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Posts posted by Mary

  1. I manage well with my inexpensive ( about £50) Aculon TO2s, bought from a little shop in that yard opp. the British Museum- where the LRB bookshop is: they had a good range of reasonably priced bins, and it was on the way to ROH one day. but might have gone...

    (There is also a very expensive optics shop there that I tried first but it was starting at £500...)


    I find these light, comfortable and do the job and it isn't the end of the world if I lose them out and about.

  2. It is absurd that booking the train tickets has become more difficult and anxiety-provoking than booking the theatre tickets for  a long-awaited first night....


    Last time I travelled on Avanti trains it was a bad experience and I'm sorry to hear it has clearly got worse - time the franchise was removed. What a terrible system we have. The knock-on effects for so many people are incalculable- it needs to change!  I don't drive and life is certainly getting more and more difficult to organise these days- meanwhile, the bad effects of too much motor traffic continue unabated or will get worse as people have to drive instead; but it isn't just individuals is it,  it's organisations, work, businesses that are affected - as all this uncertainty will affect tickets sales, and therefore hotels, restaurants and, more importantly,  people working or going to important family events or medical appointments and so on and on.


    • Like 7
  3. My friend who works for Macmillan was bewildered to be told to cancel a fund-raising  Macmillan coffee morning and charity bike ride  as a 'mark of respect'- Not what HMQ  would have done, I feel sure.

    It does seem odd to cancel concerts and cause so very much trouble and money loss where it really can't be absorbed at the moment...ah well it's a strange time- but hard to believe the Queen would have wanted this.


    • Like 5
  4. 35 minutes ago, FionaE said:

    super programme, bravo Nehemiah Kish.  I do hope a second round of these galas can be produced at some point with some other Nureyev specialties included. 


    I second that. It was far better than - 'some other galas' I've been to: very thoughtful programming. Using Drury Lane was appropriate and  a lovely idea- but it must have been difficult to struggle with the immoveable set issue and- OK, it wasn't perfect in the end  - but the stage and orchestra concerns many people are mentioning hardly bothered me as I was so rapt by the dancers. I saw so little for 2 years I am still thrilled to see top quality live ballet and so grateful people are putting it on at all.


    I can't begin to imagine what a headache it must be to put on something like this, especially at the moment- all the shenanigans of travel, insurance, finance, publicity, ticket sales, injury, illness, theatre rules oh lord...! outside the supportive structure of a company... so very many thanks to Mr Kish and his team.


    • Like 10
  5. I agree with JNC's perfect summary :  the introductory words were a little too brief..in particular, Monica Mason could have said something about what was so important about Nureyev as a dancer and what it was like to dance with him.


    Great evening overall and Frola..what footwork... Muntagirov-divine elegance -  Corrales - raw excitement- exemplifed different aspects of Nureyev v beautifully.


    There was a lively bustling atmosphere in the theatre- well managed by lots of well trained staf -  but a perfectly behaved audience too. 


    It greatly cheered me up.


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  6. On 26/06/2022 at 13:48, FLOSS said:

    It was a time when it was not fashionable to sneer at the arts as elitist or complain that subsidies only benefited the middle classes.

    A time that seems sadly far off. I find the philistinism in this country is getting worse and it's very depressing these days- a country where a politician ( Angela Rayner) can be laughed and sneered at simply for going to an opera performance -  as if that is somehow a political issue in itself (OK, Glyndebourne, but really is it all that different from Glastonbury or Wimbledon that we are all supposed to follow avidly..)


    I am not that old but I was brought up to believe the arts were for us all regardless of who we were - but now it seems ballet, opera, claassical music are just for 'posh' people.


    • Like 9
  7. Smooth for me too.


    But- is there some simpler way to go back and forth to a simple list of productions in the appropriate booking season ?  It is good to have the drop down list of dates for the production being booked, so one can go straight to another date- but when I then tried to move on to another ballet, it was back to square 1- or is that me just being slow and missing a trick?


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