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Posts posted by Mary

  1. 2 hours ago, Meetmeatthebarre said:

    Except for mid-performance emergencies or where I've planned in advance not to see part of a triple bill, only one: the Tristan & Isolde staging at the ROH which left half the auditorium only able to see a white box. Though I would have walked out of McGregor's Entity at Sadlers Wells, had it not bored me so much that I fell asleep despite the deafening music. 

    Now I think you're being unfair here...I am sure I remember there being a dining chair- or was it a table?? on stage at one point.........😀



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  2. I just had a few days away which involved taking the train to London Blackfriars and then walking to Waterloo- ( good way of avoiding the tube)  When I got off, and saw St Paul's over the river, I burst into tears, which was v embarrassing and awkward in a mask:  what a twit! I am a native Londoner and it has been so strange and sad to have had 14 months without going there. Like others posting here I now wonder why I didn't let myself have more of a life, but - who knows, it has been a difficult call.



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  3. I don't think it means Katherine really hated the excellent Robertson Davies. The point is, I think, that in her professional search for the typical, the average, the representative Canadian language, his work was not helpful- as he is too original.

    I am sure she would in fact have very much appreciated his special genius.


    Such a sad loss to the forum.


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  4. 12 hours ago, bangorballetboy said:

    because you’re helping a loved one through an incredibly difficult time?

    Exactly.....I do feel, it's important that I go on  helping out now, if I want to look forward to a future for ballet. Possibly I am a pessimist, but there are so many problems for all the country's ballet companies in the future months- and years? - that I have my eye on the longer term rather than on getting what I want now ( which I haven't got....who has?)


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  5. Some of this makes me feel very uncomfortable. I rather wish many of the obituaries and articles, social media comments and so on, which comment very freely on matters not really in the public domain, stating 'facts' and opining on things they surely  can't know the truth about,  and which must be causing horrible pain to Scarlett's partner, friends and family,  had followed the rules so clearly and wisely laid down by Sim at the head of this thread. Maybe there will come a time to discuss it but the time is not now.


    So Mods, feel free to delete this comment.....

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  6. I will remember him talking about Swan Lake  before it opened: he evidently really loved the ballet and everything about it.  So much talent, so much love of ballet  - gone. A sad and horrible loss in a very black time for ballet indeed.  He achieved a lot for one so young.


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  7. 1 hour ago, Jeannette said:

    The final flight of the Men’s competition was terrific! Actually, the last two groups were sublime. More satisfying than the Ladies’ programmes, in general. Highly recommended viewing for all lovers of figure skating & the movement arts! 

    I do so agree. it was a lot more artistic. It was also very pleasing to note the spirit of courtesy and sportsmanlike behaviour among the competitors. A real pleasure to watch.


    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Dawnstar said:

    The girl who has just skated, Alexandra Trusova, exemplified what infuriates me about ice skating. 5 quads banged in & she fell on 2 of them, yet she's got a massive technical score, 20 marks more than the previous highest competitor, because of the marks for attempting the quads. The rest of the programme just felt like the bits in between the quads & I found her completely inexpressive.

    ETA The next competitor has just done a very attractive & expressive programme, with no falls & only one visible error, but is 25 technical marks down because she doesn't have quads. Grrrrrrr.

    Precisely what I was thinking. It really wasn't attractive to watch Trusova at all, (I am sure a nice and certainly a VERY talented girl ) as opposed to the Austrian's fluid and graceful performance= for example..

    I wish they properly valued the 'cohesive' quality Robin Cousins keeps talking about- which is meant to define the event: that is, the way all the elements, the music, costume, choreography, style and the technical elements can all work together to make a satisfying whole -and that should be the no 1 concern! not just:  whizz round and round, bang, crash, wallop .. crash!- on your bum, jump up, whizz again etc. ..


    So even the Swedish 'joker'- not at all to my taste stylistically-  seemed to me to score more highly than Trusova in doing what the event asks for.


    Some of the music was just wince-makingly awful. It was particularly sad to see the Russians so out of  touch with their ballet heritage, and musical heritage.


    I still enjoyed the evening though! (lying on the sofa with a bag of mini eggs  and a glass of wine, being self righteous....)



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  9. Yes I agree..almost every time, you start to get into a performance, it gets interrupted in this jarring way and the commentators cries of 'Oh that's it. ouch' etc. But I think we're watching it as performance art when in fact it is sport I suppose.

    I really felt for the skaters this time with all the difficulties they have had to overcome. As Robin said- in a true under-statement- the world field was hardly a level playing field either : UK skaters as usual getting the worst of it with no facilities for months etc. as we seem unable to value and look after our talented people.

    Despite all that I still enjoyed it...the more artistic couples still thrilled me,- the Hungarians, the Canadians and the Chinese. Some of the musical choices beggar belief don't they. I put the Americans who butchered Rachmaninov straight in at no 20 and that Ave Maria...well.. ...and of course we always have to have a James Bond theme...


    Look forward to some more tomorrow.

    I can't watch ballet online but this is less serious to me  and it's just fun really. Agree it would be even better if they would even out the technical standard and allow each couple to just perform.


    Wasn't the medals ceremony bizarre.

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  10. 1 hour ago, FLOSS said:

    I can't help wondering whether Wheeldon has made a sensible choice of subject for his new ballet. I am not convinced that the novel or the film based on it will transform that easily into a ballet as the family relationships in the story appear to be too complex to be easily portrayed in balletic terms.  

    Reading the long, complicated and involved synopsis on wikipedia of this protracted saga, with numerous characters and endless twists and turns,  I did chuckle at the thought of the likely bafflement of the audience.....and  at the idea of another conflagration ending- (Frankenstein 2?) It seems a rather strange choice.

    But, it could be good, who knows.  So much depends on the music.


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  11. Ever tried working in a tiny cubicle in a packed barely ventilated call centre anyone? Read the reports about how these places spread the virus? Aircon is one of the worst things..most offices these days have inadequate fresh air.


    All businesses that import things are having big problems.


    The whole thing is very big and complex. Individual problems about getting through on the phone etc are real and annoying but it within a bigger picture.

    My own building work has been held up by supply problems and I am now stuck for accommodation so I do know- but let's see all sides.


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  12. A great many people are in this situation so don't feel alone.  I have 3 close relatives unable to go out or do anything, haven't seen my very ill brother for months despite the strong likelihood he will not see out the year- it is too dangerous for him to have visitors.



    Some people are being foolish in rushing to have foreign holidays etc-then complaining when they have to rush back... I wouldn't envy them especially.




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  13. Have you tried leaving out an old bowl of stale water specially for her. They like old stale water- hate the chlorine in fresh tap water  I suppose.

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