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  1. Thank you so much everyone and btw I do have a gymnastics history and I did ballet for three years when I was 3 to 6! I will look into those other schools mentioned!
  2. Does anyone have any suggestions? Do u think it’s too late to start?
  3. Oh I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware, but yes they know now, and I just really care about ballet and need this question answered and peoples opinions and then I will leave
  4. Hi! So I’m an 13 soon to turn 14 in September, and I started ballet last September. I had previously been doing two years of other dance. In October however I broke my foot, causing me to be out of ballet for 4 or 5 months, I started up again in the spring after many sessions of physical therapy and started to move back up, I did two weeks of intensive at my school and now have been working hard at home. In august I’m moving to England and want to audition for the royal ballet school. I have really good balance, extension, turnout, and understanding, but I’m worried I’m too old to start and because I’m not en pointe I won’t be excepted. I will be starting at a smaller school, in grade/level 4-5 and hope to get en pointe and then consult the teacher about auditions
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