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Posts posted by Mary

  1. Well indeed.

    Normally there us a space for 'Other' and normally I write something like:


    '?? None of these- I just want to see ballet/theatre/listen to music/look at paintings'


    as the case may be.

    But no such space was provided and I could not continue the survey without ticking a box. This is bad as they will be able to claim that lots of people ticked one of the meaningless boxes  meaning something by it ( heaven knows what)  - when in fact.....


    I certainly wouldn't tick 'interventions' to which I am a bit allergic. I remember once making a special trip to see some paintings to find someone had covered them all with some kind of lace doily arrangement- yes it was an 'intervention'.



    • Like 6
  2. My cut and paste did not work! The list of options from which I had to choose  was:


    immersive experiences

    sensory experiences

    stimulating interventions

    remarkable moments


    -and I really can't say what this means in the abstract!



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  3. Weird questions in those surveys that arts organisations keep sending me ( I know they are forced to do this to get funding.) I always do them, to try to help, and also to give feedback. But I do dislike it when they 'come over all daft' - e.g.  - 'your well-being is important to us' etc.


    This one from the National Gallery- somewhere I will always support, but surely an insitution which should have some gravitas - really had me baffled, and I was told I had to answer it.


    Of the following four options, please select the one that is most appealing to you.
    sensory experiences
    immersive experiences
    remarkable moments
    stimulating interventions
    Sensory experiences
    Immersive experiences



  4. I'm still catching up on the world figure skating on i player, and the impeccably behaved, warmly supportive but exquisitely well mannered audience is greatly enhancing my enjoyment. Not a single person seems to be eating or drinking. They cheer every country , and they seem absolutely delighted with the skating ( as well they might be). It is a real master class in being a good audience.


    • Like 2
  5. I am rather sorry i might have inadvertently de railed the thread by mentioning Fille.

    In the first place, Richard was right to remind me that I should get the facts first before complaining that it has been retired for reasons of sensitivity.


    But, I was just observing that it seemed odd, if one was going to review the RB's rep for insensitive content, to start with Fille  mal Gardee  - and I still think so!


    As regards 'sanitizing' or 'banning' the Macmillans I am not advocating either but would say that - it is the other way round in fact: it is the ballets which sanitize and are in danger of glamorising the content.  Because that is not what drug abuse,  suicide and sexual violence actually look like.

    Macmillan was a genius choreographer but also a sensationalist and at times i do tire of the works.


    But whatever your view, I don't think anyone can reasonably complain that they have not had enough opportunity to see Macmillan's representations of these themes on the ROH stage ( and in screenings and on DVD.)


    Whereas there are many fine ballets which are adult, serious,  profound,- not just fairy tales, though they can be profound too -  without attempting to depict such events on stage: see the lists  people have given above- quite a few of which do not get staged any more/very often, while the Macmillans circle endlessly.



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  6. We all wished for Cinderella every year for years and it hasn't been quite the joyful and triumphant reception we might have expected....


    I just wish for one really good Ashton triple and one really good other/Macmillan triple.


    It is funny when you think about it that all the abuse  in Manon (including one really vile scene) won't stop it coming round again and again but we're -apparently -not able to see Fille.

    Very odd.








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  7. Good point!


    I may well be wrong but didn't Ashton originally make the roles with women in mind?

    That complicates our responses- maybe.


    But most of us seem to feel the sisters' routine is really not all that funny, or at least, that a little would go a longish way.


    Maybe it is just that times have changed and knockabout drag doesn't seem quite so funny any more? I really enjoyed the act on the first night as a piece of silliness, but I would not want to watch it 4 more times, so am wondering about my future bookings..

    It all rather reminded me of TV humour when I was a child half a century ago.....


    ...and I should say that I am one of Ashton's greatest admirers and also one of Gary Avis's greatest admirers.


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