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Ian Macmillan

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Everything posted by Ian Macmillan

  1. Weather and traffic permitting, my wife and I should be there too - and we'll be joined by three grand-daughters getting their first Marston experience. Our last visit to Leeds was for the opening of Cathy's Tale of Two Cities for Northern (still NBT at that time?) in 2008 - somewhat to our surprise we ended up in a Times Style supplement after an Interval interview!
  2. Links – Sunday 3 March, 2019 Obituary – Bonnie Merrill – Dancer, Teacher, Choreographer: Heather Wisner, Oregon Artswatch Review – Royal Ballet of Flanders, Fall, Chronicle, Boléro (Wim Vanlessen’s final performance), Antwerp: Graham Watts, DanceTabs Review – New York City Ballet, Prodigal Son, Liebeslieder Waltzes, New York: Mary Cargill, Danceviewtimes Review – National Ballet of Canada, Apollo; Nigh;, The Sea Above, The Sky Below; Paquita, Toronto: Michael Crabb, The Star Preview – Sarasota Ballet, Apparitions, Stars and Stripes, Sarasota: Jay Handelman, Herald-Tribune Preview – Boston Ballet, Full on Forsythe –Triple Bill, Boston: Jed Gottlieb, Boston Herald Review – Jessica Lang Dance, Lyric Pieces, The Calling, Thousand Yard Stare, This Thing Called Love, San Francisco: Heather Desaulniers, DanceTabs Interview – Oleg Ivenko, on playing Nureyev in The White Crow: David Jays, Sunday Times Review – Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, Bon Voyage, Bob, London: Sarah Crompton, The Observer Review – Beijing Dance Theater, Hamlet, Wilmington, NC: Chase Harrison, encore online Review – National Dance Company Wales, Awakening – Triple Bill, Newport: Othniel Smith, BTG Review – Java Dance Theatre, The Creamery, Hamilton: Dr Debbie Bright, Theatreview Tour Review – Footnote NZ Dance & Guangdong Modern Contemporary Companies, Hemispheres, Wellington: Greer Robertson, Theatreview NB: For those with access, there appears to be a very positive review of English National Ballet’s Giselle in the Chicago Tribune but it’s still blocked in the UK since GDPR last year.
  3. Links – Saturday 2 March, 2019 News – Legal action begun on financial management of Balanchine Trust: Sarah L Kaufman, Washington Post Review – English National Ballet, Giselle (Khan), Chicago: Hedy Weiss, WTTW Opinion – Progress but not equality at NYCB? Marina Harss, NY Times Feature – RNZB Principal Abigail Boyle faces retirement: Bess Manson, Dominion Post Review – Polish National Ballet, Swan Lake, Montreal: Rebecca Galloway, Bachtrack Review – Ballet B.C., Program 2 – 1st Flash, WHICH/ONE, Solo Echo, Vancouver: Janet Smith, Straight.com Reviews – Charles Atlas, Rashaun Mitchell, Silas Reiner & Others, Tesseract, London: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Lynette Halewood, DanceTabs Anna Winter, The Stage Rachel Nouchi, BTG Tour Review – Rambert, Life Is A Dream, Leicester: Sally Jack, BTG News – Special Award for Matthew Bourne at this year’s Oliviers: Playbill Diaries: - London during March: Staff, Londondance - New York, This Spring: Marina Harss, New Yorker - UK, Next Week: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian (As ever, scroll down) - Southern Cal, Next Week: Matt Cooper, LA Times - Montreal Area in March: Jim Burke, Montreal Gazette - Vancouver in March: Dana Gee, Vancouver Sun Gallery – UK National Dance Awards for 2018: Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs Review – Java Dance Company, Back of the Bus, Hamilton: Dr Debbie Bright, Theatreview And you’ll have to check out The Price of Fun: James Tozer, Economist 1843 Magazine
  4. My memories of Previn predate his LSO time by several years, from around 1960/61, when my jazz pianist friend Bob introduced me to his Trio albums "Gigi" and "My Fair Lady" - and I recall being quite taken aback when he subsequently turned up in the UK as a classical conductor.
  5. Links – Friday 1 March, 2019 News – NYCB’s New Leaders: Jonathan Stafford & Wendy Whelan: Michael Cooper, NY Times (and elsewhere) Sarah L Kaufman, Washington Post Review – Washington Ballet, The Sleeping Beauty, Washington DC: Maria Di Mento, DC Theatre Scene Features – William Forsythe at Boston Ballet: Karen Campbell, Boston Globe Roslyn Sulcas, NY Times Feature - The day I was bewitched by Rudolf Nureyev: Roderick Gilchrist, Telegraph Feature – Northern Ballet’s George Liang: David Mead, SeeingDance Review – Complexions Contemporary Ballet, Program A: Bach 25, Star Dust, New York: Joel Benjamin, TheaterScene Review – Yorke Dance Project, Playground, Between and Within, Communion, Imprint, Winchester: Rachel Elderkin, Fjord Review Review – Cie l’Oublié(e)/Raphaelle Boitel, When Angels Fall, New Jersey: Merli V Guerra, Fjord Review Review – BODYTRAFFIC, Contemporary Mixed Bill, Scottsdale, AZ: Merilyn Jackson, Fjord Review Diaries: - New York, Next Week: Brian Schaefer, NY Times - Vancouver International Dance Festival: Shawn Conner, Vancouver Sun Review – Waikato Contemporary Dance Trust, Sheltering Moves, Hamilton: Dr Debbie Bright, Theatreview Review – Shaun Parker & Company, KING, Sydney: Geraldine Higginson, Dance Australia Feature – Behind the cancellation of the Australian Dance Awards: Karen van Ulzen, Dance Australia Review – Faith, Smack That (a conversation), London: Karl O’Doherty, Reviews Hub And there's also this: Picture Essay – Forget Tango: the Murga of Buenos Aires is a riot of sequins & salvation: Kate Stanworth, Guardian
  6. Katherine, thank you. The New York Times now has the news in a possibly more digestible form.
  7. Links – Thursday 28 February, 2019 Feature – Choreographer Cathy Marston and her brand of narrative ballet: Maggie Foyer, Dance International Interview – Sir Richard Alston, looking to the future: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Review – Royal Ballet, Don Quixote, London: G J Dowler, Classical Source Tour Preview – Mark Morris Dance Company, Pepperland, London+: Chris Wiegand, Guardian Reviews - Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, Bon Voyage, Bob, London: Graham Watts, Bachtrack Laura Freeman, Spectator (+ Since She) Preview – Sarasota Ballet, Preparing Balanchine’s Stars and Stripes: Niki Kottmann, YourObserver. com Review – Vicky Shick & Dancers, next to the sink, New York: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc 5Q & A – Choreographer James Cousins on Epilogues: Bruce Marriott, DanceTabs Speaking in Dance – Melissa Toogood & Calvin Royal III: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Review – ArtsEmerson/Raphaëlle Boitel, When Angels Fall, Boston: Don Aucoin, Boston Globe Review – Jody Kuehner (aka Cherdonna Shinatra)/DONNA, DITCH, Seattle: Becs Richards, Seattle Times Diary – Portland & Oregon: Jamuna Chiarini, Oregon Artswatch Review – Bouge de lá, The 26 Letter Dance, Ottawa: Carly Maga, Toronto Star Preview – Peggy Baker Dance Projects, Who We Are In The Dark, Montreal: T’cha Dunlevy, Montreal Gazette Review – Footnote NZ Dance & Guangdong Modern Dance Companies, Hemispheres, Dunedin: Hannah Molloy, Theatreview Something with potentially serious ramifications for ballet and dance: Feature – Noise in the orchestra pit: ROH legal case: Tim Bano, The Stage
  8. Links – Wednesday 27 February, 2019 Feature – William Christie/Les Arts Florissants, Rameau, Maître à Danser, New York: Marina Harss, NY Times Feature – Balanchine’s Dark Waltzes: Can Love Suffice? Alastair Macaulay, NY Times Feature – The Rite of Spring: what would music be without it? Gillian Moore, Guardian Review – Paris Opera Ballet, Dogs Sleep, Les Noces (Lidberg), Faun, Paris: Joy Wang, SeeingDance Reviews- Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, Bon Voyage, Bob, London: Sarah Kent, Arts Desk Siobhan Murphy, DanceTabs Review – BalletBoyz, Them/Us, Edinburgh: Kelly Apter, The Scotsman Interview – Choreographer Angie Pittman: Siobhan Burke, NY Times Feature – Choreographer Martin Lawrance: John Byrne, The Stage News – Boston Ballet, 2019-20 Season: Staff, BWW Boston Jeffrey Gantz, Boston Globe Review – Farah Saleh, What My Body Can/t Remember, Edinburgh: Claire Sawers, The List Review – Bill Young/Colleen Thomas & Co, Mixed 6-Bill, New York: Deborah Jowitt, Arts Journal/DanceBeat
  9. Links – Tuesday 26 February, 2019 Obituary – Dame Margaret Scott, Australian Ballet: Michelle Potter, Dance Australia Reviews – New York City Ballet, New York - Sleeping Beauty: Michael Popkin, Danceviewtimes - Interplay, In the Night, NY Export: Opus Jazz: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc Reviews- Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, Bon Voyage, Bob, London: Louise Levene, Financial Times Rachel Elderkin, The Stage Roslyn Sulcas, NY Times (+ Since She) Reviews – Michele Wiles/BalletNext, Birds of a Feather, La Folia, Bachground, Hey Wait, New York: Rose Marija, BWW Sheila Kogan, TheaterScene Picture Feature – BalletBoyz, Them/Us, Touring: Bruce Marriott, DanceTabs Review – Lucy Ribchester, The List Interview/Preview – Ivan Putrov, Against the Stream, London: David Mead, SeeingDance Review – Michael Keegan-Dolan/Teac Damsa, Swan Lake/Loch na hEala, Perth: Humphrey Bower, Daily Review Review – Elmhurst Ballet Company, “Origins” Mixed Bill, London: Naomi Cockshutt, BTG Review – Minh Tran & Dancers, Anicca (Impermanence), Portland: Martha Ullman West, Oregon Artswatch Review – Footnote Dance & Guangdong Modern Dance Companies, Hemispheres, Christchurch: Ian Lochhead, Theatreview Review – Slap Festival, Various Groups, York: Catherine Love, Guardian Letters to the Editor responding to the lead Link on 12 February: New Yorker News - Dance teacher left shocked when four sets of twins joined her ballet class: The Metro
  10. Links – Monday 25 February, 2019 Reviews - Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, Bon Voyage, Bob, London: Vera Liber, BTG Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Donald Hutera, The Times - Gallery: Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs Preview – Northern Ballet, Victoria (Marston), Leeds/Touring: Matthew Dennison, Telegraph Review – Birmingham Royal Ballet, Beauty and the Beast, Birmingham: Graham Watts, Bachtrack Review – Farruquito, Farruquito Flamenco Bill, New York: Marina Harss, DanceTabs Review – Paris Opera Ballet, Swan Lake (2 Casts), Paris: Joy Wang, SeeingDance Preview – Royal New Zealand Ballet, Choreographic Series, NZ – Touring: Carly Thomas, Dominion Post Preview – Footnote New Zealand Dance & Guangdong Modern Dance Company, Hemispheres Triple Bill, NZ – Touring: Rebecca Fox, OtagoDaily Times Preview – Ballet Victoria, Carmina Burana (Destrooper), Victoria: Don Descoteau, Monday Magazine Final Reviews – Resolution 2019, London, 23 February: Donald Hutera & Sophie Chinner, The Place - Azara, Just Another Night - What Is Written Dance Company, Submerso - Anna Dighero, Costa Brava Sunset Reviews – Cirque Eloize, London: Graham Watts, DanceTabs Maggie Foyer, SeeingDance Preview – Ballet B.C., Salant/Elo/Pite Triple Bill, Vancouver: Dana Gee, Vancouver Sun Overview – Bourne Cinderella, Joffrey Various and lots more: Donna Perlmutter, LA Observed Feature – Ballet meets Science: Emma Sandall, Dance Australia
  11. I'm somewhat surprised to hear that some of the crowd from the BBC's Greatest Dancer seem to have been there.
  12. Links – Sunday 24 February, 2019 Obituary – Dame Margaret Scott, Australian Ballet: Valerie Lawson, dancelines Reviews – Royal Ballet, Don Quixote; Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, Since She, London: David Dougill, Sunday Times Sarah Crompton, The Observer Preview – Northern Ballet, Victoria (Marston), Leeds: Sally Clifford, Bradford Telegraph & Argus Review – Hong Kong Ballet, The Great Gatsby (Webre), Hong Kong: Kevin Ng, Asia Times Reviews – Resolution 2019, London, 22 February: Neil Norman & Katie Hagan, The Place - Alice Bonazzi/Sara Marques, IRMĀ - I l l y r, untitled - Kamavera Dance Theatre, Temporal Discord Review – Risa Jaroslow & Dancers, At Your Service, San Francisco: J B Rosario, SF Examiner
  13. Links – Saturday 23 February, 2019 Feature – What happens when catwalk designer meets choreographer? Grace Cook, Financial Times Reviews – Houston Ballet, Sylvia (Welch), Houston: Natalie de la Garza, Houston Press Olivia Flores Alvarez, Houstonia - Gallery: Playbill Interview – John Neumeier, Choreographer: Anastassia Boutsko, Deutsche Welle Tour Preview – Peggy Baker, Sarah Neufeld & Dancers, Who we are in the dark, Toronto: Michael Crabb, Toronto Star Review – Crystal Pite/Kidd Pivot, Revisor, Vancouver: Janet Smith, Straight.com Review – Wen Wei Dance, Ying Yun, Vancouver: Janet Smith, Straight.com Review – Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, Lin Hwai-min Programme, Hong Kong: Natasha Rogai, SCMP Reviews – Resolution 2019, London, 21 February: Donald Hutera & Isobel Rogers, The Place - AYENAI, Living Here - Tasarla Watson: ASAR Dance Co, Trance With Me - Caterina Danzico & jeph Vanger, The Lost art of Being Reviews – Jasmin Vardimon Company, Medusa, Edinburgh: Claire Sawers, The List Kelly Apter, Scotsman Diaries: - UK, Next Week: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian (Scroll down) - LA Area, Next Week: Matt Cooper, LA Times Review – Shaun Parker/King Dance, King, Sydney: Martin Portus, Daily Review Review – Auckland Fringe Festival, Movement of the Human: Chloe Klein, Theatreview News – Breakdance as an Olympic sport? Aamna Mohdin, Guardian News – Progress on new premises for London’s Central School of Ballet: Staff, SeeingDance And there’s a Swan over Wellington’s Oriental Bay: Dominion Post
  14. Links – Friday 22 February, 2019 Feature – Peter Martins – not entirely gone from NYCB, it seems: Robin Pogrebin, NY TImes Feature – Whipped Cream – Viennese Ballet and Pop Surrealism meet Dark Medicine, Dr Jason F Wang, JAMA Network Reviews – San Francisco Ballet, San Francisco - Divertimento, Appassionata, Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming, San Francisco: Toba Singer, Culture Vulture - Programs 2 and 3, Paul Parish, Bay Area Reporter Preview – San Francisco Ballet, The Sleeping Beauty (Tomasson), san Francisco: Staff, BWW SF Review – Atlanta Ballet, La Sylphide (Kobborg), Atlanta: Jenifer Sarver, Bachtrack Speaking in Dance – Sarah Mearns, Balanchine’s Prodigal Son: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Diary – New York, Next Week: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Preview – BalletBoyz, Them/Us, Edinburgh/Touring: Kelly Apter, The List Reviews – Resolution 2019, London, 19 and 20 February: - Nathan Johnston & Emily Nicholl, Levels; Kesha Raithatha, Traces; Hsing-Ya Wu, In Between: Anna Winter & Anna Mortimer, The Place - Maisy Luk & Vanessa Mildenberg, The Forgotten Gift; Clarisse ROUD Works, Odyssey; Fraser and Friends, there won’t be glitter: Hannah Brierley & Bruce Marriiott, The Place Preview – Dance for Peace (Danza por la Paz) Gala, Miami: Sean Erwin, Miami Herald Review – Black Choreographers Festival, First Programme, San Francisco: Leslie Katz, SF Examiner Review - Cirque Eloize, Hotel, London: Donald Hutera, The Times Interview – San Francisco Ballet’s Mathilde Froustey with Mourad Lahlou, Samantha Nobles, SF Chronicle
  15. I recall that he was at a RAD Genée final in London some years ago, so he appears to have an interest.
  16. Dave, good to see you behind a camera once again - I've been missing you on LInks recently.
  17. Dawnstar: I rather think you're right on the hooped skirts. I think it was in the first Acosta and Friends bill that Zenaida Yanowsky danced a solo to one of the Monteverdi 1610 Vespers motets, wearing just the hooped underpinning over a shift of some kind. All very odd, with the hoops having a life of their own, and not my favourite Yanowsky memory.
  18. I spy with my little eye a random sponsor breaking into a song and dance act!
  19. Well, as something of a Don Q sceptic, I have to say I really enjoyed last night's streamed showing. I'd somehow assumed we'd seen the Acosta version before but, as soon as the Prologue started, it became clear this was all new to me. A great improvement on the other productions I've endured, and certainly well put across by one and all, from Ms Takada and Mr Campbell down to the youngsters involved at times. The new sets, chaps actually playing guitars, and a Don Q who retained some dignity and was not entirely doddering - all most welcome.
  20. Many years ago I had to report indiscretions in an open rail carriage that indicated the speaker was working somewhere in No 10 Downing Street, close to the PM. I understand that the person concerned was subsequently removed. That old wartime poster about "Be like Dad - keep Mum" had much to commend it.
  21. Well, it's beyond me how system-sensitive the same original layout can be.
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