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Posts posted by Mary

  1. 2 hours ago, DanJL said:

    I'm fairly sure we have exactly the same negative reaction every year and in the end people generally have a great time watching the vast majority of programmes, very much including the big classics! I'm sure a search through the forum will corroborate that. 

    No, I think people are more disappointed this time. It's true that most people are quicker to moan than to celebrate, maybe. True that it's easy to stand on the sidelines and say 'What we would do', when we don't have to wrestle with budgets and committees. But then I think there is recognition on the forum of those difficulties, and a lot of sympathy in general for Kevin O' Hare and for the organisation- and many of us went on paying for tickets we didn't use, and paying Friend's subs, etc through the pandemic.

      I don't think it's right to dismiss the concerns of a group of keen and committed ballet-goers quite so easily. I think their concerns for the RB's heritage ought to be listened to carefully.

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  2. It gives me no pleasure at all to be negative. But there would be no point in us all pretending to be pleased,  would there?


    I shall go on supporting the Royal Ballet.

    There is always another season.


    I just think there is no shortage of contemporary dance to go to - it is finding good classical ballet that is getting more difficult, and I do want RB to lead the way here and not move too far toward the contemporary style.  That is a different style with a different technique and different training and there are companies dedicated to it. RB should be primarily classical in my view and it should, primarily,  dance its heritage and also commission new works in the classical style, - the style to which it devotes so much time and money in training dancers and to which so many dancers devote their lives.


    Different does not mean better- but I do want that style to survive.



    • Like 25
  3. On 27/03/2022 at 14:02, Lizbie1 said:

    Saw this last night - it's very, very good and brilliantly sung and played.


    The staging is excellent but I do have one gripe: it's lazy and complacent to have the mob led by people recognisably of a BNP type and the setting be inspired by somewhere like Jaywick, and for Mrs Sedley to be a recognisable Hyacinth Bucket type. Surely one of the chief messages should be that we all have it in us to behave as they did, rather than to reinforce our comforting illusion that we ourselves wouldn't do such a thing.

    Agree. The 'mob' are surely meant to be just - ordinary folk. However, the problem of the opera is, that Grimes has indeed been cruel and wicked- and possibly, (I think it's meant  to be ambiguous- or is it?) a murderer of a young boy- thus, I think? making it all very complicated.

    I could be wrong but the productions I have seen seemed to turn on this ambiguity, and what makes the opera so disturbing (and too much for me just now)  is indeed the lack of any very clear moral compass, any character who is unambiguously good.


    To try to cast it all as BNP-type thugs persecuting an outcast certainly sounds reductive.

    How was Grimes himself portrayed?

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, alison said:

    Is anyone else getting an error message when they try to get onto the booking page for the bill?  I have, since last week :( 

    I get this '500' message whenever I try to book anything. I don't let it put me off but possibly others would and who could blame them. It is very annoying.


    Sorry to see that the new triple bill has not sold all that well so far - it could perhaps have done with a bit more and a bit better in the way of advertising  - and, more fundamentally, with some more appealing costumes/music. One work only having a title 3 days before perhaps didn't help either.  I don't know. It strikes me as a bit on the drab side  ( and Osipova/ Corrales as Cathy and Heathcliff would be an infinitely more exciting prospect.)


  5. 23 hours ago, JohnS said:

    I think Peter Grimes is to be steamed at some point

    from the look of the website photos the costume could certainly do with it!


    Oh dear- it's a wonderful opera, but, I find as I get older I can't cope with the harrowing misery of it.

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