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Posts posted by Mary

  1. I was wrong to say no Ashton one act ballets- just realised - there is M &A. However, that seems a very odd one to repeat. surely it was always a star vehicle for Fonteyn/Nureyev. Can be marvellous on a good night but even Ashton would not say it was his best work- and there is SO MUCH that is and that we haven't seen for a long time.


    • Like 4
  2. Some things to look forward to -maybe Giselle and Sylvia as others have said for the casting opportunities. ...but..I have to agree it is not by any means what I had hoped for. Disappointed to get Alice- not a ballet at all really-( personally I find it an ugly, loud, vulgar piece with no saving graces)   - and no Balanchine at all and no Ashton one act ballets.

     Manon surely has been seen so many times in recent years.....there does seem to be an awful lot of Macmillan.


    The 'Gloria tripe bill' sounds a bit worrying :-)


    If only we could feel secure in looking forward to the new SL instead of apprehensive...


    The collaboration project is very interesting- I wonder what is the idea behind it? Is there any connection with recent cuts ??


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  3. I was interested to receive an unusually detailed survey from ROH about this triple bill, asking specific questions about the choreography, lighting, etc of each ballet - not just about the bar, ushers etc. So clearly, they are responding to some of the negative publicity by asking for feedback and will, I feel sure, take heed of the comments. This seems to me a very good response.

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  4. Whatever happened or did not happen, however well or badly things went- and sure, we can all believe sometimes rehearsals go badly and sometimes whole productions go badly- this sort of comment by this sort of method, -the 'passive-aggressive' tweet-is  inappropriate and unprofessional and the only wise response is a dignified silence.
    The tweeter has hurt nobody's reputation but his own, so the dancers scarcely need defending, as noone can take such an attack seriously.
    Unfortunately,  journalism as in The Telegraph is also damaging in the image it presents of the ballet world, but luckily it is totally ephemeral. (The really bad thought is  what nonsense they are probably writing about more important matters.)
    The best response for RB and all others concerned is to carry on regardless, which is what they are doing.

    We can continue to discuss the perfomances and I hope we do, but I think it would be wrong to speculate about what went on in rehearsals as we have no facts and the whole discussion is now tarnished beyond repair.

    • Like 4
  5. Just imagining Nureyev's tweet, if he had been dancing in the production .......

    *'?! you '*@***  @***** and @&&£!*** your !***&@***




    Personally I think it's time to draw a line.


    Bruce -


    Social Media - Twitter/Facebook/balletcoforum.....is new.


    David Dawson's instant tweet did not criticise the dancers. It was an understandable instant reaction to Hanna Weibye, Luke Jennings ...


    When did you read a review as 'bad' as Hanna Weibye's?


    His tweet was not offensive, rude or insulting.. 


    He - on reflection - deleted it


    Can you imagine the sort of tweets had twitter existed in the days of Nureyev, Ashton and McMillan?

    • Like 2
  6. petperj I really agree about Woolf Works-wonderful!


    I would go for the Mariinsky Swan Lake. That is the most famous classic ballet, but it is famous for a reason which is that it is great! and  of course the Marinsky are a great company.

    Live screenings are an easy way to see more. The Bolshoi's  next one is on 9 April for example. That would give you a sight of the 2 great Russian companies and you have done RB already...well on the way...


    My other tip is- check out the Royal Opera House website which now has a lot of background material on ballets in the rep.


    What a lot of fun you have in store.

    • Like 4
  7. Very regrettable. The curse of modern technology  where it is just all too easy to fire off one's first angry thoughts, which then remain there for all to view forever.


    i was just about to post that I enjoyed last night.

    I am inclined to agree about the leotards! But otherwise agree entirely with Aileen.  What really stood out for me in the evening was the fabulous dancing of  couples in the first 2 pieces- especially Nunez /Soares, as everyone has said; it was the second time I have seen them in this piece and it was just as moving, perhaps even more so.

    Also in Human Seasons, Naghdi /Ball. Just beautiful dancing completely in tune...... and all in harmony with a really superb set of RB dancers that fills one with delight.


    I am not sure how anyone could think the dancers were performing with less than total commitment- they were superb.



    I didn't like the floor-sweeping moves- at best very inelegant and at worst unpleasant. But other than that there is nothing wrong with Human Seasons that better lighting, costumes which stand out against the background, and some more interesting music wouldn't fix- in fact, it could become something really lovely.


    I think I had read too many reviews of the Pite so expectations were sky-high- perhaps not a good thing. I could see it was immensely skilful and very striking indeed, but it didn't move me as it so obviously has others, and I am pondering why that is. I think just not enough dancing.

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  8. I think there is a difference, as you imply Johnpw, between the 'acting out' of some kind of violence as part of a story which we are seeing unfold- as in The Cage- and the more abstract kind of ballet where movements are not directly mimetic.

    I did not care for The Cage very much. I found it melodramatic to say the least, but there did seem to be an unpleasant psychological problem underlying it I don't much want to focus on ( something like a castration complex and misogynistic fear of malevolent women). However, whatever one thinks of the story, it was of female insects eating a male insect so i can see why the poor male dancer had to be stomped on- but I didn't like it.

    Whereas, Human Seasons is about much more general themes. I will see it again, and think again, but I do think it is valid to ask- why those moves? and what meanings might they have for us all?

    • Like 3
  9. Russian Seasons was a little bit boring in places to me......(Russian v Human Seasons! I will decide after seeing HS again this week.)


    But it has so much to do with the production (especially lighting as what bores me most of all is not being able to see the performers) and the performances that for a ballet itself to be truly boring surely takes some doing.

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  10. Of course there is a lot of bruising and battering all round, I am sure.

    But I think Lizbie1 raises a valid point about some of the choreography. I remember not liking some of these moves last time, and several critics and some posters here mention their discomfort at the sight of female dancers being dragged face down on the floor. I think that is a very fair point to make.

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  11. I agree Colman- I did enjoy the whole programme, but The Cage I found just- not my scene I suppose; and Russian Seasons seemed to go on  a little too long, and like you I had insufficient context perhaps, but Etudes was just glorious!! The marvellous casting helped; someone recently was talking about the difference between so many excellent technicians and the 'real artists'..well, here we had a chance to see both in wonderful synchronicity.

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  12. You might get a better view of it at the live screening then, Two Pigeons! But Etudes looks the greater treat for me.

    i am looking forward to this afternoon,  and there are plenty of seats left by the look  of it.

    i always block book live screenings for the year and I don't think I have ever not enjoyed one - next year's offering should be along soon-anyone know when?

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