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Ian Macmillan

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Everything posted by Ian Macmillan

  1. The title pretty much says it all. After a limited trial, we opened to the public on 23 December 2011. All thanks to Bruce Marriott, and to ballet.co, the pioneering site that preceded us.
  2. Links – Monday 24 December, 2018 Review – Royal Ballet, Les Patineurs, Winter Dreams, The Concert, London: Jann Parry, DanceTabs Review – Memorable Performances of 2018, London: Lynette Halewood, DanceTabs Reviews – Natalia Osipova/Arthur Pita, The Mother, Edinburgh: Thom Dibdin, The Stage Lucy Ribchester, The List Film Review – Polina: Simran Hans, Observer Reviews– Queensland Ballet, The Nutcracker (Stevenson), Brisbane: Denise Richardson, Dance Australia Eden Bryant, Australian Stage As Alistair Macaulay retires from the New York Times, his first article from 2007: Confessions of a ‘Romeo’ Fiend: NY Times
  3. Permit me to put in an early word for the seven dancers of Ballet Black in their touring double bill comprising Cathy Marston's The Suit, a story with drama and melancholy, and Arthur Pita's A Dream within A Midsummer Night's Dream, all sparkle and fantasy - all in all, a well-balanced evening's entertainment.
  4. The Telegraph's access rules are added, below. The article has some Share icons but a Test has just shown that using the link then provided has no more effect than direct online access. "Premium" access is slowly restricting what's available to the Links team from unless we buy into a newspaper's subscription system - I gave up on The Australian over a year ago and have recently found the Boston Globe to be equally restrictive. (And several other US sites have also become unavailable here since the the introduction of the GDPR rules in Europe earlier this year.)
  5. More immediately, she has Arthur Pita's The Mother in Edinburgh at the end of this week - see lengthy interview-based piece in to day's Links.
  6. Links – Friday 14 December, 2018 Tributes – Elaine McDonald, former Scottish Ballet Principal Dancer: Brian Ferguson, Scotsman Reviews – Matthew Bourne/New Adventures, Swan Lake, London: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Siobhan Murphy, Time Out London Emma Byrne, Evening Standard Mark Pullinger, Bachtrack Zoë Anderson, Independent Debra Craine, The Times Mark Monahan, Telegraph Louise Levene, Financial Times Anna Winter, The Stage Jessica Wilson, SeeingDance Keith Watson, Metro Film Review – Darcey Bussell remembers Sylvia from 2005: Jann Parry, DanceTabs Review – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Two 60th Anniversary Programs, New York: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times News – Sergei Polunin Programme, London Palladium, May 2019: Staff, BWW UK Book/Gallery – Darcey Bussell “Evolved”: Zoe Paskett, Evening Standard Diary – Coming up in New York: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Review – Sydney Dance Company, Pre-Professional Year Show, Sydney: Jill Sykes, SMH Review – Odissi Dance Festival, Portland: Jamuna Chiarini, Oregon Artswatch Today’s Seasonal Collection: Review – Ballett Zürich, The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, Zürich: Sarah Batschelet, Bachtrack Review – Scottish Ballet, Cinderella (Hampson), Edinburgh: Thom Dibdin, The Stage Gallery – English National Ballet, The Nutcracker, London: Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs Review – San Francisco Ballet, The Nutcracker (Tomasson), San Francisco: Leslie Katz, SF Examiner
  7. For tomorrow's Links - London Palladium, May/June 2019: https://www.broadwayworld.com/westend/article/Sergei-Polunin-Presents-A-New-Mixed-Bill-At-The-London-Palladium-20181213 Box Office open tomorrow but casting etc TBN.
  8. Links – Thursday 13 December, 2018 Review – Ballet Nacional de España, 40th Anniversary Gala Programme, Madrid: Cristina de Lucas, Bachtrack News – Wendy Whelan, Sara Mearns amongst names for Jacob’s Pillow, 2019: Joshua Barone, NY Times Review – Catherine Galasso, Of Iron and Diamonds V3: Alone Together, San Francisco: Rita Felciano, Danceviewtimes News – NBC’s Guillaume Côté to guest with the Bolshoi: Debra Yeo, Toronto Star Review – Motionhouse Dance Theatre, Happy Hour, Knot & Others, Rugby: David Mead, SeeingDance Preview – LunarFest, The New Butterfly Lovers, Vancouver: Staff, Straight.com Today’s Seasonal Collection: Review – Royal Ballet, The Nutcracker (Wright), London: Laura Freeman, Spectator Review – Ballet West, The Nutcracker (Christensen), Washington DC: Ashley McKean, Danceviewtimes Review – Oregon Ballet Theatre, The Nutcracker, Portland: Martha Ullman West, Oregon Artswatch
  9. Indeed, and you may find some clues in a Guardian interview in today's Links.
  10. Links – Wednesday 12 December, 2018 Review – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, The Call, Kairos & Others, New York: Apollinaire Scherr, Financial Times Interview – Tory Dobrin, AD of The Trocks: Gia Kourlas, NY TImes Interview – Benoit Swan Pouffer, next AD at Rambert: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Review – Pavel Zustiak & Palissimo Company, Custodians of Beauty, Berkeley: David E Moreno, Culture Vulture Today’s Seasonal Collection: Reviews – Scottish Ballet, Cinderella (Hampson), Edinburgh: Graham Watts, Bachtrack Mark Brown, Telegraph Review – Paris Opera Ballet, Cendrillon/Cinderella (Nureyev), Paris: Marisa Hayes, Culture Vulture Streaming Review – Royal Ballet, The Nutcracker (Wright), London: Jim Pritchard, Seen and Heard Feature – Ghosts of Nutcracker Past, preserved on film: Marina Harss, NY Times Feature – Five Dancers on Managing Nutcracker’s Props and Costumes: Hannah Foster, Pointe Magazine Background – San Francisco Ballet’s Nutcracker: Janos Gereben, SF Classical Voice Preview – Celebrating Diversity - The Brooklyn Nutcracker: Cindy Sibilsky, BWW Preview – Mixed Nuts in Vancouver: Shawn Conner, Vancouver Sun Preview – Washington Ballet, the Nutcracker: Jason Fraley, WTOP
  11. Links – Tuesday 11 December, 2018 Feature – Celebrating the legacy of Arthur Mitchell: Alexandra Villareal, Guardian Review – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, The Call, Shelter, In/Side, Revelations, New York: Martha Sherman, Danceviewtimes Review – Hong Kong Ballet, Giselle, Hong Kong: Carla Escoda, Dance Journal HK -- Interview - AD Septime Webre: Carla Escoda, Dance Journal HKh Review – Stephen Petronio Company, Steve Paxton Choreography, New York: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Review – Sasha Waltz & Guests, Körper, Berlin: Katja Vaghi, Bachtrack Review – Carlos Maria Romero, Steven Warwick & Others, HQ (I Feel So Mezzaniney), London: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Reviews – Bangarra Dance Theatre, Dubboo- Songman & Showman, Sydney: Geraldine Higginson, Dance Australia Michelle Potter, .... on dancing Review – Australian Ballet School, La Sylphide & Selected Works, Melbourne: Susan Bendall, Dance Australia ‘Tis the season: Reviews – Scottish Ballet, Cinderella (Hampson), Edinburgh: Mary Brennan, Herald Graeme Strachan, BTG Especially over at the Stahlbaum’s: Reviews – Royal Ballet, The Nutcracker (Wright), London: G J Dowler, Classical Source Louise Levene, Financial Times Review – Joffrey Ballet, The Nutcracker (Wheeldon), Chicago: Irene Hsiao, Chicago Reader Feature – Understanding Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Score: David Bernard, Gramophone Review – Pennsylvania Ballet Orchestra, The Nutcracker (Tchaikovsky), Philadelphia: Peter Dobrin, The Inquirer
  12. Links – Monday 10 December, 2018 Film Review – Dame Darcey Bussell remembers Sylvia from 2005: Jim Pritchard, Seen and Heard Interview – Stella Abrera, ABT Principal: Alisa Hayashida, South Pasadenan Review – Company Wayne McGregor, Autobiography, Los Angeles: Qianqian Xing, BWW Feature – Best of 2018 in Washington DC: Sarah L Kaufman, Washington Post Review – City Contemporary Dance Company, Nuts’Hell, Jangdan, Hong Kong: Natasha Rogai, SCMP
  13. Links – Sunday 9 December, 2018 Seasonal Nutcrackers: Reviews – Royal Ballet, London: David Dougill, Sunday Times Luke Jennings, The Observer Vera Liber, BTG Backstage Gallery – English National Ballet: Greg Funnell, Sunday Times Review – Northern Ballet, Leeds: Dawn Smallwood, Reviews Hub Review – Ballet West, Washington D C: Alexander C Kafka, DC Theatre Scene Review – Royal New Zealand Ballet, Auckland: Felicity Molloy, Theatreview Preview – Joffrey Ballet, Chicago: Tricia Despres, Chicago Sun-Times And elsewhere: Review - Goteborgsoperans Danskompani, Icon, Noetic, London: David Dougill, Sunday Times Review – N W Dance Project, Wolf Tales, Snow White, Portland: Bob Hicks, Oregon Artswatch Review – Boston Dance Theater, Today for Now, Deeper Inscription, Man of the Hour, Chameleon, Boston: Marcia B Siegel, Arts Fuse News – State Censorship of the Arts in Cuba: Mimi Whitefield, Miami Herald
  14. And over at the Barbican: https://twitter.com/LezBrotherston/status/1071103915482058752
  15. Meanwhile, at a cinema not far from Covent Garden: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/film-fans-left-reeling-by-40-cinema-seats-9f50pzrpk?shareToken=030688a3fe33d45422e30003cb9bd96b
  16. Links – Friday 30 November, 2018 Review – Semperoper Ballett, The Four Temperaments, Errand into the Maze, Black Milk, Songs for a Siren, Dresden: Maggie Foyer, SeeingDance Reviews – Nitin Sawhney, Sébastien Ramirez, Honji Wang, Dystopian Dream, London: Maggie Foyer, SeeingDance Vera Liber, BTG Audrey Lemarchand, Bachtrack Reviews – Northern Ballet, The Nutcracker (Nixon), Touring: Eleanor Pringle, Eastern Daily Press Louise Lewis, BTG Review – BalletX, 3 Premieres - The Last Lifeboat, Yonder, Napoleon/Napoleon, Philadelphia: Ellen Dunkel, The Inquirer Gallery – 48 Shanghai Ballet dancers in Swan Lake poses, Berlin: MailOnline Opinion – Alberta Ballet, proof that arts must run as a business: Larry E Clausen, Calgary Herald Review – Northern School of Contemporary Dance, ‘New Ground’ Showcase, Leeds: Rich Jevons, Reviews Hub Review – Didy Veldman/Umanoove, The Knot, London: Rachel Elderkin, Fjord Review Gallery – Mavin Khoo, Man to Monk: Part 1, London: Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs Preview – Boston Dance Theater, 4 Premieres, Boston: Merli V Guerra, Fjord Review Review – Philadanco! Choreographers on the Move, Philadelphia: Merilyn Jackson, Fjord Review Feature – Australian Dance Diary, November 2018: Michelle Potter, ..... on dancing
  17. Well, he explains in very broad terms what they did, but too broadly for us to get any clear idea of the specific measures taken. However, it was a bit naughty of me to have introduced this into a ROH Thread for the situations are far from identical. To the best of my knowledge, Mr Clausen has been involved in keeping afloat just a ballet company and not the theatres in which it normally performs - there are two, I think, in Calgary and Edmonton. And again, if I'm correct, his Board will have been responsible for the entire financing of the Company, for I doubt that it receives much (if any) Provincial or Federal support. Canadian Forum members, feel free to tell me I'm wrong.
  18. Anything to learn from Calgary? .......... https://calgaryherald.com/opinion/columnists/opinion-alberta-ballet-is-proof-the-arts-must-run-as-a-business
  19. Links – Thursday 29 November, 2018 Review – Royal Ballet, The Unknown Soldier, Infra, Symphony in C, London: Laura Freeman, Spectator Streamed Performance – Bolshoi Ballet, Don Quixote: Jim Pritchard, Seen and Heard Review – Royal Swedish Ballet, Annonciation, Totality in Parts, Wings of Wax, Stockholm: Maggie Foyer, SeeingDance Review – English National Ballet, Swan Lake (Deane), Bristol: Eleanor Young, Weston Mercury Review – Ballet Black, The Suit, Dream within A Midsummer Night’s Dream, York: Louise Jones, York Press News – Merce Cunningham at 100: 75 dancers/300 solos/3 cities – April 2019: Chris Wiegand, Guardian Reviews – Nitin Sawhney, Sébastien Ramirez, Honji Wang, Dystopian Dream, London: Richard Maguire, Reviews Hub Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Anna Winter, The Stage Donald Hutera, The Times - Pictures – Tristram Kenton, Guardian Review – Darbar 2018 – Sujata Mohapatra, Gauri Dieakar, Adventures in Odissi and Kathak, London: Lynette Halewood, DanceTabs News – An enlarged home for Queensland Ballet? Felicity Caldwell, Brisbane Times Preview – Australian Ballet, The Merry Widow, Adelaide: Alexis Buxton-Collins, Adelaide Review Reviews – Gandini Juggling, Sigma, Salford: Jay Nuttall, Reviews Hub Martin Thomasson, BTG Review – Royal New Zealand Ballet, The Nutcracker (Caniparoli), Palmerston North: Tania Kopytko, Theatreview
  20. Links – Wednesday 28 November, 2018 Radio Feature – Royal Ballet, The Unknown Soldier – Interviews with the Creatives: Edwina Pitman, BBC Sounds Dance Tributes - The Alvin Ailey Company at 60: - Rennie Harris, Lazarus: Gia Kourlas, NY Times - Ronald K Brown, The Love: Marina Harss, NY Times News – Nominations for the National Dance Awards, 2018: DanceTabs Feature – The Nutcracker at Tivoli, Copenhagen: Sibylle de Valence, CPH Post Video Preview – Washington Ballet’s Nutcracker: BWW Review – James Wilton Dance, The Storm, London: Lynette Halewood, DanceTabs Review – ODC/Dance, The Velveteen Rabbit, San Francisco: Heather Desaulniers, DanceTabs Aakash Odedra Company, #JeSuis, Salford: Peter Jacobs, Reviews Hub Feature – Freefall Dance Company, live and on film: David Mead, SeeingDance Preview – Christopher Rudd/Dance Now!, F(l)ight, with 3 Others, Miami: Diana Dunbar, Miami Herald
  21. Links – Tuesday 27 November, 2018 Review – Didy Veldman/Umanoove, The Knot, London: Sara Veale, DanceTabs Reviews – Houston Ballet, The Nutcracker (Welch), Houston: Molly Glentzer, Houston Chronicle Natalie De La Garza, Houston Press - Video Clip: Playbill Reviews – Rambert, Life is a Dream, Edinburgh: Mary Brennan, Herald Dominic Corr, Reviews Hub Review – Darbar Festival, Indian Classical Music & Dance, London: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Review – The Snowman, London: Scott Matthewman, Reviews Hub Review – Sarasota Ballet Studio Company & many others, Misatango, Sarasota: Carrie Seidman, Sarasota Herald-Tribune Review – Kat Valastur with others, Stellar Fauna, Berlin: Katja Vaghi, Bachtrack Interview – Olivia Ancona, Dancer – ‘Suspiria,’ Portland Ballet etc: Heather Wisner, Oregon Artswatch TV Preview – Darcey Bussell: Dancing to Happiness: Matthew Moore, The Times
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