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Ian Macmillan

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Everything posted by Ian Macmillan

  1. Links – Monday 11 February, 2019 Review – New York City Ballet, Herman Schmerman, Principia, The Runaway, New York: Barnett Serchuk, BWW Dance Review – Sadler’s Wells Sampled 2019, London: Rachel Nouchi, BTG Review – Matthew Bourne/New Adventures, Cinderella, Los Angeles: Peter Debruge, Variety Review – Mark Morris Dance Company, Pepperland, Boston: Jeffrey Gantz, Boston Globe Review – West Australian Ballet, X-It, The Sofa, In-Synch, Reincarnation, Perth: Margaret Mercer, Dance Australia Tour Review – James Cousins & Dancers, Epilogues, Ipswich: Sanjoy Roy, Guardian Review – James Wilton Dance, The Storm, Blackpool: David Upton, BTG Feature – Elizabeth Cameron Dalman/Teac Damsa, Swan Lake, Perth: Simon Collins, West Australian Review – Camille A. Brown & Dancers, ink, New York: Deborah Jowitt, Arts Journal/DanceBeat
  2. I've been at a loss to understand the problem here. Like MJW, above, using Chrome on my desktop, nothing appears to have changed. For example:
  3. Links – Sunday 10 February, 2019 Review – New York City Ballet, Herman Schmerman, Principia, The Runaway, New York: Deborah Jowitt, ArtsJournal/DanceBeat News – Natalia Osipova joining Meryl Tankard for Adelaide Festival: Matthew Smith, ABC News Galleries – Sadler’s Wells Sampled 2019, London: Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs Roy Tan, BWW UK Preview – Martha Graham Dance Company, Mixed Bills, Sarasota: Susan L Rife, Sarasota Herald-Tribune Review – Ballet West, Swan Lake (Sklute), Salt Lake City: Sofia Sant’anna-Skites, Daily Utah Chronicle Review – Figs in Wigs, Often Onstage, London: Ka Bradley, The Observer
  4. Taste most certainly changes. Many (most?) today will recognise the Bach Passions as masterpieces of European art, but I was greatly taken aback to discover years ago that they had languished in near obscurity for a century or so until Felix Mendelssohn staged them and brought them back from the archives. Something similar must be happening with ballet - we may need to leave it to our grandchildren to find out exactly what.
  5. Well done, one and all - and if Johnny comes back and says that these are not the photos he mentioned, you may get to do it all again!!
  6. These by any chance? https://picclick.co.uk/Leslie-E-Spatt-noted-ballet-photographer-22-x-264142729039.html
  7. "Good music"? Aye, there's the rub, for we might well lack unanimity in our views of any particular piece.
  8. Links – Saturday 9 February, 2019 Obituaries: - Dame Libby Komaiko, Ensemble Espanol: Miriam Di Nunzio, Chicago Sun-Times - Zsuzsa Kun, Hungarian State Ballet: Mia Nadasi, Independent Review – New York City Ballet, Interplay, In the Night, NY Export: Opus Jazz, New York: Carol Pardo, Danceviewtimes Interview – Javier Torres, Northern Ballet: Cecilia Crespo, On Cuba Review – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Lazarus, Revelations, Washington DC: Sam Abney, BWW DC Review – Angelin Preljocaj & Dancers, Gravité, Paris: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Review – Dutch National Ballet’s Junior Company, Mixed Bill, Gouda/Touring: Lambrecht Wessels, Bachtrack Matthew Bourne/New Adventures: Review - Cinderella, Los Angeles: Lewis Segal, LA Times Interview/Preview – Swan Lake, Dublin: Christie Seaver, Irish Times News – Pam Tanowitz commissioned for NYCB Spring Gala: Roslyn Sulcas, NY Times Previews – Akram Khan, XENOS; Polish National Ballet, Swan Lake (Pastor), Montreal: Jim Burke, Montreal Gazette Preview – Footnote New Zealand Dance & Guangdong Modern Dance Company, Hemispheres, Auckland/Touring: Eleanor Wenman, Stuff.co News – Pittsburgh Ballet, 2019-20 Programme: Mark Kanny, Tribune-Review Diaries: - UK, Next Week: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian (Scroll down …) - LA & Southern Cal: Matt Cooper, LA Times
  9. Well, well - so he started by impersonating his twin brother who had passed the audition that he failed! Quite an impressive interview.
  10. Links – Friday 8 February, 2019 Feature – Dance Treasures in the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts: Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Reviews – Royal Ballet, New Work New Music 6-Bill, London: Mark Monahan, Telegraph Louise Levene, Financial Times Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Emma Byrne, Evening Standard Debra Craine, The Times Review – Paris Opera Ballet, Faun, Dogs Sleep, Les Noces (Lidberg), Paris: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Feature – John Neumeier & Hamburg Ballet in Hong Kong: David Mead, SeeingDance Review – Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Lazarus, Revelations, Washington DC: Susan Galbraith, DC Theatre Scene Review – BalletBoyz, Young Men, New York: Joel Benjamin, TheaterScene Review – Matthew Bourne/ New Adventures, Swan Lake, Birmingham: Phil Preece, SeeingDance Review – L-E-V Dance Company, OCD Love, Love Chapter 2, Sydney: Geraldine Higginson, Dance Australia News – Karen Kain to receive RAD Award: Debra Yeo, Toronto Star Diaries: - New York, Next Week: Gia Kourlas, NY Times - Portland and around: Jamuna Chiarini, Oregon Artswatch Review – Jacob Boehme, Blood on the Dance Floor, Vancouver: Janet Smith, Straight.com Reviews – The Manipulate Festival, Edinburgh: Mark Fisher, Guardian Mary Brennan, Herald
  11. As of now, there will be 3 other reviews in tomorrow's Links. By the morning, who knows?
  12. Links – Thursday 7 February, 2019 Feature – Cassa Pancho and Ballet Black: Emma Byrne, Evening Standard Review – San Francisco Ballet, Don Quixote, San Francisco: Paul Parish, Bay Area Reporter Reviews – New York City Ballet, Herman Schmerman, Principia, The Runaway, New York: Gay Morris, Danceviewtimes Lauren Gallagher, DanceTabs Review – Martha Graham Dance Company, The EVE Project, Philadelphia: Lewis Whittington, Culture Vulture Review – Matthew Bourne/New Adventures, Swan Lake, Birmingham: Geoff Mills, Reviews Hub Interview – Liam Mower, with New Adventures in LA: Christina Campodonico, LA Times Preview – Joffrey Ballet, Anna Karenina (Possokhov), Chicago: Kyle MacMillan, Chicago Sun-Times Review – Gandini Juggling & Alexander Whitley, Spring, London: G J Dowler, Classical Source Review – Diablo Ballet, Balanchine and Beyond, San Francisco: Toba Singer, Culture Vulture Review – Kristin Damrow & Company, Impact, San Francisco: David E Moreno: Culture Vulture Review – L-E-V Dance Company, OCD Love, Love Chapter 2, Sydney: Jill Sykes, SMH Review – Company Company, Gala (Bel), Los Angeles: Victoria Looseleaf, Fjord Review News – Post: Ballet, Season:Ten, 2019 Program: Janos Gereben, SF Classical Voice Review – Camille A. Brown & Dancers, “ink”, New York: Siobhan Burke, NY Times Review – African American Dance Theater, Drum Love, New York: Sheila Kogan, TheaterScene
  13. Douglas: I've had different layout issues in the past that have come and eventually cleared without my doing anything different, and my posting about it here has revealed nobody seeing anything similar. So, on your problem, I've just seen a post in the sidebar timed at 7 minutes ago and that checked OK on entering the thread concerned.
  14. An Obit en Anglais, from Monday's Times: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/michel-legrand-obituary-nh8zw09q0?shareToken=043f7efb2281800dc698a953d024a4d9
  15. It's surely a welcome initiative - perhaps in time we'll have all the major UK companies doing livestream performances.
  16. Links – Sunday 27 January, 2019 Review – San Francisco Ballet, Gala – “This is Passion”, San Francisco: Rita Felciano, Danceviewtimes Review – New York City Ballet, Orpheus, Apollo, Agon, New York: Barnett Serchuk, BWW Dance Review – New York City Ballet, Serenade, Mozartiana, Tschaikovsky Piano Concerto No 2, New York: Gay Morris, Danceviewtimes Review – London, David Dougill, Sunday Times - Alessandra Ferri, Herman Cornejo, Bruce Levingston, TRIO Concert Dance - Royal Ballet, Asphodel Meadows, Two Pigeons - English National Ballet, Manon Review – Sarasota Ballet, Transcending Movement 4-Bill, Sarasota: Carrie Seidman, Herald-Tribune Feature – Bangarra Dance Company at 30: Valerie Lawson, dancelines Preview – V/DA, Mele Broomes, VOID, Edinburgh: Mark Brown, Herald Preview – Kristin Damrow & Company, Impact, San Francisco: Leslie Katz, SF Examiner Review – Liu Kuan-Hsiang & Others, Kids, Vancouver: Janet Smith, Straight.com Reviews – Resolution 2019, London: 25 January: Graham Watts & Anna Mortimer, The Place - Michaela Cisarikova Dance Company, I Love Myself, Do You? - Sara Green, BURNT OUT - Dani Harris-Walters, Happy Father’s Day
  17. Links – Saturday 26 January, 2019 Review – San Francisco Ballet, Gala – “This is Passion”, San Francisco: Carla Escoda, Bachtrack Feature – Daily Class – the place to challenge gender stereotypes: Madison Mainwaring, NY Times Feature – Mikko Nissinen & William Forsythe at Boston Ballet: Jonathan Soroff, The Improper Bostonian Diaries: - UK, Next Week: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian (Scroll to end) - Around LA, Next Week: Matt Cooper, LA Times Interview – Jeroboam Bozeman, Alvin Ailey Company: Nicole Decsey, Dance Current News – Destiny Rising Charity Performance, New York: Nathan Skethway, Playbill Reviews – Resolution 2019, London: 24 January: Bruce Marriott & Mark Aspen, The Place - NYK Dance Company, Dreamers - Christina Dionysopoulou, Catch 28 - Amy Ollett, Milk
  18. A trailer for this film has been issued with a number of internet links possible, eg: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/films/2019/01/24/white-crow-first-trailer-watcholeg-ivenko-transform-intorudolf/
  19. If there are, indeed to be over 100 performers on that West Road stage area, I'm guessing that many won't be moving too far, and that there will be no live orchestra.
  20. Mandy: Checking back through Links reviews, it's an extract from an Angelin Preljocaj ballet, Le Parc.
  21. Links – Friday 25 January, 2019 Review – San Francisco Ballet, Gala – “This is Passion”, San Francisco: Leslie Katz, SF Examiner Review – New York City Ballet, Apollo, Orpheus, Agon, New York: Mary Cargill, Danceviewtimes Feature – Costumes for ABT/Ratmansky’s Harlequinade: Sadie Dingfelder, Washington Post Feature – Pacific Northwest dancers demonstrate The Rose Adagio: Moira Macdonald, Seattle Times News – Birmingham Royal Ballet, 2019-20 Season: SeeingDance Video – Trailer for Nureyev film, The White Crow: Staff, Telegraph Review – Hubbard Street Dance, Program B Mixed Bill, Berkeley: David E. Moreno, Culture Vulture Review – Whim W’him, 3x3 Mixed Bill, Seattle: Megan Burbank, Seattle Times Diaries: - Coming up in New York: Gia Kourlas, NY Times - Around Boston, till March: Karen Campbell, Boston Globe - Portland and around: Jamuna Chiarini, Oregon Artswatch Feature – New artwork at NYCB’s home theatre: Michael Cooper, NY Times Review – Jen Rosenblit, I’m gonna need another one, New York: Siobhan Burke, NY Times Preview – National Ballet Theatre of Odessa, The Sleeping Beauty, Albany, NY: Indiana Nash, Daily Gazette Preview – Kidd Pivot, Revisor – World Premiere, Vancouver: Janet Smith, Straight.com Preview – Experimental Dance Week, Auckland: Dionne Christian, NZ Herald Reviews – Resolution 2019, London: 23 January: Bryn Davis, & Neil Norman, The Place - Company Concentric, Play On - Sacred Motion, Mother Smith - AllouAqui Dance Theatre, Milan’s Game
  22. Links – Thursday 24 January, 2019 Obituaries: - Patricia Lousada: Dancer with Balanchine, Author and more: Catherine Shoard, Guardian - Elaine McDonald, Scottish Ballet Principal: The Times - Andy de Groat, Dancer & Choreographer: Roslyn Sulcas, NY Times Reviews – New York City Ballet, Apollo, Orpheus, Agon, New York: Apollinaire Scherr, Financial Times Marina Harss, DanceTabs Brian Seibert, NY Times News – Viengsay Valdés takes over at Cuban National Ballet: Jennifer Stahl, Dance Magazine Reviews – Alessandra Ferri, Herman Cornejo, Bruce Levington, TRIO ConcertDance, London: Margaret Willis, DanceTabs Vera Liber, BTG London Reviews – Laura Freeman, Spectator - ENB, Manon - Ferri, TRIO ConcertDance - RB, Asphodel Meadows, Two Pigeons Review – Suresnes Cités Danse 2019, Various performances: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Propwatch – The suicide note in Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake: David Jays, Arts Journal Feature – New costumes for Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No 2 at NYCB: Misty White Sidell, WWD Diary – Bay Area till April: Leslie Katz, SF Examiner Review – Company 605, Loop, Lull, Vancouver: Janet Smith, Straight.com Review – One Infinity, Sydney: Jill Sykes, SMH Reviews – Resolution 2019, London: 22 January: Josephine Leask & Hannah Brierley, The Place - Bridget Lappin, Where We’ve Been, Little One - Thomas Page Dances, Aporia - Jay Yule, Viva La Vulva And San Francisco Ballet had its annual Gala Opening Night on Wednesday: - Frock gallery etc here: SF Chronicle
  23. Say it quietly ...... but all has reverted to normal, without any intervention that I know of!
  24. Links – Wednesday 23 January, 2019 Review – Royal Ballet, Asphodel Meadows, Two Pigeons, London: Gerald Dowler, Classical Source Review – Ballet de Lorraine, Unknown Pleasures 5-Bill, Paris: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Reviews – Matthew Bourne/New Adventures, Cinderella, Washington DC: Arielle Ostry, Danceviewtimes Alexander C. Kafka, DC Theatre Scene Review – Dorrance Dance, Jungle Blues, Three To One, Myelination, Boston: Marcia B. Siegel, Arts Fuse Review – Hubbard Street Dance, Jardi Tancat, N.N.N.N., Lickety-Split, Grace Engine, Berkeley: David E. Moreno, Culture Vulture Feature – Movement Research/Michelle Boulé, MoMA, New York: Gia Kourlas, NY Times News – Graeme Murphy: Illness forces Australian Ballet cancellation: Valerie Lawson & Nick Galvin, SMH Preview – Toronto Dance Theatre/Jeanine Durning, This Shape, We Are In, Toronto: Michael Crabb, The Star From the archives: - The Balanchine/Stravinsky Partnership, Charles M. Joseph, Playbill
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