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  1. This is what prompted me to look as he is the only boy in his ballet classes (there are another few boys in the school just not in the ballet classes he attends) He seems happy enough at the moment but I do think he would benefit from being around more boys, he has a big group of boy pals at school and I know there is a lot of talk about what boys do and what girls do etc. So far it hasn't phased him but I definitely feel that being around more boys doing the same thing would be great for him. Perhaps I should ask his teacher then to get an idea If I think of any more questions related it would be great if I could DM you
  2. His dance school do have children that have been accepted onto associates this year when I looked on the school website and so I wondered if that meant that his teacher would let someone know if they should audition. I wouldn't want him to or to ask about it if he was really not at the right level for it! I don't have a good idea really as I don't have experience of dancing myself. We are based in Glasgow and it was the Scottish Ballet Junior Associates that I had a look into. He currently attends two Grade 1 classes a week at the same dance school but has recently asked if he could go down to 1 class a week (maybe that's a sign that he isn't super keen for more dancing!) he also does tap and acro . He used to attend 2 Primary classes last year however they were at two different schools(a crossover period between original school and new one) which he said felt different because they were in different places with different children, different teacher etc and in fact he ended up doing that for most of the year as he didn't want to leave his old dance school but liked his new one too. Thank you to everyone that has replied so far
  3. Hi, I am new to the forum and I have a question regarding applying/auditioning for an associate program. My child is 8 and has just started Grade 1, doing ballet for 2 years Pre Primary and Primary. I was wondering whether your child's dance teacher tells you to apply for an associate programme? Or do you decide yourself ? I'm unsure of how to know whether to or not and how to judge it . Thanks in advance !
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