell, Hoochie Koochie, London: Siobhan Murphy, DanceTabs Review – Cirio Collective, Mixed Bill, New York: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc Preview – Dance at Wilderness 2017: Rachel Elderkin, Exeunt Preview – Ballet B.C., Babylon (+ Flowers), Vancouver: Dana Gee, Vancouver Sun Diaries: - New York This Week: Siobhan Burke, NY Times - Around Portland : Jamuna Chiarini, Oregon Artswatch Documentary – Step: Glenn Kenny, NY Times Joe Morgenstern, Wall St Journal
  14. John: The discs look so much less intimidating - thanks!
  15. Links – Thursday 3 August, 2017 Reviews – English National Ballet, Romeo and Juliet (Nureyev), London: Clement Crisp, Financial Times Mark Monahan, Telegraph Zoë Anderson, Independent Debra Craine, The Times Neil Norman, The Stage Stefan Kyriazis, Daily Express Jim Pritchard, Seen and Heard Joy Sable, Jewish Chronicle Gallery - Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs Review – Mariinsky Ballet, Swan Lake & Don Quixote, London: Louise Levene, Spectator Review – San Francisco Ballet, Annual Outdoors Program at Stern Grove: Paul Parish, Bay Area Reporter Feature – Wayne McGregor, drones, his DNA and +/- Human: Lyndsey Winship, Evening Standard News – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Next Season: Joshua Barone, NY Times Review – Trajal Harrell, Hoochie Koochie, London: Siobhan Murphy, DanceTabs Review – Claudia Schreier & Company, Mixed Bill, New York: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc Preview – Bangarra Dance Theatre, Bennelong, Canberra: Ron Cerabona, The Age Preview – Jasmyn Fyffe, Solo show – What do you see? Toronto: Brad Wheeler, Globe and Mail News – Royal Ballet of Cambodia to visit Hong Kong: TimeOut HK Speaking in Dance – Jazzy Jumpers: NY Times Edinburgh International Festival & Fringe: - Brexit affecting 2018 and 2019 planning: Brian Ferguson, Scotsman
  16. Alison: I imagine that's a feature that will differ for users depending on when they last looked at a thread but, for what it's worth, there's a blue line on my screen three posts up, and I think all of those posts have appeared since I was last here. From your question I assume we had that before - but I'd never noticed it.
  17. John, Thanks for the deletions! Could we try a round coloured disc for those initials? I'm finding that solid square block of colour to be far more dominant than the avatar pics of the same size.
  18. Could the 'tastefully coloured boxes' be reduced in size? I'm already finding them a distraction. And that Heart, and the truly awful apparitions when one hovers over it - Heaven preserve us!
  19. I had to log-in on startup this morning but, having deliberately gone out, I appear to have returned without difficulty.
  20. Links – Wednesday 2 August, 2017 Reviews – Joyce Ballet Festival, New York: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Robert Greskovic, Wall St Journal Edinburgh International Festival & Fringe: - Best Dance (scroll down), Telegraph - Velocity: Rising, Kelly Apter: The List Preview – Out of Doors Festival, Eastern European Dance, New York: Martha Sherman, dancelog.nyc Interview – Marlee Grace, Instagram Improviser, Personal Practice: Siobhan Burke, NY Times
  21. Links – Tuesday 1 August, 2017 Review – Mariinsky Ballet, Swan Lake, London: Clement Crisp, Financial Times Reviews – Bolshoi Ballet, The Taming of the Shrew, New York: Lauren Gallagher, DanceTabs Andrew Blackmore-Dobbyn, Bachtrack Feature – Isaac Hernández, English National Ballet: Debra Craine, The Times Feature – Trajal Harrell, Voguing & Hoochie Koochie: Judith Mackrell, Guardian Reviews – BalletNOW, Mixed Bill, Los Angeles: Jeff Slayton, Bachtrack Jane Rosenberg, Seen and Heard News – Sarasota Ballet & ABT’s Marcelo Gomes at The Guggenheim in November: Carrie Seidman, Herald-Tribune News – New home for Bangarra Dance Theatre: Staff, Daily Review Review – Gabrielle Nankivell + Others: Split Second Heroes, Adelaide: Maggie Tonkin, Dance Australia Edinburgh International Festival & Fringe: Preview – NDT, Sol Leon & Paul Lightfoot, Stop-Motion & Others: Kelly Apter, Scotsman And, Misty Copeland becomes an Estée Lauder ‘Spokesmodel’: Michael Cooper, NY Times
  22. Melissa: I don't doubt that Ms Rojo is keen to see ENB included in any (necessarily subjective) Top 10 lists, but I'm less clear what your endorsement of such an aim contributes to this thread on Leavers & Joiners. And I may well be at fault here - advancing age perhaps - but, in putting your argument, I find the meaning of "bring top tier and peachy" just a shade opaque.
  23. And it's made the news pages: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/hull-star-xander-parish-takes-giant-step-up-at-russian-ballet-q2kl65hph?shareToken=f32a5952bebf231a7e84744c1e4b702e
  24. Just tried out of interest following the above - and I can't access the ROH on my normal bookmark or via the Book Tickets button on this morning's email. Oops - "Server Error: Service Unavailable (503") has just appeared.
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