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Posts posted by Mary

  1. I thought Corrales was really on form tonight and well done to both for such an excellent performance with short notice for the partnership. From a technical point of view, anyone would have thought they'd been dancing together all their lives.

    The act 3 pdd was most exciting in places and drew whoops. My nephew was impressed with his first SL and kept marvelling at their 'amazing twirls'.


    I do think slow tempo is rather dragging down act 2 still though.


    What a fine dancer Calvin Richardson is now, - the earlier comments about his  lovely lines really were spot on. Most elegant and refined dancing, surely a prince.


    (I must say a word of thanks to the lovely staff at ROH for their kindness and welcoming attitude to my teenage nephew- very good. The cloakroom lady said the skateboard was 'a first' but 'a diverse audience was their aim'!)


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  2. The narrative of Prince of the Pagodas is not very compelling - there are rather a lot of longueurs and at times it verges on the daft. The Britten score is often beautiful but it lacks immediate appeal. 

    I have watched the DVD many times for the sake of the young Jonathan Cope. but I am not sure it really works overall.

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  3. Yes, if you want to save paper,  cut down on the Friends' magazine, or make the programme shorter and less glossy.

    I sat on the red velvet sofa next to the desk in the amphi corridor for half an hour the other night, ( wonderful free entertainment sitting there) and every single person who went up to the desk asked for a cast sheet. I did feel sorry for the usher who had to cope with this and she was very good. But the responses were all in the range disbelief - annoyance.



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  4. Very sorry to hear that M Nunez is still not well: it is so very unlike her to be laid low.  Wishing her a speedy recovery.


    Thinking about Benno, and earlier versions in which he 'joined in' even more extensively and vigorously, - is this role a precursor to some later Russian versions with the dreaded Jester joining in left right and centre, or is the jester role a precursor of Benno?

    (Or am I getting completely confused...)


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  5. I have some vivid memories of Bonelli giving a marvellous  performance and drawing all eyes- in 2 or 3 ballets I thought very mediocre. I shall not name any names but will just say he looked wonderful in that red dressing gown.


    He seemed to have that ability to rise above anything.

    His elegance and his presence will stay with me- Winter's Tale is a special memory.


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