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Posts posted by Mary

  1. This afternoon, in the tight confines of the amphi,  the tall and broad man behind me had his very large and bulky coat on his lap- it bashed into me repeatedly as he settled down and I put up with it for a while then turned and smiled and indicated the problem- he seemed unconcerned but shifted it a bit. Then in Concerto it slid forward and settled heavily round my shoulders- I had to turn and try to indicate that he needed to move it..and he did eventually pull it back.

    In Enigma, blow me but he did it again..the whole coat suddenly slid onto my head and almost over my face! This time I pushed it back rather sharply, as you would.

    In the interval I said a quiet word and I thought he had got the message...

    Imagine my amazement and annoyance when in Raymonda...the b. coat once again slowly descended onto my shoulders!  it would ALMOST have been funny but it really wasn't as I wanted to watch the ballet, not wrestle with some strange man's outerwear.


    Some people don't seem to notice there is anyone else in the world around them....

    • Like 8
  2. Beautiful performance by Gary Avis this afternoon. Such a moving trio in Nimrod in Enigma Variations with B Gartside's Elgar and K McNally an affecting Lady Elgar.   V Zucchetti was a very funny and skilled bulldog. 

    In Raymonda he and Mc Nally also really shone.

    Lauren Cuthbertson was a haughty and soulful Raymonda. 


    There were a few little bumps and trips in Concerto. 

    Tired company? 

  3. Lauren Cuthbertson gave us a strong and an elegant Aurora this afternoon...she looked happy and confident and got a very warm reception.  I do like the handsome and princely Bonelli but perhaps he wasn't having his best day? No matter, he is a good partner.


    The highlight of the performance for me was probably the super Bluebirds of Matthew Ball - who was dancing with superbly controlled strength and buoyancy-  and Mayara Magri. They were fast, light and suitably birdlike.

    (I would not have chosen Matthew as my no. 1 bluebird as I  see the role as made for a slighter dancer. But in fact he was the best I have seen this run.)


    We had a few minor problems in the amphi with :

    -a persistent cougher who made absolutely no effort at all to cover her face or muffle the noise- what goes on in the head?

    -someone dropping things with a loud clatter at regular intervals

    -some rumpus in the centre- with ushers being active, but I don't know what the problem was-does anyone else know?


    But it  did not spoil a good afternoon.  Best of all, my young nephew very much enjoyed his 3rd ballet, saying it was 'completely magical' and 'thrilling' - which has made my Christmas.




    • Like 15
  4. On 08/12/2019 at 12:20, capybara said:

    Since we are talking about reviews, here is a short quote from today's Sunday Times in the context of a full piece about the Hayward/Campbell cast:

    " The second night brought Marianela Nunez and Vadim Muntagirov...........(ref to cinema relay)......and, as with everything this pair dance together now, they are spot on wonderful: so natural, stylish, witty, technically breathtaking".

    I loved Hayward's performance too but the cinema audiences are in for a treat.

    How very true!

    What an enormous treat that was- technically breathtaking indeed, with Nunez on superlative form. I enjoyed the first night immensely with Hayward and Campbell but I must say tonight was just on another plane. Muntagirov's variation! It drew gasps from the audience and the cinema audience and I couldn't help exclaiming 'fantastic' during the applause.

    I think someone said he was like a race horse or a greyhound let out of the slips..yes indeed, he just unleashed this incredible sequence with such nonchalance and a sweet joyful smile. . I have to go to the encore to see it again.

    A lovely evening all round. How marvellous to see Merle Park in the second interval.



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  5. Very amusing- the 'Manfred Thierry Mugler' (who he?)  costumes are hilarious, like something from one of those glamrock bands of my youth...

    Haven't we seen something very like that sort of-  er  - gold loincloth? or whatever it is  ( don't want to be indelicate) before somewhere quite recently? Racking my brains.


    (But really it sounds as if these wonderful artists -Watson especially and Smirnova- were not very well served.....they are worth better.)

    • Like 1
  6. She handled the interview remarkably well.


    I didn't think the interviewer was all that bad- I had never heard of him, -but  all right, he knew nothing about ballet but the interview was mainly about Cats after all, rather than her ballet career. But he did ask reasonable questions, and allowed her to answer them. I felt he was quite pleasant and respectful, on the whole. I have  come across many much- much- more ignorant and silly interviews with dancers in this country - alas.




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  7. For many it will have been the first time-and it was very welcome that the cast list featured a short synopsis. However, it would have been very helpful to note the significance of some of the dances,  which, without any explanation, might well seem entirely random, as Candleque says;  especially Aurora, Prayer ( beautifully danced by Itziar Mendizibal with great soulfulness), and the wheat-ear scene, at which point I could sense much puzzlement in the audience about what on earth was going on.  It is important to know that here Swanilda is testing whether Franz loves her by shaking an ear of wheat to see whether it rattles ( a comic version of Giselle and the marguerite, He loves me,  he loves me not...) A few extra lines in the Notes really were needed.


    • Like 2
  8. Capybara: a frolic. The comic scenes excellently staged. Some longeurs and a few first night fumbles..in the various peasant etc dances I thought ...


    A serviceable, slightly old fashioned set but none the worse for that ..and the act 1 costumes a bit glaring red and white. Franz's outfit not v flattering. But Aurora an d  Swanilda wedding tutus beautiful sparkly visions and some gorgeous midnight blue costumes at the end. 


    A really good Xmas ballet. 

    But a top notch Dr Coppelius is needed to make Acts 1 and 2 work. ...fortunately we have Mr Avis. 

    On wobbly train on phone...giving up!

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  9. 4 minutes ago, Jamesrhblack said:

    For individuality, Osipova is probably unique, and I thought she was at her most wilful with phrasing this evening. As the other half remarked on Saturday, "there are two sorts of virtuosities: she likes to show it's difficult, Muntagirov makes it look effortless. I know which I prefer." 


    99% of the time I agree entirely- and Muntagirov is to me the finest dancer currently to be seen- but, I must say that in this piece it was that very contrast between them  that added a certain something to this performance, which I didn't get live last week- not sure why, but some chemistry seemed to click and I found Osipova irresistible and the whole Raymonda performance delightful!

    Ballet heaven in fact.


    Yasmine Naghdi and Hirano  were sublime in Concerto, as many have said- it bears saying again but it was also wonderful to see James Hay and Anna Rose O Sullivan close-up on screen giving it their all- a fine pair they are;

    Laura Morera gave a peerless performance which it is so good to have filmed, but I did miss Gary Avis  as Elgar. ( It was nice to see him interviewed but he didn't get the chance to say that much- there is still too much superficial 'It's amazing' chat to my mind.) It might have been Francesca Hayward's first time as Dorabella but she is made for the part and Ashton would surely have loved that performance.


    - and Reece Clarke and Itziar Mendizibal an exciting Hunagrian couple- goodness,  such an impressive range and variety on stage tonight.



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