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Posts posted by Mary

  1. We're all concerned about rising prices.


    But I can't agree ROH is uniquely problematic.

    Most 19C opera houses have sight line problems, and prices are going up everywhere.  My small local theatre is charging £70 to see something rather mundane  and get very  cramped legs in the process....I still feel my usual amphi seats give good relative value, bearing in mind the quality we get at ROH.


    I think JohnS has the right idea of trying to engage ROH management in constructive dialogue and I shall do the same if I feel unhappy  - but continue to support them.


    • Like 3

    3 hours ago, bridiem said:

    many of the ideas he mentions really come from the poem and would not be evident to someone watching the ballet without knowledge of the source.

    I completely agree- as so often with Wayne.


    However it was a  real joy to watch Germain Louvet's interview.


    In many ways, despite my feeling that the dance itself does not convey the story/ideas-  I do think there are some fine aspects to this work BUT in the end it comes down to this - I just can't get past those frightful Damart nighties.

    • Like 3
  3. 1 minute ago, Dawnstar said:

    Christiansen probably shouldn't be assuming that the audiences in Peterborough were ignorant about ballet.

    Indeed-hear, hear! - he talks about patronising the people, ...well he should know.


    It's true the provinces don't get as much ballet as we would like. I think we could cope without the scenery if we got a good mix of old and new on a regular basis.


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  4. I remember there was a lot of publicity around this when it came out- with lots of photos in the press- so maybe that was part of the thinking behind this collaboration, any cost being seen as worthwhile in those terms?

    However, when I saw the costumes, and the piece itself, I felt it was disappointing and the costumes very unattractive indeed, - outstandingly so in fact, so that it joined a very small group of ballets I would not go to mainly because of the costumes!


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  5. On 20/03/2023 at 13:21, Jan McNulty said:

    I am incandescent with rage.  It has been announced today that Avanti has been given another 6 month extension on its franchise.


    How can the government justify this ludicrous decision???

    It looks as if we have some good news ( in a sort of way) on the train situation today at long, long last. ......................Transpennine service has been an utter disgrace for far too long.

    • Like 3
  6. 25 minutes ago, bridiem said:


    That would be great in that it's proper choreography/ballet, but surely a bit odd given the not-exactly-happy ending for the couple?!

    Yes but it's famous and there was the film which had quite a good success- so no doubt that's the thinking, although I can think of many more apt pieces.....

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, capybara said:

    ……. as Muntagirov’s Rudolf demonstrated in spades!

    And the reason so many RB dancers (especially Principals), including him, are appearing elsewhere these days is that they do not have enough performances here. But I must beware of sounding like a worn record on that subject!

    He was wonderful and deepy touching in A Month in the Country as many on here have said repeatedly, and also in Two Pigeons, and buoyant and funny in Fille,( his 'bottles' dance is etched on my memory )-  - I agree it's a question of opportunity much more than some innate inclination.

    I for one would be delighted to go to the first nights of Ondine, Sylvia, D&C and all the rest with Muntagirov/ Nunez- and also delighted to see other casts.


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  8. I woke up wondering if i had dreamt that Sarasota ballet are visiting us (as in my fantasy wish list on this forum earlier this year) - but no, I see it is true.


    Perhaps we should revive a charming old custom and meet them at the airport with floral garlands....


    Has anyone answered the question about the Ashton celebration- is it pegged to any particular aniversary? and will BRB or other companies be involved (as with the Macmillan celebration) ?


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  9. Restricted view seats have their advantages..


    I am wondering about this new Ring,- I seem to recall the Director is not noted for attractive productions? I am ignorant on this front. I never much liked the previous production which I saw over a few years, never in one year. It seemed to me, apart from the beautiful opening, rather an ugly fest.

  10. Yes Giulio Cesare. I think they were coffee tables..they were sort of glass topped boxes. There was a lot of rolling around, also balancing on the edge of one of these which was terribly distracting as i just had visions all the time of whoever was doing it breaking their ankle.

    What on earth it had to do with Giulio Cesare- such a cracking opera, though possibly just a bit too - er, difficult for this particular cast- I really do not know.


    However I do like ETO - agree they are good value, pretty reliable  - and they work so hard. Usually the productions are simple and serviceable.  They do an excellent job of taking opera round the country don't they.


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  11. I agree with this- I have almost given up going to opera at ROH as the old productions have  slowly gone, and the amount of spectacle and gorgeousness dwindled in inverse proportion to the steep price rises..

    So I tend to go to the smaller companies now. ETO are often good (although the productions are a mixed bag and the recent run had some very bizarre shenanigans involving rolling around on the floor with a coffee table which bore no relation I could see to the aria being sung, the character, the opera, the period or anything else...)

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  12. 11 minutes ago, Ondine said:

    Truth is the general public will never have heard of Sarasota ballet, not a huge company, or the Ashton ballets being shown, designed for small stages and small companies. The scenery won't simply transfer for a start.


    I suspect the small theatre will be a sell out, the larger one is far too big a risk to take.

    Yes that does sound sensible, I wish they were going to Sadlers Wells instead though, surely not too big, and good sightlines for all - unlike the Linbury.


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