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Posts posted by Mary

  1. 8 hours ago, jmhopton said:

    They had a great time but you wonder today with the emphasise on timetables, and worries about health and safety, if there is the same will to take classes of children out and about. Such a shame as this is the best way to ensure the arts aren't perceived as elitist.

    Absolutely agree- it's so vital to catch them young!


    The will is defnitely there in schools,  but the money definitely isn't.

    • Like 1
  2. I think it might be best not to start down this road, or at least to be very careful before saying  'ROH receives proceeds from our tax, therefore it must offer cheap seats'. 


    Yes- ideally- but  it needs a big enough subsidy from us all, to make that possible.


    I would like very much to encourage everyone to visit ROH (and have done my little bit over a lifetime) and for corporations to pay their fair share of taxes, but, some sections of the press like to say it is an argument for reducing subsidies, that not everyone  can/does attend : whereas I would argue it is an argument for increasing subsidies. Otherwise, seat prices will continue to rise in current circumstances.


    But besides, we all pay tax for all sorts of services we never use, and often we benefit indirectly in ways we might not ever realise.






    • Like 7
  3. 4 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:

    even though Avis must be nearly twice as old & isn't as clasically good looking, I thought his Bay Middleton was, frankly, sexier.

    absolutely, they don't get much sexier than Gary Avis!

    It is all about character and nuance though isn't it.

    I agree with you Dawnstar about Magri too- I found her really riveting last night:  she will be a great character dancer  for many years I feel sure.

    • Like 5
  4. Agreed. I think it depends to some extent on the person:  you have to think about what might appeal.   But over the  past 30 years I have taken many people to ballet for the first time and possibly only one was underwhelmed, the others were all amazed at how good it was- they had all sorts of ideas about it, from the misrepresentation ballet gets in general in the media (don't start me) ....they thought it was mimsy, silly, elitist, boring, posh, fancy, only for  weedy girlies,  etc etc etc etc .


    All rubbish as we know!


    • Like 5
  5. Prices for the gala Cinderella on 27th are higher than the rest of the run I think.


    Given the - huge - loss sustained during the pandemic, given the cut in Arts Council funding, at a time when all other costs are rising, more money has to be found- the question is, where from?

    Perhaps the most worrying thing about the Arts council cuts this year was the sense of unreliability. How can organisations plan ahead when they can't rely on a funding stream? ROH have seen others take really swingeing cuts and must be discussing- what to do if it's us next?


    Ticket price rises seem inevitable - I don't feel I can blame them .


    • Like 3
  6. Ball, Naghdi and O'Sullivan were tremendous, and to think it was a rejigged cast at quite short notice..very professional indeed to cope with that and produce stellar performances. I take my hat off to them, and to the whole cast who were just superb.

    I've been noticing how good the orchestra seem lately too- especially the brass so much improved, so it seems to me, not an expert.


    It's good news  that the King and Queen are continuing to come 'privately' to performances, supporting the Royal Ballet.









    • Like 12
  7. i loved today's matinee especially Diamonds which was thrilling. I really noticed Claire Calvert this time.

    Watching Marianela Nunez made me think of very thick double cream being poured slowly from a silver jug.

    Weird I know but it's meant as a huge compliment.


    I really liked Concerto- more this time, simply because of two dancers (Osipova and McRae) dancing really  together- someone said 'as one' higher up the thread- yes exactly, I love to watch that. Maybe their maturity and experience, and knowing each other well helped. I didn't think the Manon really caught fire and the File was very nice but somehow again, lacked that spark for me. The dancers were coming on cold into pas de deux that were meant to be climactic moments- difficult- and were understandably focused on steps, not on really performing together.


    Prima would be good in simple undistracting costumes but- I felt the dancers were dancing next to, rather than with one another.

    For Four was better in that respect but the choregraphy did not give  them enough dancing together.

    Having latched onto this theme I shall now apply it to everything...it certainly applied to Diamonds and Qualia- and some!..which is certainly technically amazing but it's not a piece I can like.


    See Us!- my young companion said was like an 'old fashioned pop video'.

    I bought a programme to read Joan Alcock's interesting essay on the history of the Friends (recommended) and see in it that See Us! is meant to 'challenge racial stereotyping'-  really??


    A very interesting afternoon with Diamonds as the best medicine for every ill of body and mind.


    • Like 10
  8. You can also sit in the area outside the Linbury theatre on the basement level- usually very quiet.


    I can't think of any theatre in this country where there are more places to sit - or wander about -in the intervals.


    I don't think the downstairs cafe is any more expensive than anywhere else in London these days. However, if you really need a drink, get there quickly. Or- you can order interval drinks at any of the bars in advance on the website, which is quite handy.


    If it's a first visit it is nice to get there early and wander about having  a look around and you can mentally note somewhere near your standing places to go in the interval- , enjoy the view from the amphitheatre terrace, and from the amphitheatre bar down into the Floral Hall, look in the lovely Crush Room, go to the shop.


    I hope you have a lovely time ;  it's a beautiful place with a real buzz and I am sure your 10-year old will be too excited to sit quietly in the interval!



    • Like 2
  9. I agree, the Qualia undies look more like something my great-grandad might have worn....under many layers!



    31 minutes ago, RobR said:

    Apropos the costumes, I didn’t have any problem with the costumes worn in ‘Concerto' by Macrae & Osipova, which looked fine to me (I’ve already said I enjoyed their performance) particularly when compared to the costumes worn in 'Dispatch' and 'Prima'. 

    And I positively refuse to make any comment on the drab dungarees, fatigues and T-shirts currently the costume of choice in 'See us!!' and pretty much anything choreographed by Crystal Pite.

    I agree... I enjoyed Concerto too, cheesy music, flimsy costumes and all ....not very original or profound and making no particular comment on anything..  short ...and  fun (but I acknowledge that if it was danced by less brilliant dancers it might well be tedious.)


    I never want to sit through another session of large groups stomping around in grey T shirts in the gloaming,  looking extremely fed up,   but no doubt I will.


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  10. I find it striking and moving that everyone loved Diamonds so much.


    Maybe we love it because such very pure classical ballet answers a deep-seated human need for order, beauty and harmony, in the unique experience of watching beautifully poised people dancing together in blissful, joyful cohesion to sublime music - creating for a short time a heaven on earth.  Possibly we need it more than ever these days.




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