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Everything posted by Ondine

  1. Yes it is now, but it still looks random and messy really. I did like the skirts. The rest needs a radical rethink IMO.
  2. Those peculiar bits of black webbing or whatever used to have loose bits that flung around dangerously . They still just look very messy TBH. https://www.vogue.co.uk/article/erdem-royal-ballet-costumes More photos here of the originals and what I think is fair criticism: https://dancetabs.com/2018/03/royal-ballet-bernstein-centenary-yugen-the-age-of-anxiety-corybantic-games-london/ Erdem Moralioglu’s costumes make the men look almost nude, like Greek statues of naked young men; the women wear 1950s style corsetry, with long pleated tulle skirts that they discard half way through. Black velvet straps indicate the status of soloists and demi-soloists among the cast of 21. Much publicity has been given to Erdem’s contribution, with preview articles in Vogue and the New York Times. Members of the fashion press were invited to the opening night. Yet the costumes seem hardly worth the fuss. Boned bustiers and big knickers look clumsy on slender female bodies and velvet ribbons flutter distractingly. The men could be wearing gaffer tape stripes on flesh-coloured vests above standard white tights. Also, the detailing on the women's costumes is far too delicate to be seen from afar, which is where most people will be.
  3. He gave an interview when he gained his Aud Jebson place, and said this: Modern works, I’d love to dance some of Wayne MacGregor’s stuff and really push to the extremes of my body’s ability You have to be delighted for him! https://www.balletnews.co.uk/from-student-to-star-harris-bell-the-royal-ballet/
  4. Thanks to today's forum Links via @Jan McNulty A review, and it's good to see Harris Bell in the header pic (along with Melissa Hamilton). https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2023/jun/11/royal-ballet-triple-bill-review-wayne-mcgregor-untitled-2023-corybantic-games-anastastia-act-iii
  5. And yes I know it's Bruce Sansom. Sorry. Wonderful dancer. And weaver of baskets. https://www.thewillowman.co.uk/about-1
  6. I've just finished reading it. It's not really a one off and I had better not say what I think or I'll be having posts removed again. Sorry if that sounds facetious but it's one heck of a word salad isn't it? 😐
  7. I suspect he was asked to make a one act work which involved a number of the younger, newer dancers who would enjoy having a work made on them, collaborating with him. Quite an accolade. I appreciate some of the dancers were principals / soloists but many weren't. Without this work on the bill, how many would actually have been on stage?
  8. Yes. And also, great fun, and hugely generous. Somewhere she'll be snorting away with that laugh of hers at all this ridiculous fuss, services in cathedrals and all that!
  9. I would hope at least for an explanation, not a removal with no explanation, especially a new topic with links which was carefully considered, not only posts, or worse, a slapped wrist. Thanks. I'm not imagining things then...
  10. I know not the same, not BRB, but it is currently on YT, filmed for Thames TV in 1988. Royal Ballet. Obviously not great quality, not HD, but anyone who has never seen it, it's worth watching. Cast includes Debbie Bull, Jonny Cope and Bruce Samson.
  11. I've had posts removed where this hasn't happened. And I can't see what I did that was against forum rules. No explanation, just vanishing.
  12. Except it is aimed at me! It is! And it's bizarre to keep having considered posts 'vanished' or thread locked with a metaphorical wrist slap. As for your photo, I prefer the Sleeping Beauty tiara. More glitzy. Yes apparently you can mute people. Maybe the readily offended can search for that facility! And I also feel many works are not helped by the size of the ROH, I agree, and I'd be grumpy about certain ballets / danceworks standing all evening peering through binoculars a very VERY a long way from the stage, after enduring problems buying tickets, travel difficulties, eaters munching away, phone flashers next to me... all the stuff endlessly posted about here (ducks)... Ballet though. It's supposed to be entertaining.
  13. I do the same. If people are offended, it is really not my intention. I have not been personally offensive to anyone. I feel quite offended by this entire ridiculous waste of forum space, which is really aimed at me, isn't it, and perhaps some could see to the mote in their own eyes. Let's talk about ballet, and let's agree we have different opinions, different modes of expressing ourselves, and we can agree we don't always agree.
  14. I don't wish to prolong this. I'm clearly the one on the naughty step. At my advanced age it's really quite strange. I don't fit and I may have difficulty getting up again. I'm sorry if anyone has been offended by my manner of posting. Perhaps though some are waiting to be offended. I've never intended to offend, though I have in fact felt at times quite upset by some things people have said aimed at me. I've not as far as I am aware been personally offensive to or about anyone. I'm not sarcastic, though at times I can be wry. It's lifetime of reading and re-reading Jane Austen, it rubs off. It's difficult not to be myself. I've been myself for many decades. I doubt I will change now, and I'm unsure I want to. I began adding emojis to try to get across tone. Can we get back to talking about ballet, and stop getting all huffy? I do read and re-read what I write. Perhaps others should do the same.
  15. I'm not sure where to post this so I'll put it here. Evensong to celebrate the life of Professor Ann Loades CBE 1938-2022 Friday 9th June 2023 On Friday evening there was a service in Durham Cathedral for the life of Professor Ann Loades CBE, theologian and also, for many decades, teacher of Cecchetti ballet. A great deal I could say about Ann and her numerous achievements, but it's all more eloquently expressed in the many obituaries online. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/17/ann-loades-obituary At around 1.05 in this recording of the service, there is a demonstration of a couple of my favourites of the beautiful (and yes difficult but so rewarding) Cecchetti adages, and the second set of port de bras. https://www.facebook.com/durhamcathedral/videos/638362924985722/ I'm sure she'd have been shouting corrections and encouragement from wherever. Rest in power Ann. This is also about Ann (embedded link, official channel): Ann Loades was Honorary Professorial Fellow of St. Chad’s College and Professor Emerita in Divinity at the University of Durham, UK, where she was the first woman to be given a chair personal to herself. She was also Honorary Professor in the School of Divinity, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, and one of only two people ever to be awarded a CBE by the Queen for services to theology. Ann passed away on Dec 6, 2022
  16. Ooh. Cutting. Now for that I really have taken offence (though I liked him in Lewis...) and am off in high dudgeon to take it out on the weeds. Pah.
  17. And perhaps that applies both ways? I don't complain, I'll either ignore or argue my point. I've had some really nice DMs from people who also can't see what I've done wrong either. Why are people so very keen to take instant offence? Upset to forum members? For talking about ballet and having a sense of humour? I'd say snowflakes but no doubt that will cause sharp intakes of breath too. 😏
  18. Perhaps it's simply the way you read them? 'Worrever' was intended as lighthearted. I could have put a shrug. My own opinions are my own. I'm actually pretty polite in expressing them. Wry comment isn't caustic or sarcasm or, in fact, rudeness. I'm happy to have anyone disgree with me, and happy to argue why I think as I do. That used to be the point of a discussion. I'd repeat the Alice Humpty Dumpty quote I made last night (no but it seems that's fallen foul of the moderation. 😐
  19. Well I've had posts not returned which I can't see how they breached forum rules, others have posted similar and not been 'vanished'. Worrever.
  20. It's what at times keeps dancers in a company, enjoying working with a choreographer on a new work. McGregor knows the company, they know him. It's not really so beside the point. It's obviously not the whole point. Audiences appear to enjoy / appreciate his work too, which is also a consideration. Dante Project can be watched on iplayer. it should have vansihed by now, however it's still live. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0013v98/the-royal-ballet-the-dante-project
  21. Brave! However, yes I can see where you're coming from with Apollo. There are some ballets I think best treated as period pieces, with a huge place in ballet history, and appreciated in that context? It's exactly what we need at times isn't it? Not everything has to be thought provoking, innovative , challenging and the rest. Plain old enjoyment has a great deal to recommend it. BRB has photo albums of the triple bill. https://www.brb.org.uk/stories/apollo-in-photos https://www.brb.org.uk/stories/interlinked-in-photos https://www.brb.org.uk/stories/still-life-at-the-penguin-café-in-photos And this 'Still Life' Triple Bill: Vox Pops https://www.brb.org.uk/stories/still-life-triple-bill-vox-pops
  22. I also don't see what the problem is with him doing shorter works which maybe aren't so heavyweight every now and again. Dancers enjoy working with him, enjoy being part of the creative process, audiences appear to enjoy his work, if everything he does isn't wildly innovative is it really such a big deal?
  23. I note some of my posts have been 'disappeared' from this thread. It keeps happening. Thay weren't rude, thay weren't sarcastic, they were on topic, they were responding to other posts, it seems I'm being 'cancelled' for some reason. Interesting.
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