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Posts posted by Mary

  1. There are indeed those who seem to go to the ballet on occasion just because it's 'the thing to do' - and some of them do unfortunately seem to be the most crashing snobs.  I have certainly been on the wrong end of a sharp elbow in a fur coat at the ROH main entrance ( don't remind me)  and  Janet's examples are perfectly horrible: it is a sad state of affairs that there is so much snobbery in this country still.


    But I would imagine the people who criticised some aspects of Polunin's show were not being 'ballet snobs', they were just ballet lovers who didn't like what they saw or parts of what they saw.


    Opinion on his latest show seems pretty evenly divided on this thread.



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  2. Whatever one thinks of his dancing or choreography these days, he is in an excellent position to become a sort of impresario or producer- indeed, ambassador- for ballet.( Perhaps Polunin as the next presenter of live screenings? or perhaps not-but why not a TV show introducing some ballet?) and that's much needed.


    The phrase in the review quoted above 'there's no snob like a ballet snob' is a silly remark -what does it mean? Snobbery doesn't come into it; people are entitled to make aesthetic judgements about the show. Parts of it do sound good and I only wish I could have gone.


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  3. Great to see Lauren Cuthbertson on such good form tonight: I think possibly the best performance I have seen her give-  relaxed, confident, and sparkling, as required by this demanding role: super.  I must say I did find her characterisation somehow more convincing and meaningful than Nunez's, superb as Nunez's dancing was.

    Reece Clarke seems to be fulfilling all the promise as one might have hoped; what a good debut in the role- and what stage presence this young man has. Must mention David Donnelly as a very elegant Eros, certainly looked right in the part. Kish's Orion seemed appropriately menacing.

    I thoroughly enjoyed this lovely production again and only wish it were a longer run or coming back next year...and if only there was a live screening to enjoy it up close....there is so much to enjoy. I love all the costumes and scenery and especially the slightly kitsch extravagance of some of it..


    The over crowded, boiling hot train packed with dishevelled 'revellers' rustling Macdonald's and pastie boxes was a sad contrast to the beautiful scenes at ROH!


    • Like 12
  4. What a great evening.


    Gary Avis doing his usual magic, Hayward a most charming, lyrical Clara and Campbell was better than ever I thought, looking dashing in his red coat, really oomphing up the ante tonight ( that's a technical term)   ( and gave a sweet interview) : they are an ideal pair; McRae and Lamb were wonderful -hard to believe she had all that injury time so recently ( she  did have a slight stumble  but it hardly registered after a really exciting pas de deux, and she looks so beautiful)-they go together so well and feel so right:  and the whole evening was a treat really ( even though I do have reservations about this production and could do with a bit less business here and there etc)

    Oh the Rose Fairy..where do I sign to join that Naghdi fan club? She was sensational.  Barry Wordsworth's conducting is always so sensitive, bringing the best out of the orchestra to show off that perfect music.

    Thanks RB.

    For me it is just marvellous to be able to cycle down the road to see this, with an - almost- perfect view  (if only the camera wouldn't cut away at certain points grrr) and a comfy seat,  instead of slogging to London on the train (£20+) for an amphi seat  with someone's xmas shopping digging into my leg, and at this time of year suffering an often pretty horrible train back too, full of drunken people spoiling the experience and getting home past midnight.......


    • Like 15
  5. Me too, bridiem and what baffles me reading this is So why do I always seem to be the only one clutching a damp hankie to my face as I stumble out of the auditorium?


    Not just dancers but, sheer spectacle, beauty makes me cry- Midsummer Night's Dream always. The end of Symphony in C. Anything with  a procession in it.

    Not just sorrowful or touching scenes- Two Pigeons Muntagirov was a 3 hankie job-  but very intense fun such as Rubies- Acosta/Rojo and McRae/Lamb last time.


    Looking round at a full auditorium humming with excitement before the performance.

    Warm applause.

    Curtain calls.

    Flower throws.






    • Like 2
  6. Thanks for the reminder trog, I spent a happy afternoon watching this - though speeding forward some of the daft plot business to the fabulous dance. To think he was - what, 56? - is quite amazing.  The 'Something's Gotta Give' sequence is great. Astaire is an under rated singer I think: he had beautiful phrasing,  timing, taste -and class. Caron is superb- and still with us which is cheering. The ballet sequence reminded me a bit of La Valse!

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  7. Absolutely, bridiem.

    I do take SMballet's points about unbelievable, even silly aspects.


    But,  it is not meant to be deadly serious or believeable.


    It is an entertainment, of a fabulously delightful kind. It is comedy, not tragedy, so unlike Giselle and SL we don't end the evening in tears -and it is fantasy- of which we do have a great deal in films and TV these days;   it is a type of entertainment people will perhaps always want and enjoy.

    And within that framework, Ashton gives many moments of the most sensitive and moving depiction of human emotion. I wish I had time to write more but my short and stumbling words are very heartfelt.

    It has certainly put me in the best mood for months!


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