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Ian Macmillan

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Everything posted by Ian Macmillan

  1. Links – Friday 19 July, 2019 Review – American Ballet Theatre, Swan Lake, Wolf Trap, Vienna, VA: Sarah L Kaufman, Washington Post Review – New York City Ballet, Varied Trio, Principia, The Runaway, Saratoga Springs, NY: Geraldine Freedman, Daily Gazette Review – Mark Morris Dance Group, Mixed Bill, Jacob’s Pillow: Janine Parker, Boston Globe Preview – Fire Island Dance Festival: Brian Seibert, NY Times Preview – Royal Ballet, Merce Cunningham Centenary Bill, London: Teresa Guerreiro, Culture Whisper Feature – Francesca Hayward – the Royal Ballet dancer in the Cats trailer: Makeda Easter, LA Times Review – Olga Pericet, The Thorn that wanted to be a Flower, or The Flower that dreamed of being a Dancer, London: Siobhan Murphy, DanceTabs Review – Maria Kochetkova & Others, Catch Her If You Can, New York: Joel Benjamin, TheaterScene Review – Kader Attou & Dancers, Un break à Mozart 1.1. Paris: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Review – Claire Cunningham & Company, Thank You Very Much, Manchester: Anna Winter, Guardian Review – Reggie Wilson/Fist & Heel Performance Group, POWER, Jacob’s Pillow: Martha Sherman, Danceviewtimes Review – Gauthier Dance, Meet the Talents – New Work, Stuttgart: David Mead, SeeingDance Diary – New York, Next Week: Staff, NY Times Review – Amy Seiwert & Company, Verses, Otra Vez, All I Ever Knew, San Francisco: Leslie Katz, SF Examiner Play Review – Margot, Dame, the Most Famous Ballerina in the World, London: Howard Loxton, BTG Feature – British Dance taken to postwar Australia: Valerie Lawson, SMH Edinburgh International Festival and Fringe, 2019: Preview – ISH Dance Collective, Elements of Freestyle: Deborah Chu, The List
  2. The New York Times has produced a quite remarkable interactive piece on the Notre Dame fire, with what looks like a fairly full reconstruction of the events that evening, here. Very well worth a few minutes of your time.
  3. Links – Thursday 11 July, 2019 Reviews – Royal Danish Ballet, Bournonville Legacy Bill, New York: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Ivy Lin, Bachtrack Mary Cargill, Danceviewtimes Review – American Ballet Theatre, Recent Season, New York: Robert Gottlieb, NY Observer Review – Stuttgart Ballet, Hikarizatto, Out of Breath, Kaash, Stuttgart: David Mead, SeeingDance Preview – Wayne McGregor, Living Archive: An AI Performance Experiment, Los Angeles: Makeda Easter, LA Times Reviews – Flamenco Festival – Rocio Molina, Fallen from Heaven, London: Zoë Anderson, Independent Anna Winter, The Stage Report – Young Talent Festival, 2019 – Symposium, London: Deborah Weiss, DanceTabs 5Q & A – Iain Mackay, Director of Yorkshire Ballet Seminars: Bruce Marriott, DanceTabs Feature – Hong Kong Ballet is thriving: Sarah L. Kaufman, Washinghton Post Review – Evidence Dance Company, Grace, Mercy, Annandale-on-Hudson: Deborah Jowitt, Arts Journal/DanceBeat Review – English National Ballet School, Summer Performance, Wimbledon: Maggie Foyer, SeeingDance Review – Another Kind of Blue, Flirt with Reality, London: Richard Maguire, Reviews Hub Review – Jinyeob Cha/Bongsu Park, Dream Ritual, London: Maggie Foyer, SeeingDance
  4. Links – Wednesday 10 July, 2019 Review – Royal Ballet, Mayerling, Los Angeles: Jane Rosenberg, Seen and Heard Preview – Royal Danish Ballet, The Bournonville Legacy, New York: Marina Harss, NY Times Late Reviews – American Ballet Theatre, New York: - Jane Eyre (Marston): Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc - Season – Ratmansky & Marston: Susan Yung, Brooklyn Rail Review – Dutch National Ballet Junior Company, Young Talent Festival 5-Bill, London: Lynette Halewood, DanceTabs Review - London Children’s Ballet, Ballet Shoes, London: Rachel Nouchi, BTG Preview – Cullberg Ballet, Figure a Sea, London: Teresa Guerreiro, Culture Whisper Review – Les Ballets de Monte Carlo, Lac, Melbourne: Gracia Haby, Fjord Review Review – Savion Glover, Lady5 @ Savion Glover’s BaRoQUE’BLak Tap Café, New York: Sheila Kogan, TheaterScene Book Review – Marius Petipa: The Emperor’s Ballet Master/Nadine Meisner: Paul Parish, Bay Area Reporter Review – Ligia Lewis & company, Water Will (in Melody), New York: George Kan, Brooklyn Rail Report – Voguing – The Battle of the Legends, New York: Rennie McDougall, Brooklyn Rail Interview – Larissa Velez-Jackson on her Star Crap Method: Mike Stinavage, Brooklyn Rail
  5. Links – Tuesday 9 July, 2019 Review – A danced performance of Mozart’s Requiem, Aix-en-Provence: Micaela Baranello, Financial Times - Video clip (in French) TV5MondeDirect Reviews – Bolshoi Ballet, Brisbane - Chantal Nguyen: - Jewels, Bachtrack - Spartacus, Bachtrack Review – Hamburg Ballet, Nijinsky Gala, Hamburg: Maggie Foyer, SeeingDance Review – London Children’s Ballet, Ballet Shoes, London: Simonetta Dixon, BalletcoForum Review – Savion Glover, Lady5@Savion Glover’s BaRoQUe’BLakTap Café, New York: Lauren Gallagher, DanceTabs News – Management changes at the Alvin Ailey Company: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Feature – Amy Hollingsworth at Brisbane’s Expressions Dance Company: Deborah Jones, FollowSpot OK, it’s not April 1, but this is in the Guardian ...... and The Times ... and in other places
  6. Links – Monday 8 July, 2019 Review – Royal Ballet, Mayerling, Los Angeles: Lewis Segal, LA Times Review – American Ballet Theatre, The Sleeping Beauty, New York: Mary Cargill, Danceviewtimes Reviews – London Children’s Ballet, Ballet Shoes, London: Graham Watts, DanceTabs Vikki Jane Vile, BWW UK Reviews – Rambert/Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Invisible Cities, Manchester: Donald Hutera, The Times Sanjoy Roy, Guardian (+ Alphabus) Review – Evidence, Grace, Mercy, Annadale-on-Hudson: Brian Seibert, NY Times Review – Compagnie CNDC-Angers, Cunningham Triple Bill, Jacob’s Pillow: Deborah Jowitt, Arts Journal/DanceBeat Book Feature – Writing a history of ballet in Australia: Valerie Lawson, dancelines - Dancing Under the Southern Skies, Valerie Lawson: Dance Australia Review – Royal New Zealand Ballet, Black Swan, White Swan, Dunedin: Hannah Molloy, Theatreview Preview – Astana Ballet visit to London in September: Staff, BWW UK Review – XieXin Dance Theater, From IN, Stuttgart: David Mead, SeeingDance (+ Black Out)
  7. It probably doesn't affect the ballet in any way, but the poem/song "Floers o' the Forest" refers to the defeat of James IV's army at Flodden some 230 years earlier than Culloden. And on that occasion, I think that all of the Scots involved were on the same side.
  8. Links – Sunday 7 July, 2019 Interview – Amy Seiwert, Choreographer: Lou Fancher, SF Classical Voice Review – Rambert/Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Invisible Cities, Manchester: David Chadderton, BTG News – Melbourne City Ballet Closes: Karen Van Ulzen, Dance Australia
  9. Links – Saturday 6 July, 2019 Review – American Ballet Theatre, The Sleeping Beauty (Ratmansky), New York: Marina Harss, DanceTabs - ABT Promotions: Chava Lansky, Pointe Magazine Reviews – Ballet Flamenco Sara Baras, Sombras, London: Siobhan Murphy, DanceTabs Graham Watts, Bachtrack Preview – Crossing Mark Morris and Samuel Beckett, Enniskillen: Roslyn Sulcas, NY Times Review – Dutch National Ballet, ‘New Moves’ Company choreography, Amsterdam: Lambrecht Wessels, Bachtrack Gallery – Behind the scenes at the Bolshoi: Kate De Pury, AP via SF Gate (and elsewhere) Diaries – Selections from: - Around the UK: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian (Scrolll down) - Southern California: Matt Cooper, LA Times Review – Rambert/Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Invisible Cities, Manchester: Mark Monahan, Telegraph News – Brisbane Festival 2019 Programme: Jo Litson, Limelight
  10. Links – Friday 5 July, 2019 Reviews – American Ballet Theatre, The Sleeping Beauty (Ratmansky), New York: Ivy Lin, Bachtrack Mary Cargill, Danceviewtimes Reviews – Ballet Flamenco Sara Baras, Sombras, London: Jenny Gilbert, Arts Desk Emma Byrne, Evening Standard Teresa Guerreiro, Culture Whisper Feature – Who might be Australian ballet’s next AD? Amanda Dunn, The Age Review – Les Ballets de Monte Carlo, Lac, Melbourne: Michelle Potter, ... on dancing Report – Akademi, Sama Art & Dr Swarnamalya Ganesh, Sadir Āttam, Cambridge: Jann Parry, DanceTabs Gallery – Rambert/Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Invisible Cities, Manchester: Tristram Kenton, Guardian Review – Between Tiny Cities, Sydney: Jill Sykes, Sydney Morning Herald Diary – Coming up in/around New York: Brian Schaefer, NY Times Review – Moura Merzouki/Compagnie Käfig, Folia, Stuttgart: David Mead, SeeingDance Review – Compagnie CNDC-Angers, Cunningham dances, Jacob’s Pillow: Janine Parker, Boston Globe Previews – Dancing on the Edge, Vancouver: - Jolene Bailie, Schemas 1-5: Janet Smith, Straight.com - Rachel Meyer, Dab Dance Project, Danse Carpe Diem, Staff, Straight.com
  11. Links – Wednesday 3 July, 2019 Reviews – Bolshoi Ballet, Brisbane: Jewels – Emeralds, Rubies, Diamonds: Valerie Lawson, DanceTabs Spartacus: Valerie Lawson, DanceTabs Spartacus & Jewels: Deborah Jones, FollowSpot Reviews – Birmingham Royal Ballet, London: Hobson’s Choice: G J Dowler, Classical Source (Un)Leashed Triple Bill: G J Dowler, Classical Source Review – National Ballet of Canada, Vertiginous Thrill of Exactitude, Approximate Sonata 2016, The Second Detail, Toronto: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc Review – Stephen Shropshire/Jussi Nousiainen & Aimee Lagrange, We Are Nowhere Else But Here, Stuttgart: David Mead, SeeingDance Feature – Savion Glover, Master Tap Dancer: Brian Seibert, NY Times News – Promotions (and more) at San Francisco Ballet: Janos Gereben, SF Classical Voice Feature – Michael Trusnovec leaves the Paul Taylor Company: Robert Gottlieb, NY Observer News – Rambert, 2019-20 Season: Teresa Guerreiro, Culture Whisper Feature – Seattle Dance Collective: Moira Macdonald, Seattle Times News – Oregon’s summer dance season: Heather Wisner, Oregon Artswatch
  12. Links – Wednesday 26 June, 2019 Review – Natalia Osipova, The Mother (Pita), London: Siobhan Murphy, DanceTabs Interview – Roberto Bolle, leaving ABT but not Dance: Gia Kourlas, NY Times Feature – Los Angeles – Dance in July, Royal Ballet, LA Dance Project and more: Victoria Looseleaf, SF Classical Voice Tour Gallery – Bolshoi Ballet, Spartacus & Jewels, Brisbane: Guardian Report – Scottish Ballet’s 50th Anniversary Evening, Edinburgh: Phyllis Stephen, Edinburgh Reporter Review – River to River Festival, ditch, New York: Apollinaire Scherr, Financial Times Review – Jeremy Wade & Sindri Runudde, Glory, Berlin: Veronica Posth, SeeingDance News – Street Dance for the 2014 Olympics? AP, Guardian Film Review – Mari: Owen Richards, Arts Desk
  13. Links – Tuesday 25 June, 2019 Review – Paris Opera Ballet, Mats Ek Triple - Boléro, Another Place, Carmen, Paris: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Review – Birmingham Royal Ballet, Hobson’s Choice & David Bintley’s Farewell, Birmingham: David Mead, SeeingDance Review – Dutch National Ballet, Pas/Parts, Kleines Requiem, Ignite, Amsterdam: Maggie Foyer, SeeingDance Review – Chamber Dance Project, Mixed Bill, Washington DC: George Jackson, Danceviewtimes Review – Paul Taylor Dance Company, Brandenburgs, Rewilding, Cascade, New York: Mary Cargill, Danceviewtimes Review – SFDanceworks, Mixed Bill x5, San Francisco: Janice Berman, SF Classical Voice Tour Review – Royal New Zealand Ballet, Black Swan, White Swan, Auckland: Raewyn Whyte, NZ Herald Reviews – Boris Charmatz, 10,000 Gestures, London: Donald Hutera, The Times Emma Byrne, Evening Standard Reviews – Neil & Katya Jones & Company, Somnium, London: Rachel Elderkin, The Stage Michael Hogan, Telegraph
  14. Links – Monday 24 June, 2019 Reviews – Natalia Osipova, The Mother (Pita), London: Debra Craine, The Times Vera Liber, BTG Reviews – American Ballet Theatre, New York: - Le Corsaire: Lauren Gallagher, DanceTabs - Manon: Lauren Gallagher, DanceTabs Review – Paul Taylor Dance Company, Junction, all at once, Promethean Fire, New York: Marina Harss, DanceTabs Review – Katya & Neil Jones & Company, Somnium, London: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian My apologies for a necessarily restricted list but some domestic issues will prevent my doing a trawl at the normal time. All being well, things will revert to normal for Tuesday.
  15. Links – Sunday 23 June, 2019 Reviews – Natalia Osipova, The Mother (Pita), London: Jenny Gilbert, Arts Desk Scott Matthewman, Reviews Hub Teresa Guerreiro, Culture Whisper Jim Pritchard, Seen and Heard John O’Dwyer, Seen and Heard Review – Carthage Dance, Festival Programme, Tunis: Laura Cappelle, Financial Times Jacob’s Pillow,2019, Becket, MA: - Gala Opening: Deborah Jowitt, Arts Journal/DanceBeat - Ballet BC, Triple Bill: Janine Parker, Boston Globe Feature – Boston Ballet, Giselle – setting the scene: Deborah Blackwell, Harvard Gazette Review – Expressions Dance Company, The Dinner Party, Queanbeyan: Michelle Potter, ... on dancing Q & A – Alyona Kovalyova, Bolshoi Ballet: Hester Lacey, Financial Times Tour Reviews – Gary Clarke Company, Wasteland, Glasgow: Mark Brown, Glasgow Herald (Scroll down) Lorna Irvine, Fjord Review Diary – Southern California, Next Week: Matt Cooper, LA Times Review – SFDanceworks, Mixed Bill x5, San Francisco: Rita Felciano, Danceviewtimes Review – Chamber Dance Project, Mixed Bill x7, Washington DC: Alexander C Kafka, DC Theatre Scene Review – Sarasota Contemporary Dance, New Work x4, Jehanne, Sarasota: Carrie Seidman, Herald-Tribune News – Fall for Dance North, Toronto – 2019 Programme: Debra Yeo, The Star
  16. Just back from an Encore showing at Saffron Screen - a full house but, as ever, very few there under 40. Hadn't seen R&J for some time, but it certainly still does the business for me. I see dissenting views above but, based on Act 3, Miss Naghdi is a particularly fine Juliet indeed.
  17. Janet: Many thanks for this, as it's perhaps a fitting conclusion to discussion of the ABT run. I have a sense that the first critical opinions from New York were far from being the last word.
  18. Might it now be time for everyone to take a step backwards and, if possible, just accept that through a mix of nature and nurture we all develop different tastes, especially over aesthetic matters? In my own case, I know these have shifted appreciably over the years, and such differences are not something to fall out over. Miss Jean Brodie, whilst in her 1930s prime, addressed her pupils thus over some such matter: "For those who like that sort of thing, that is the sort of thing they like." And there's a thought - I wonder if Cathy could do something with The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie?
  19. Links – Tuesday 11 June, 2019 Reviews– Royal Ballet, Margot Fonteyn: A Celebration, London: Graham Watts, Bachtrack Vera Liber, BTG Gallery – Andrej Uspenski, Evening Standard Review – Royal Ballet, Firebird, Month in the Country, Symphony in C, London: Emma Byrne, Evening Standard Reviews – English National Ballet, Cinderella (Wheeldon), London: Donald Hutera, The Times Reviews – San Francisco Ballet, Bound To, Your Flesh Shall Be a Great Poem, Anima Animus, London: David Mead, SeeingDance John O’Dwyer, Seen and Heard Graham Watts, Bachtrack Natalia Osipova – Force of Nature: Interview - Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Film Feature: - Deborah Weiss, DanceTabs - Charlotte Kasner, SeeingDance Reviews – Australian Ballet, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Melbourne: Melinda Oliver, Daily Review Susan Bendall, Dance Australia Gallery – David Bintley’s ballets in pictures: Various sources, Guardian Review – Ballet Black, Pendulum, Click!, Ingoma, Edinburgh: Lucy Ribchester, The List Review – Paul Taylor Dance Company, Junction, all at once, Promethean Fire, New York: Mary Cargill, Danceviewtimes Review – Step Afrika!, Mixed Bill, Washington DC: Alexander C Kafka, DC Theatre Scene Review – Oregon Ballet Theatre, Night Creature, Robust American Love, Big Shoes, Portland: Martha Ullman West, Oregon Artswatch Review – Pacific Dance Festival 2019, Auckland: Unattributed, NZ Herald Feature – Choreographer Arlene Phillips – She has moved on since Strictly: Siobhan Murphy, The Times
  20. Links – Monday 10 June, 2019 Reviews – Royal Ballet, Margot Fonteyn: A Celebration, London: Debra Craine, The Times Mark Monahan, Telegraph - Gallery: Foteini Christofilopoulou, DanceTabs Reviews – English National Ballet, Cinderella (Wheeldon), London: Graham Watts, DanceTabs David Mead, SeeingDance Vera Liber, BTG Gallery – San Francisco Ballet, Progamme D, London: Foteini Christophilopoulou, DanceTabs Review – Paul Taylor Dance Company, 3 Programmes, New York: Siobhan Burke, NY Times Review – Lydia Johnson Dance, Clearing, Trio Sonatas, Nights and Dreams, Undercurrent, New York: Mary Cargill, Danceviewtimes Tour Review – Ballet Black, Pendulum, Click!, Ingoma, Edinburgh: Mary Brennan, Glasgow Herald
  21. Links – Sunday 9 June, 2019 Feature – Margot Fonteyn: the century of the star dancer: Sarah Crompton, Sunday Times Review Roundup – London: Sarah Crompton, The Observer - Sergei Polunin, Rasputin - Royal Ballet, Firebird Triple Bill - San Francisco Ballet , Programmes A & B - Kalakuta Republik Review – San Francisco Ballet, London Season: David Dougill, Sunday Times Review – San Francisco Ballet, Bespoke, Hummingbird, Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming, London: David Mead, SeeingDance Review – San Francisco Ballet, Bound To, Your Flesh Shall Be a Great Poem, Anima Animus, London: Vera Liber, BTG Reviews – English National Ballet, Cinderella (Wheeldon), London: Jenny Gilbert, Arts Desk Louise Levene, Financial Times Vikki Jane Vile, BWW UK Teresa Guerreiro, Culture Whisper Review – American Ballet Theatre, Brahms-Haydn Variations, Deuce Coupe, In the Upper Room, New York: Marianne Adams, Danceviewtimes Reviews – Opera Australia, West Side Story, Wellington Jennifer Shennan, ... on dancing Lindsey Rusling, Dominion Post
  22. Links – Saturday 8 June, 2019 Reviews– Royal Ballet, The Firebird, A Month in the Country, Symphony in C, London: Josephine Leask, DanceTabs Louise Levene, Financial Times Review – San Francisco Ballet, London Season: Lyndsey Winship, Guardian Review – San Francisco Ballet, Bespoke, Hummingbird, Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming, London: Siobhan Murphy, DanceTabs Review – San Francisco Ballet, Bound To, Your Flesh Shall Be a Great Poem, Anima Animus, London: Teresa Guerreiro, Culture Whisper Reviews – English National Ballet, Cinderella (Wheeldon), London: Mark Monahan, Telegraph Neil Norman, The Stage Emma Byrne, Evening Standard Review – National Symphony Orchestra & Dancers, Classically Dope, Washington DC: George Jackson, Danceviewtimes Reviews – American Ballet Theatre, Brahms-Haydn Variations, Deuce Coupe, In the Upper Room, New York: Leigh Witchel, dancelog.nyc Deborah Jowitt, Arts Journal/DanceBeat Review – Royal New Zealand Ballet, Black Swan, White Swan, Auckland: Felicity Molloy, Theatreview Preview – Robert Moses’ Kin, The Exceptionally Elderly Overweight Black Man Phoenix, San Francisco: Lou Fancher, SF Classical Voice Preview – Eifman Ballet, The Pygmalion Effect, New York: Robert Johnson, Playbill Diary – Southern California, Next Week: Matt Cooper, LA Times News – Kelly Tweeddale, next Executive Director at San Francisco Ballet: Kevin Griffin, Vancouver Sun Review – Wild Card: Stefan Jovanović, Constellations, London: Sophia Moss, Reviews Hub
  23. Not sure about 'tainted' - the piece got nearly a full page in the main paper, right after the D-Day pages, rather than in the Times 2 supplement. Normally that might be a cause for rejoicing.
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