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  1. What if you actually DO have an EU passport but don’t actively live in an EU country?
  2. I’ll check, thank you for the suggestion
  3. One of the girls in my ballet school (not my class but she’s the best student in the school so I’ve heard about her) was rejected for JA but did Mid and was accepted into Senior this year. There’s no harm in trying anyway.
  4. Obviously I don’t expect RBS associates or anything, I’ve seen the kind of girls who get those opportunities, there’s one in my ballet school. This will be for Year 11 entry because I’m about to go into Year 10. I need to know the timeframe in which I have to apply, not too early. I’ll be 14, in Year 10, Grade 5 and a beginner en pointe at the time of application, and in Intermediate at commencement of the course, should I bother applying for associate classes? It needs to be somewhere in the Midlands too. I assume the answer is no but I’m just wondering, I guess.
  5. I know, I looked at all of the rules and i asked them, don’t worry
  6. My first post here, so hi! So, I’m just 14 (June), going into Year 10 and I’ve been doing ballet since September 2022(12), but the training at my first school wasn’t great, and I’ve been going to better classes for about a year. I’m only in grade 4 right now, going to do my exam either in November or a filmed exam in January, my teacher will decide after summer holidays, and I’ll be starting pointe just in the next few months (note, I’m hypermobile, so I need more strength for pointework). I have an almost good physique for ballet but I’m too fat which I’m WORKING ON. I always wanted to become a professional- should I bother trying or just give up even though it’s my passion? I won’t be accepted anywhere at 16, will I? I’ll only be at Intermediate/Advanced foundation (my teacher is trying to get me through the levels quickly, but I have to work really hard to be ready, and there’s only so quickly) by then, and who knows if I’ll still be fat. What are alternatives careers for those who aren’t good enough for ballet? It just saddens me to know that I only get one chance to live and I’ll never be happy, my life is basically over I suppose.
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