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  1. Hello. I am just wondering if anyone is aware of any adult ballet classes in London that are taught by teachers trained in the French style? Thanks!
  2. Very fine evening overall. Personally, while I thought Sasaki and Sissens were both very beautiful, they also demonstrated heaps of potential that I hope will mature with more experience, especially in terms of partnering and acting. Sissens had such gorgeous lines, and Sasaki’s fouettés were particularly impressive, though both had moments when I wished they were just a tad sharper musically. Really enjoyed Chisato Katsura in the two swans! Liam Boswell was a star even if only dancing in the corps. This performance also really piqued my interest in seeing Yu Hang (cygnet) and Viola Pantuso (corps) as potential Odette/Odile’s. Yu Hang’s swan had a mesmerising purity of lines and sense of fragility (visible in Rob’s photo above), whereas Viola’s swan showed incredible details and expressiveness in the upper body (would be refreshing to just see a more petite O/O too).
  3. Gutted to hear that Marco is injured! Hoping for fast and full recovery - along with a number of other company dancers! I saw Caspar Lench as Puck in the General Rehearsal on Friday - he was absolutely spectacular. I also saw Daichi Ikarashi in the same role the night before (opening night), who was breathtaking as well. Enviable technique from both. Insane pirouettes from Daichi, but the height of Caspar's jumps were particularly impressive too, especially given that I was sitting in Balcony (higher up). Very convincing characterisation from both - Daichi on the 'cleaner' side, and Caspar perhaps more theatrical! Overjoyed to see such a great line-up of young talents ready to tackle bigger roles!
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