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Posts posted by Mary

  1. On 27/03/2023 at 18:39, zxDaveM said:


    Starter for 10 - just bl**dy fix it so that the important information is available!!!

    Spend the money on that, not useless surveys on 'user experience'

    I've just had another survey from ROH  - my 3rd in  a month I think..this time about my experience of using my ROH account. I wasn't entirely sure what this covered. Anyway I said all the usual things including a version of Dave's very pertinent remark above....

    It's becoming a full time job completing surveys for arts organisations. I had an exhausting one for the National Gallery to do earlier and there are 2 others in my inbox....


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  2. 1 hour ago, alison said:

    What I shall be interested to find out is how the Jester is being portrayed.  In previous runs of this ballet, there were complaints that he'd lost the sense of pathos the character used to have (the implication being, I think, that the role had turned rather into a showy "tricks machine"?).  Given that the role appears to be being distributed among some of the younger and less dramatically experienced members of the company, I'm wondering how this will turn out.  (And it's also perhaps why I was surprised to see experienced First Soloists performing as one of the Sisters).

    I wouldn't say there was a sense of pathos in the performance I saw: the Jester seemed on top of the world mood-wise!

    Was there meant to be pathos, and if so, why would that be?

    I don't normally like jesters, but I did very much enjoy Taisuke Nakao's ebullient performance and I liked his bright costume very much.


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  3. It is absurd for Monahan to be reviewing a performance he has never seen by a performer who has never danced the role !

    Equally, for anyone  to criticise the production before actually seeing it is a bit pointless.


    I want to let my first viewing settle in my mind, and see it again, before saying more and I hope to read many interesting opinions on here from others  - who have seen the production.


    Meanwhile, I think I shall respond to him by criticising his review without actually reading it.



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  4. In the theatre, and with the lighting, spring was actually green and yellow and I can't think what would look more spring-like:  with the music and choreography, it was a vision of Spring, danced with sprighly aplomb by Anna-Rose O'Sullivan. Winter was an icy white-blue  and again I thought the theatrical presentation made it entirely clear this was Winter. For summer, the costume was actually red and yellow and accompanied by the projection of roses growing all round the stage which beautifully reminded me of the David Austin stand at the  Chelsea Flower Show! Melissa Hamilton made a luscious summer fairy.

    There were things I didn't entirely like last night but  I felt the four seasons fairies sequence worked very well and the costumes were appropriate.


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  5. I agree Darlex about the wands, which looked wrong....something waved by a toddler at a party. Also the male courtiers' hairstyle was indeed a bit Disney..I was wondering why I didn't like it. 

    The lighting at the beginning could go..it doesn't signify. 

    But I didn't dislike the fairy costumes .


    The stepsisters' dresses were frightful but intentionally so surely. 


    I have always felt we get a bit too much of the sisters in this ballet   - and think so still. Not a production issue. Avis and Acri were superb and carried it off..especially Gary Avis: what an actor. But still I got to the point of feeling they had delighted us long enough...


    I had feared much more technical wizardry and was pleased that in fact restraint was shown. 


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  6. 19 hours ago, alison said:

    I accidentally turned on BBC Red Button last night to find the skating World Championships were on, so had a great time watching.  I particularly liked the Korean skater Lee, whose first name escapes me at the moment - I thought she was lovely.  Didn't quite win, though.

    Thanks so much for alerting me!! I had no idea, but it's all on iplayer so I am happily catching up.

    Why this never seems to be publicised is mystifying.


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  7. I agree that the RB should offer some kind of celebration of Ms Seymour's life, work and contribution to their repertoire -  and more than just dedicating a performance as they sometimes do.

    I wish ROH would bring back the photo displays in the amphi corridor- that display gave another opportunity to offer tributes which is currently not used. I don't know why.




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    It isn't a combination of ballet and heavy metal at all- orchestrated music cannot be heavy metal....


    What next, a ballet version of This is Spinal Tap? That could be diverting - I am already seeing the Stonehenge and jazz sequences in my mind's eye and I can imagine Carlos saying huskily,  'Hope you like our new direction'.



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  9. At least the survey is a good opportunity to give feedback.

    I added a comment that I understood the problems, sympathised,  and wanted to support them, but...to be careful not to alienate the regulars.

    Also, to consider more matinees and earlier finishes so I could save money on overnight stays.


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