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Everything posted by Ondine

  1. Sadly from reading reviews I gather some higher legs carried on into the performance. I have no idea why. Same as I've seen some recent Bournonville where terre a terre work was replaced by more elevation than floor skimming. Ever higher for everything means less subtlety, but that's another issue and post maybe. And yes, looks simple and joyful but it is actually bloomin' hard work to perform those steps, the arms, the heads, with ease and a smile! Sets & costumes were borrowed from the Royal Danish Ballet. Lovely.
  2. Many will know that this issue is bigger than just the vocational schools. I have just posted on another thread in 'Performances seen & general discussion' the news that the husband of the AD of the New Zealand Ballet, a former ballet master, was sacked and now has been banned from the premises for making 'inappropriate' comments to dancers who then complained. The comments apparently related to weight. There's a news report part way with a former dancer speaking of weight / health related issues. Posting here as it's clear this issue is not confined to the UK and affects company members as well a students. Brave people to raise heads and make such complaints. Well done to those responsible for the welfare of dancers for taking this matter seriously and acting. Thanks to @Ian Macmillan for posting the report in links yesterday.
  3. Oh I agree... a short career so make as much as you can while you can! I hope they are paid megabucks. Sadly I suspect the super rich hire 'entertainers' by the yard, with an events organiser told to get the best and no, I suspect many don't have a clue.
  4. I suspect they know exactly what they are doing. Making money while they can!
  5. I would appear that issues of bullying and inappropriate remarks are being taken very seriously in some ballet companies. Michael Auer, the Royal New Zealand Ballet’s fired ballet master and husband of artistic director Patricia Barker, was banned from all company premises after multiple complaints were made about his behaviour, according to documents released under the Official Information Act. The video is worth watching. It suggest he was making comments about weight to dancers. (Thanks to @Ian Macmillan for this from links 14th September) It's the news report part way down the article. https://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/arts/129475172/fired-ballet-master-banned-from-company-premises
  6. Upmarket cabaret. They weren't the only 'celebrity act'. Possibly the piece can also be danced at galas. I'm presuming there are problems with using extracts from Untitled, 2023 and the score.
  7. The article appears to suggest this is new which is confusing. Wayne McGregor – who currently serves as Resident Choreographer of London’s Royal Ballet – debuted his brand-new performance Herrera Codes, which featured technological interventions by artist Ben Cullen Williams. Burberry designed the eye-catching green-and-white costumes for McGregor’s typically stylish performance, which was danced by Royal Ballet principals William Bracewell and Fumi Kaneko and follows his collaboration with Daniel Lee at the Royal Opera House for “Untitled, 2023” earlier this year. Watch the full video of the one-time performance at London’s Theatre Royal Drury Lane
  8. There's a lighthearted piece here from Alastair Macaulay from 2021. On the eightieth birthday of Monica Mason https://www.alastairmacaulay.com/all-essays/gcvza6zvtsqszl9oizvc7sfm8hr94b
  9. From the Royal Ballet School: "Happy 82nd Birthday to our alumna and former Director of The Royal Ballet, Dame Monica Mason" Sep 6, 2023 Here she is giving a Creative Artist Talk to our Upper School students. In this clip she discusses the importance of the corps de ballet and creating a character.
  10. A relevant article from 2021, Pointe Magazine As Ballet Looks Toward Its Future, Let's Talk About Its Troubling Emotional Demands https://pointemagazine.com/ballet-and-emotional-demands/
  11. And here is Kate Simmons, with the lovely Chloe Horton working on some of the Diploma work. Gorgeous work beautifully danced.
  12. I think I probably should have added to the RBS summer performances thread and thought of that too late! Summer seems a long way back now.
  13. Apologies if this has already been posted in a thread, though it is fairly recent and newish to me. From the 2023 RBS performances. It is a most delightful ballet and how lovely for the students to have had the opportunity of working with Diana Cuni Mancini, an expert on Bournonville, his ballets, his style. At our 2023 Summer Performances, art imitated reality when White Lodge and Upper School students performed August Bournonville’s Konservatoriet set in a ballet school. Here’s a glimpse of their rehearsals with Diana Cuni Mancini from the Royal Danish Ballet and the performance at the Royal Opera House
  14. It all reminds me of Larkin's This Be The Verse, substitute (some) ballet teachers instead of your mum and dad. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/48419/this-be-the-verse
  15. Short and informative. "We were delighted to be joined by Shirley Esseboom to set Jiří Kylián‘s Sechs Tänze. Here she talks about working with the students, and recent graduates Caspar Lench and Tom Hazelby, discuss the process of the learning such a humourous and unique piece." #Insidethestudio of our 2023 Summer Performance rehearsals for Jiří Kylián‘s Sechs Tänze
  16. The RBS is doing an 'Insights' day on Associates in October Also a 'non selective' intensive on Sleeping Beauty, and presumably others are planned.
  17. I'm not having the best of days. Doh. I meant to suggest discussion carries on on the post Panorama thread to avoid confusion.
  18. One thread has been split into two or I'd have posted it only on one, and so relevant to both really which I why I posted on both, though I suggest discussion carries on here now we are 'post Panorama'. It's such a serious issue with real life consequences. I'm assuming that all the information given to the LADO and police investigation which was raised in the 2021 thread is still on file. I'm assuming that if further evidence comes to light that can be re-opened, though who knows?
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