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Ian Macmillan

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Everything posted by Ian Macmillan

  1. DanceTabs has just put up a review/report on the Competition by Graham Watts - and it ends by pointing out that a young chap called Muntagirov was in the 2011 competition, didn't win, and that fact seems not to have held him back. Just a thought.
  2. Cathy has been in New York for some time now, preparing for Jane's US premiere on 4 June, incidentally the first full-length ballet by a female at the New York Met since 1980. She took part in a conversation about the project with Isabella Boylston and Devon Teuscher a couple of evenings back and it's available here: https://www.92y.org/archives/conversation-american-ballet-theatre-premiere-jane-eyre
  3. Links – Thursday 9 May, 2019 Review – San Francisco Ballet, Shostakovich Trilogy, San Francisco: Janice Berman, SF Classical Voice Review – Stuttgart Ballet, ‘Break-Through’ Triple Bill, Stuttgart: Maggie Foyer, SeeingDance Review – Paris Opera Ballet, Trois Gnossiennes, Speak for Yourself, Sleight of Hand, Paris: Michelle Potter, ... on dancing Review – Staatsballett Berlin, La Sylphide, Berlin: Veronica Posth, SeeingDance Reviews – Deborah Colker Dance Company, Dog Without Feathers, London: Debra Craine, The Times Sanjoy Roy, Guardian Teresa Guerreiro, Culture Whisper Review – Northern Ballet, The Great Gatsby, Salford: Jo Beggs, Reviews Hub Review – Sydney Dance Company, Bonachela/Nankivell/Lane, Melbourne: Jana Perkovic, The Age Film Review – Yuli – The Carlos Acosta Story: Jim Pritchard, Seen and Heard Review – AVA Dance Company, No Woman’s Land, London: Teresa Guerreiro, Culture Whisper Exhibition – Design Dialogues – The Ancient World and the Ballets Russes, Guggenheim, NY: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc Speaking in Dance – Oklahoma, an extravagantly minimalist dream: Gia Kourlas, NY Times And over in Vancouver .... ....... a table lamp inspired by Ballet BC and William Forsythe: Straight.com
  4. Please, there's now a thread in "Performances Seen" for comment on the real thing. It's no longer News.
  5. Links – Wednesday 8 May, 2019 Feature – SFB’s Helgi Tomasson: Brits best at making dance: Debra Craine, The Times Preview – Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, making Medusa for the Royal Ballet: Roslyn Sulcas, NY Times Feature – Alexei Ratmansky – How Shostakovich shook me up: Judith Mackrell, Guardian Review – New York City Ballet, Bartok Ballet, New York: Apollinaire Scherr, Financial Times Review – New York City Ballet, Slaughter on 10th Avenue, Barber Violin Concerto, Diamonds, New York: Carla Escoda, Bachtrack Review – Natalia Osipova & Colleagues, Pure Dance, New York: Sheila Kogan, TheaterScene Preview – Matthew Bourne/New Adventures, Romeo & Juliet (Bourne); Mark Monahan, Telegraph Review – BODYTRAFFIC, Mixed Bill, Philadelphia: Lewis Whittington, Culture Vulture Review – Scottish Dance Theatre, Ritualia, The Circle, Dundee: Kelly Apter, Scotsman Tour Review – Ballet Black, Pendulum, Click!, Ingoma, Cambridge: Angela Singer, Saffron Walden Reporter
  6. Janet: I never did see a Cast List at the premiere in Leeds so was blissfully unaware of the Corps being "Red People," but thought it pretty clear that they were varyingly archivists, courtiers and even items at The Great Exhibition.
  7. Well it brought Zenaida Yanowsky and Begoña Cao for one thing, as Judge and Mentor, respectively - and that can't be bad. Plus one of the girls dancing a solo from Traces, possibly the first Cathy Marston work I saw, so that was also good. One of the 4 girls won, a young lady from English National's School if I'm not mistaken. My own money would have been on the only boy, who put in some bravura solos and a very creditable performance as the 'short dancer' in the Tall/Short dance from Elite Syncopations.
  8. I note from a DanceTabs tweet that tonight's performance has been dedicated to Clement Crisp, till recently and for many years the Dance Critic of the Financial Times.
  9. See also Links for last Thursday, 25 April - a biggish feature from The Times.
  10. As to that blackout this afternoon, ENO has tweeted that a "Power shortage in the Covent Garden area" led to cancellation of a matinee at the Coli, with a decision still to be taken about tonight's show.
  11. Links – Saturday 27 April, 2019 Reviews – Merce Cunningham Centennial, Night of 100 Solos: - London: Martin Hargreaves, Artforum - New York: Deborah Jowitt, Artforum - Los Angeles: Megan Metcalf, Artforum Gallery – Fab-u-lous! Darcey Bussell at 50: Staff, Guardian Feature – Mavis Staines & Canada’s National Ballet School, Jonathan Dekel, Globe and Mail Diary – Southern California, Next Week: Matt Cooper, LA Times Review – Fevered Sleep, Men & Girls Dance, London: Richard Maguire, Reviews Hub Review – Nora Invites Deborah Hay, Where Home Is, London: Sophia Moss, Reviews Hub Review – Focus Dance Company, Great Freedom, The Sky Seen From The Moon, Taipei: David Mead, SeeingDance Preview – Erika Mitsuhashi & Francesca Frewer, Dust, Vancouver: Janet Smith, Straight.com Reviews – Ain’t Misbehavin’, Choreography by Oti Mabuse, London: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Howard Loxton, BTG A tenuous dance connection, and it’s been some time since I last did so, but everyone should know: - How to wear a kilt: Colour Sergeant Andrew Benson, Scotsman
  12. John: I very much agree about his style whilst being interviewed, and he has a pretty fascinating back story that sets him far apart from his ministerial colleagues in terms of life experience. Just a pity he appears not to be keen on ballet.
  13. I thought I'd spared you all from this when doing today's Links! But let discussion proceed .......
  14. Links – Friday 26 April, 2019 Reviews – Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker/Rosas/Jean-Guihen Queyras, Mitten wir im Leben sind/Bach6Cellosuiten, London: Louise Levene, Financial Times Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Debra Craine, The Times David Nice, Arts Desk Rachel Elderkin, The Stage Vera Liber, BTG Teresa Guerreiro, Culture Whisper Review – New York City Ballet, Pictures at an Exhibition, Oltremare, Rodeo: 4 Dance Episodes, New York: Marina Harss, DanceTabs Review – New York City Ballet, Two Programs, New York: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Film – The White Crow: Nureyev Biopic: Manohla Dargis, NY Times (Trailer – Playbill ) News – Ballet Black’s Cira Robinson to guest with Scottish Ballet The Crucible premiere: Phil Miller, Herald Preview – Boris Charmatz, 10,000 Gestures, London: Georgina Butler, Culture Whisper Diary – New York, Next Week: Brian Schaefer, NY Times Review – Joffrey Ballet, ‘Across the Pond’ Triple Bill, Chicago: Kyle MacMillan, Chicago Sun-Times Preview – Complexions Contemporary Ballet, ‘Bach to Bowie’ Double Bill, Auckland: Dionne Christian, NZ Herald Review – Morph Dance Company, Woven, Salford: Dave Cunningham, Reviews Hub Preview – Scottish Dance Theatre, The Circle, Ritualia, Dundee/Edinburgh: Claire Sawers, The List
  15. Links – Thursday 25 April, 2019 Reviews – San Francisco Ballet, The Little Mermaid, San Francisco: Paul Parish, Bay Area Repoter Rita Felciano, Danceviewtimes Review – New York City Ballet, Pictures at an Exhibition, Oltremare, Rodeo: 4 Dance Episodes, New York: Ivy Lin, Bachtrack Gallery – Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker/Rosas, 6 Bach Cello Suites, London: Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs Interview – Farooq Chaudhry: Yang Liping’s Rite of Spring, London: Teresa Guerreiro. Cuture Whisper Preview – Sadler’s Wells Flamenco Festival 2019, London: Georgina Butler, Culture Whisper TV Preview – Akram Khan, The Curry House Kid: Michael Odell, The Times Film – The White Crow, Nureyev biopic: Laura Bleiberg, LA Times Review – Joburg Ballet, The Sleeping Beauty (Gielgud), Johannesburg: Maggie Foyer, SeeingDance Review – National Youth Dance Company, Madhead, Ipswich: Donald Hutera, The Times Preview – Ballet BC, Eyal/Bennathan/Naharin Triple Bill, Vancouver: Staff, Straight.com Preview – Bay Area Dance Week: Leslie Katz, SF Examiner
  16. Links – Wednesday 24 April, 2019 Feature – Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, making Medusa for the Royal Ballet: Debra Craine, The Times Feature – Suzanne Farrell back at New York City Ballet: Alistair Macaulay, NY Times Interview – Jonathan Stafford & Wendy Whelan, their plans for NYCB: Charles Isherwood, Playbill Review – Paris Opera Ballet, Sleight of Hand, Speak for Yourself, Trois Gnossiennes, Paris: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Preview – Nicky Paraiso & La MaMa Moves! Gia Kourlas, NY Times Tour Review – Ballet Black, Pendulum, Click!, Ingoma, Northampton: Lily Canter, Chronicle & Echo Review – Damien Jalet & Kohei Nawa, Vessel, London: Siobhan Murphy, DanceTabs Review – Gauthier Dance, Uprising, Killer Pig, Minus 16, Berlin: Veronica Posth, SeeingDance Review – National Youth Dance Company, Madhead, Ipswich: Cavelle Leigh, Reviews Hub
  17. I have found more than once that a moved thread causes this problem. Click "Mark forum as Read' and all is immediately well.
  18. Links – Tuesday 23 April, 2019 Review – Cunningham Centennial, Night of 100 Solos, New York: Martha Sherman, Danceviewtimes Review – Alessandra Ferri, Federico Bonelli & Others, Woolf Works, Milan: Michelle Potter, .... on dancing Review – São Paulo Dance Company, Mixed Bill, Paris: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Preview – Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker/Rosas, 6 Bach Cello Suites, London: Teresa Guerreiro, Culture Whisper Preview – Israel Galván, La Fiesta, London: Georgina Butler, Culture Whisper Review – Rosie Kay Dance Company, 5 Soldiers, San Francisco: David E Moreno, Culture Vulture Review – Lost Dog, Juliet & Romeo, London: Siobhan Murphy, DanceTabs Review – Hwa Gang Dance Company, Mixed Bill, Taipei: David Mead, SeeingDance Preview – Annie Kahane/Alive & Well Productions, From Ash, San Francisco: SF Examiner Stravinsky’s orchestral work, amplified by dance: Review – LA Philharmonic, Peter Sellars, Amrita Performing Arts: Persephone, Los Angeles: Jim Farber, SF Classical Voice - Interview – Peter Sellars: Victoria Looseleaf, SF Classical Voice
  19. Trog - many thanks, that's an interesting observation that may go some way towards answering my question. And on behalf of my two colleagues, thanks to one and all for the compliments thus far. There's no plan to stop the service.
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