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Posts posted by Mary

  1. I don't think we can say we know there is no problem.

    How do we know there aren't people who feel unwelcome, sidelined, that it is 'not for them'? -amongst whom may be many who would get a lot out of it, and  with a lot to contribute.

    I was very lucky to have music at home and to be taken to the ballet. But what if you never get any kind of exposure to really good music, say? More and more children do not and it is a great shame. This is a more general point, but I don't think it is just about personal choice. Of course there is always that and it should be respected. But for it really to be a choice rather than just  -well-  what you have been left with - you need some kind of chances and education.






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  2. 45 minutes ago, penelopesimpson said:

    I would like to reassure you that it is categorically not our objective to reduce the frequency of performances that members can attend. 

    It is probably just that the author of the letter at ROH can't write English but...in fact, the offensive statement was about ROH seeking to reduce ticket sales to regulars. Not  the same as reducing the number of times they CAN attend. So possibly this is a deliberate twisting.

    But -

    'reduce the frequency of performances they can attend' doesn't make sense ( meaning presumably reduce the number) . So possibly it is just incompetent writing.

    What do they mean by Members? Do they mean Friends?


    The second part is just cut and paste from the official response.

    It took 3 seconds to cobble together some gobbledygook. That is not really good enough.


    • Like 4
  3. There were a few fumbles- hardly surprising is it? At one point her hair seemed to get tangled up with Hirano's shirt buttons and I guess her wig might have been in danger of coming off ( sorry, suppressed chortle).

    But they rescued things with that amazing skill all these dancers show and which always amazes me.


    Hirano clearly was giving it his best- his partnering was very good especially considering how difficult it must be, as others have said,  to  give an extra perfomance, with a diffferent partner, a demanding partner, in the hardest role imaginable on the  first night of the season. Hats off to Hirano.  There might have been a shade of chilliness from Osipova- hard to say, but if so  I can't see why it was justified.  I  was pleased for Hirano that he got a good reception from the audience.

    Overall I can't say the whole performance really quite came together for me but am still pondering why. It is not at all my favourite ballet so perhaps just needs tos be extra convincing to make me forget my reservations about the work.


    • Like 2
  4. On the plus side, it is really good to have a choice of places to sit, or wander around, to wait for one's friend before a performance. The spaces are light and airy.

    It is fun spotting well known faces in the ground floor coffee shop.

    On the other hand I was sorry to see so MUCH space given over to a public coffee bar.

    The new shop is spacious and pleasant but it is very sad to see such a reduction in the selection of dvds and books.

    The amphi bar looks nice but I agree with all who have pointed out the beige carpet will soon look dirty....It is mainly a corridor now. Good that the shorter, narrower bar has made more space, so it is less of a crush in the interval. But not so good that the bar is reduced by about 60%-not so good if you want to get a drink anyway..and fewer seats, so there will be competition for those.

    Good to have an amphi cloakroom.  The loos were all in good order, and were being carefully checked when I was there early.

    I was happy to see the re furbished terrace looking nice, though it is a shame to have lost nearly half of it to the restaurant.


    On the whole I quite like what they have done but, the overwhelming feeling of being in ( a very grand)  Benugo when you come in what they now call Main Entrance feels like a shame to me.  I would take  a new person in the old Bow St doors.


    Are they really not going to have a box office???



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  5. I suspect the core audience they want to 'reduce' (Orwellian use of the word) is one used to thinking the arts are for all of us, and that we all own the opera house and our national arts companies.


    We don't give them enough money, perhaps because we think we pay for it already and it belongs to us all as a nation.


    ROH and others perhaps want- are driven to need- audiences who expect to pay extra for everything because they have not grown up with this philosophy.


    This old core audience with its outmoded views, as it says on page 387 of the report: ' unfortunately are benefiting from increased life expectancy due to advances in life science and social care, but this is expected to reduce in future.'

    (I made that bit up , or did I )



    • Like 8

    How very very sad and depressing.

    I'm afraid this confirms exactly what some people has been saying on the forum about Open Up for a while.

    I have felt for a while that my Friends membership is a bit pointless as the benefits seem now so small, the price so very steep...and a sort of 'unloved feeling' has been developing .  No doubt basic level Friends are the sort of people who are to be first up against the wall in the purges.

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  7. Like- just got a bargain-thanks Alison.


    Don't like at all- that they are having to sell off tickets so very cheaply. A very great shame for BRB - what is going wrong here....(that said, I do think 31 Oct, like 5 Nov can be a difficult day as people often have social events-or their children do.)



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