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  1. Sorry I meant MDS that funds CAT schemes. We earn too much to get a funded place but have too many outgoings to be able to fund a place at The Hammond - as I said we’re already funding her sibling to live away from home for uni!
  2. Way out of our reach unfortunately! We wouldn’t be eligible for a CAT and if she got DADA we’d receive one of the lowest amounts. She’d also have to board as we’re not close enough 😣 They are starting part time 10 week blocks of courses though on Sundays which are a lot more reasonable and accessible but my daughter has been to an associate class which she loves once or twice a month and that’s on a Sunday too 🤦‍♀️
  3. Hi, is there an option anywhere to do a professional dance course alongside A levels? We can’t afford for our daughter to go to a costly school such as Tring Park and also couldn’t afford for her to live elsewhere really as we’re already supporting her sibling who’s at uni. We live in the north west. She’s quite academic (all 8’s in GCSE mocks) so we feel it would be a pity not to get some A levels behind her but she loves dance too, wants a professional dance career and wants to do it alongside. Obviously she could do A level dance alongside other subjects in a local college but dance never appears that strong if it’s not a conservatoire. She’d prefer a dance course rather than just ballet! She could also do A levels first of course but she’s wanting to move to a professional dance course after school if possible although she’s very level headed and knows it would be good to get A levels too! Any advice gratefully received!
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