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  1. These are all great thank you so much! I am definitely checking out TPA. It is not that she doesn't want the pressure - actually she prefers it in a way - but she is not advanced enough maybe for auditions for her age. She would love to attend competitions and be part of a group/school. So Pineapple isn't exactly what she would be after I feel. TPA sounds wonderful - seems we missed the auditions but I will enquire for sure. She found a school in south London , South London Dance Academy I think - but I didn't check it out enough yet although we are right at the opposite end of the city for it.
  2. Hi everyone:) This is such an amazing place full of information and experience! I have a 14 year old daughter who has been doing ballet for years but not in a very professional way. She came to liking dancing a lot more this year and did 1 Intermediate-foundation vocational class, 1 pointe starters, 1 grade 5 ballet and 1 grade 5 midern lessons a week this year. Now she is quitting all her other activities on Saturdays for next year and really wants to find a dance school she can do these and more, like contemporary on a long day. She loves to dance but I don't think she would have gone through an associate program assesment as my understanding is they are looking for quite advanced students and flexibility which she doesn't have at the right level. So my question is; do you have any recommendations for us where she can be a part of a school without too much pressure but serious enough? She is very academic and I doubt she will give up on that but just loves dancing. Where do we go? We are in north London but she can travel herself in London or I can drive and drop her further out north from us. Thank you so much in advance! 🙏😍🙏
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