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Everything posted by Ondine

  1. This is decidedly weird! A big promo piece by Hallberg for Australian Ballet's Jewels, and this is the Royal Ballet dancing? Have I missed the credit? Also there will be a livestream of Jewels July 6th Livestreamed Live on BalletTV 'which can be accessed from anyhwere in the world' it says https://australianballet.com.au/performances/live-on-ballet-tv
  2. I suspect they are promoting the site by adding the McGregor works with his new work the 'homage' to the ballet's set designer / artist the late Carmen Herrera coming up this week, 'Untitled 2023'. Marketing. πŸ˜‰ I now have my suspicions that the Ashton won't appear until next year and the 'Ashton Festival' and Sarasota Ballet at the Linbury! If indeed it ever appears. 😏
  3. Yes! There's a piece here about that. β€˜We can’t just be in our ivory tower’: the Italian conductor aiming to open up the Royal Opera House to everyone https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/jun/03/we-cant-just-be-in-our-ivory-tower-the-italian-conductor-aiming-to-open-up-the-royal-opera-house-to-everyone?CMP=share_btn_tw
  4. I said the answer would be out there! Thank you. Did you also work with Ashton?
  5. Thank you! And this discussion. Fascinating to note Luca Acri says his dad danced the 'big sister' role in Tokyo.
  6. Slighty off topic, but currently on YT there is a vid of Dowell as Carabosse in makeup which is strangely reminiscent of Dame Ninette. 😏 There is another from a TV film of Ashton and he is REALLY scary, with gruesome makeup. Hammer horror scary. Poor baby Aurora having THAT hanging over her crib! The current glam versions are really quite tame.
  7. This one? The Sleeping Beauty – The carriage of Carabosse, featuring Olivia Cowley... https://youtube.com/shorts
  8. I'm now worried about Tim. I hope he's better.
  9. Can't help (I'm thinking hard) but my goodness what have we missed in the UK? 'Tim's in for a groin strain'. 6.35 Oh.
  10. I'm not sure if this is Performances Seen & Gen Discussion or Doing Dance, it's bit of a crossover, but it is a discussion / deconstruction / technical spotlight on / of a performance of part of Swan Lake as analysed on her YT by US dancer Kathryn Morgan, and very informative it is too. She has also 'done' Osipova which I posted in the Osipova thread. Embedded link to her official channel.
  11. I'm hoping for a Pussy Riot style demo at the Opera House on opening night. So much online controversy over a short dancework! πŸ™‚ I'm additionally hoping forum regulars will be there with cameras in hand to capture it all. πŸ™ƒ
  12. Rude? Wait until I really try! Lady Bracknell personified! I've spent many decades honing my rudeness levels, I've reached the grand age of not giving a damn as Mr R Butler said, but I was actually just being lighthearted! It is all quite amusing really, that there is all this angst being expressed over a title. Or not a title. At the end of the day, it's a short one act dancework and it has a title. It won't cure world poverty or get anyone on Mars. Perspective is surely being a little skewed here? I get that some don't like Wayne McGregor, but many do, and I'm sure for those, a new work is an event to which they look forward. And I look forward to reading what they have to say about it.
  13. Well thanks for that. I'll have a delve. I can't say I've delved as yet much beyond the fact I know the artist and admire her work, within the context of its time and place in the 'history' of art. I can see why McGregor was attracted to using her as designer and inspiration. The dancework could be a dud, it could be memorable and lasting, until it's performed in its entirety no-one knows.
  14. Well anyone horrified, in 2023, at an abstract work being called 'Untitled' could perhaps pop into a nearby art gallery? Maybe the Tate, which holds a number of 'untitled' works? 😁
  15. Did you? Just wait until I do deploy 'heavy sarcasm' then! Blimey! Or told you what I really thought of the blinkered blimpishness of getting knickers in a twist over a title of a dancework they haven't even seen as yet. Humour is sorely in short supply in this thread, and so it carries on.
  16. But it has a title, of sorts. It's called Untitled 2023. Why must abstract works be given some arbitrary name? You'll never believe where some 'untitled' artworks are! https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/fischli-weiss-untitled-tate-t12468
  17. I'm hoping for a Rite of Spring type riot, with people screaming HOW DARE YOU NOT GIVE THIS WORK A PROPER TITLE WE DEMAND A TITLE! Maybe gluing themselves to the floor? πŸ«₯
  18. I really don't know what to say to someone who read what I wrote and didn't see it as anything but lighthearted. "Untitled, 2023, inspired by the untitled art works of the late Cuban-American artist Carmen Herrera, who has designed the set." Herrera clearly was beneath contempt. How dare she.
  19. Er... it was humour. But really, some of this thread is wincemaking and some people should try to get out into the wider world more. Untitled 2023 as a title isn't really so very revolutionary in the art world that it should be causing apoplexy. The late Herrera called many of her pieces 'Untitled'. She designed the set. Perhaps it's also a homage to her? Well that's me told, isn't it? 😊
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