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Posts posted by Mary

  1. I've just written them an email of complaint, saying I have no intention of going to the theatre until they change these policies.

    I simply can't afford to pay so much  money (travel etc as well) for such a poor experience, and I object to the theatre allowing this behaviour as disgracefully rude to the majprity of the audience and to the performers and whole Company.


    • Like 15
  2. 7 hours ago, JennyTaylor said:

    Talking about perfection, how about Marianela and Vadim this evening!  Glorious 

    Agreed..and as well as technical perfection they displayed every other kind: the performance was full of character...nobility..warmth..and joy. 

    'Reasons to be cheerful part 3' , sometimes hard to find currently, must include watching these two at their peak and Marianela's smile. 

    • Like 16
  3. We only have to glance at the news though. Life has no warnings, it just happens. Terrible, unspeakable things are happening. I suppose we can try to ignore and shut it out, avoid being upset.

    But perhaps the best approach is to give people when they are  growing up strong principles and courage to deal with, and try to improve things.  I admire the many young people who are doing just that.


    • Like 7
  4. She used to run a line of ready to wear/off the peg dresses that were a lot more - er - wearable.  I bought one in a sale from a little boutique that was closing down - which I have worn for every special occasion for the past 20 years and will no doubt see me out.  No tartan, rips, slashes, huge bows, slogans or anything like that! Just very wearable, comfortable, timeless and very forgiving for a woman of any age to wear. That seems to me a real achievement in designing, far more so than all the outrageous catwalk stuff.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Fonty said:

    Just musing thoughtfully here, but has there every been any choreography for the SPF solo that actually fits in with the music?  I've seen two or three different productions, and on each occasion it looks as though the dancer is doing an awful lot of steps, most of which are out of time to what is being played.  


    How interesting. i have never really liked it: this very basic explanation might make me understand why!

  6. Well, it's continental isn't it, to serve the teabag on the side.   I never mind when I'm in Italy...because- well being in Italy makes up for it.

    But it isn't at all the thing in this country.


    I think the point about hygiene is just made up...I mean- er- on that basis we wouldn't want the sandwich unless we were presented with a wrapped loaf and a packet of cheese!


    Nice reply anyway.


    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, Geoff said:

    There is a lot wrong. However as the tenor of this thread is universal delight it seems churlish to mention anything negative. But one place to start might be the comments just made on Instagram by Alastair Macaulay (scroll down the comments here, his appear near the top, also in discussion with others):-



    I would always like to hear different views, positive or negative- it's very interesting.

    The points Macaulay makes are surely valid- but he makes them in a rather rude, abrasive tone.


    Still, I would rather hear what everyone thinks. Despite Alan Bennett's excellent advice to anyone 'going round' that 'comments should be restricted to the one word -  'Marvellous' uttered repeatedly'...it would really be rather pointless

    (as  we've all said many times) if we all followed that advice on the Forum....


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  8. Yes- it really is easy! you are asked if you want to use one and it shows you what you have- and then you click on that and if it doesn't cover  the full sum,  your total to pay is reduced accordingly ( a nice feeling)

    so if you have a voucher for £20 and you buy a ticket for £30, it just changes your value to pay to £10.

    I have found it very user friendly......

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Linnzi5 said:

    Nutcracker isn't the sort of ballet to give me a lump in my throat.)


    I know what you mean............. and yet it does,  because of the glorious music, and so did  these photos actually, - something about it all coming back again, after the pandemic, and Sir Peter Wright, and Gary Avis with his long overdue bouquet, choked me up over my muesli- thanks for the photos Dawnstar!


    • Like 6
  10. But several posts have expressed admiration for the orchestra during the Mayerllng run, my own included.


    As regards costumes and sets, doing a backstage tour made me realise what amazing care goes into them. There are some productions that seem disappointing- yes, sure. But not the 3 act ballets, for example- they are wonderful.


    I am also very aware of the way the organisation looks after the dancers, and nurtures such a wealth of talent- look at the RB- and how many of those dancers go off to other places, and spread the good work around. The place takes care of injured dancers, keeps most of them in fabulous condition, it  has world class facilities backstage, (try looking round the back of the Coli by comparison, as was pointed out in a recent post, or for that matter any West End theatre, and I have looked because I have family working in wardrobe round the West End- conditions for the artists and technicians alike  are often pretty deplorable.)


    Then we have a beautiful building, open most days, where you can wander round,  sit and read a book, have a coffee etc -  go to the loo!- right in the heart of central London.


    No,  the more I think it over, I just can't agree that one gets a poor experience at ROH: taking it all in all I feel I get a really excellent experience- although, of course, things are not perfect.


    I have moaned a fair bit in my time, but having recently lost a great amount of cultural riches in my local area, I am starting to think about how 'you don't know what you've got till it's gone'......


    I think we should support our cultural centres, make suggestions for how they can carry on without raising prices any more, certainly - but stick up for them, because frankly they are under threat.





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  11. 10 minutes ago, art_enthusiast said:


    If they did another Ashton triple, wouldn't that be a guaranteed sell out as well as a continued homage to his legacy? Given how much the loyal audience members want to see more Ashton, and I believe the triple bill earlier this year may have brought in new fans?

    It is what I want to see! - but is it a guaranteed sell out?   I don't know.


    Some of the new pieces must also be aimed at pleasing the Arts Council- they can't risk losing that funding.





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  12. I fully agree Lizbie1 - cutting quality is the wrong direction, and just to add that I am also happy to pay more for ROH knowing I will not be sitting next to people eating and drinking, so I hope they don't start allowing that in a desperate bid to make money.

    I don't like all the bills either, but the choice of production should not just be decided on whether it can easily fill the theatre- we know where that would lead in the end.


    In the end though only better state subsidy or more private support is going to make the sums add up.



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