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Posts posted by Mary

  1. The Bayadere shades rehearsal brought a lump to my throat and made my arms ache in sympathy. Winter Dreams was wonderful too- can hardly wait to see this live again. Quick look at some of the new works very interesting. A great RB day . But Northern Ballet's segment was excellent too:  it fizzed with energy.

    Just a shame about missing some bits- what a day it COULD be if everything worked.

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  2. 11 hours ago, toursenlair said:

    the thing is that literally billions of people are on facebook worldwide. It is by far and away the most popular social media site, and young people leaving in "droves" barely makes a dent in it.

    That is a fair point and I do appreciate it. However, the point being made here is not, that we think ROH should not use Facebook at all-of course, as you say it is still very popular, and that would not make sense.

    The point I am making-with others above- is just that they shouldn't stop using their own website, and we would prefer them not to put things on Facebook and nowhere else, - because a lot of people have stopped using it, for very good reasons.


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  3. 2 hours ago, capybara said:

    I'm sorry to report some very negative comments from friends who have been sitting in the Amphi for The Ring Cycle:

    • toilet areas not cleaned/tidied before performance time, with wastepaper baskets overflowing, paper towels on the floor and some toilets blocked
    • general mess from eating not cleared away from tables
    • nowhere to sit/stand comfortably before curtain up or  in the intervals because non-ticket holders are occupying all the spaces
    • audible signals re. the end of an interval not clear out on the terrace (and visual signals missing as most occupants are not attending the opera)
    • more audience members than usual opting to stay in their seats during intervals because of the above issues.

    I have also heard many expressions of concern about safety and security and that the toilets seem to have become the 'public' ones for the whole Covent Garden area.


    But, a nice touch..................... Dancers using the foyer as a place to join up with friends/family and have business meetings.




    Does this refer to the downstairs new foyer? I thought we had been reassured that the amphi bar - and all the other bars -were for ticket holders only in the intervals?

    • Like 2
  4. On the plus side, I just went on to the site for a quick look- and agree entirely with the posts above- but then inadvertently found myself in a queue to buy tickets for the new Linbury season, (v odd) and decided on the spur of the moment to get some for the New Works, and it all happened in a flash! with no problems. It will be fun to see new works with new music in the 'new' theatre- we hope.


    The reason I asked about the Bow St entrance was, that I am taking a young relative for the first time to Nutcracker,  and I want to show him the grand, traditional experience I have always enjoyed so much ( since my first visit in 1970)  of going in at Bow St and up the red plush stairs- and then, more often than not, wending my way to the cheaper seats. But it is a thrilling, wonderful place I would hate to lose. I am passing on the experience to  the 3rd generation of my family as passed on to me by my mother. And ROH are very much mistaken if they think the young and less than wealthy do not enjoy this side of the theatre.

    • Like 10
  5. I understand that many would like to see different Principals in the live screenings, and we all have our favourites.

    However, I was speculating that, it cannot just be a random choice, but that Mr O'Hare and the management must deliberately choose dancers for the live relays who  they feel to be the most reliable- that is, to give a good and error-free performance. The broadcast being in close-up and watched round the world, and seen by other companies, this would seem understandable. Their choices perhaps show who they consider to be these ultra- reliable dancers.

    I am not privy to their thoughts, and could be entirely wrong of course, but it is hard to see what other criteria are operating.



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  6. Bonelli/Morera was such a success mainly because of their partnership, I felt.

    I also greatly enjoyed McRae who brought out something appropriately twisted in the role; and he always has the technical strength in abundance.


    Surely Rudolf-one of the toughest male roles in the repertoire - is an enormous challenge to both McRae and Watson to come straight back into after injury. McRae, on crutches very recently I  believe,  is being filmed on his first night too.


    I wish them both good luck, with much admiration for their courage.

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  7. As well as a normal stone bird bath,very often re filled at the moment-I mean several times a day!-Old washing up bowls are great- put a couple of bricks in one and a few stones, making sure creatures can get in and out. (This can't fall over zxDaveM.)

    All sorts of creatures great and small drink from mine.

    One I have buried and landscaped with old sticks etc, as a small frog pond and it is very popular.

    Terracotta plant saucers also work very well- birds love to bathe in them.


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