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  1. @academicdanceraah ok thank you for explaining that does make sense! I am not familiar with it or the building or anything so all very new to me! Yes it must just be that the dates and times aren’t finalised for Birmingham yet xx
  2. @minnielovesalbert good question, I can’t remember but I think when we registered to audition I didn’t put any preference I just asked for any, and we have been given 32. I have no idea what the difference is apart from being more weeks! @DaintyBallerinaMum yes! I searched for a forum and I searched Facebook thinking there must be something and then I thought maybe they don’t allow groups on Facebook because there’s literally nothing!
  3. @ballet_mam maybe it’s coming in dribs and drabs!
  4. @DaintyBallerinaMum I wondered this because I can’t be the only one with millions of questions 😂 and also nice to find other families going to the same centre etc but I can’t seem to find any groups. Interesting you have the times in your handbook, I feel like if they were in ours they would be pretty clear obvious so I’m starting to think we just don’t have that information for Birmingham yet!
  5. Ooh I must have the same handbook as you @Ballet Power because it says it’s for JA3, JA4, MA1 and SA so maybe none of us have times yet xx
  6. No I can’t seem to find it anywhere in the handbook at all, it’s got her class, her teachers, the directions, the schedule in terms of like arriving and signing in but nowhere can I see any times at all 🙈 and no not for Hippodrome it definitely says at royal ballet on Thorp street. Shes been offered the 32 week one and her class is JA3. It does say that for JA1 they’re still waiting on venue to confirm times and dates so I assume that must be the one at the hippodrome. I don’t know I feel like I must be being really stupid, I have read it so many times and can’t see it. It doesn’t massively matter but it’s just good to be able to start planning when you have other children etc and weekends can be such a juggling act!
  7. For those of you that did get a yes, I have had the email today with what class she’s in and teachers etc and the handbook. But there’s still no information on times. I mean I literally have no idea if it’s first thing in the morning or late afternoon or anything in between 🙈 I don’t know how long the classes are either. I am assuming they are definitely on Saturdays? Has anyone got this information yet at other centres? Anyone from previous years remember when you were give all these details? Is there anyone else with a child going to the Birmingham centre? ☺️
  8. Hello everyone, just been waiting for my account to be verified. Found this forum a few days ago when I was going stir crazy waiting on the email! Trying to catch up with everyone’s posts. We auditioned in London but had Birmingham as our top choice, however we couldn’t make the Bham Audition date so did the London ones instead. So in answer to that comment previously I guess people do travel to whichever audition date is best for them even if it’s not their nearest centre. We actually got a yes today, I’m totally shocked. My daughter lives for ballet but with all the amazing dancers in the country I didn’t think we had a chance! Ballet is her thing, she’s fairly flexible and has good natural turnout but she doesn’t have perfect feet and she’s had to work super hard at her legs and flexibility. She is a beautiful dancer but we have lots to work on with technique. She does probably have what they call the classic ballet physique but who even knows! We were all ready to apply again next year, she loved the audition day. Who knows the criteria for getting accepted. But no one give up! Theres always next year! Theres some other fab associates programmes too for ballet! 🥰 we got a no from Elmhurst young dancers back in March. So didn’t expect this yes at all. We have also applied for midland theatre ballet which is another lovely one! For anyone that got a yes well done to your child 💕
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