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Everything posted by Ondine

  1. I hope there was a full house! I presume it was recorded music, but the practicalities & costs of touring an orchestra probably way beyond them. Touring smaller venues, countrywide, Shields today with Swan Lake and Nutcracker. Interesting! Thanks! https://crownballet.wpengine.com/events/ Anything that brings ballet to 'the sticks' has to be welcomed, as does jobs for dancers. I also point out for anyone who doesn't know Consett, a town brought to its knees with the closure of the steelworks (it used to have pink snow) and actually quite isolated, to still have a venue like the Empire able to put on live shows & cinema is bloomin' wonderful. https://empireconsett.co.uk/gettinghere/about-us/
  2. Apologies if already posted, though I haven't spotted it. https://www.roh.org.uk/tickets-and-events/festival/rhythm-in-resilience-festival-details For Black History Month, The Royal Ballet present Rhythm in Resilience, a new festival curated by Joseph Toonga, The Royal Ballet’s Choreographic Residency 23/24, which celebrates Black excellence within the Company over the years. As part of this there are two Insight events, one (possibly both?) will be livestreamed.
  3. ...which affords the public an unusually close look at the performers, some problematic sightlines permitting. Mmmm.
  4. I've updated this thread from the 'Ballet / Dance News and Information' forum as obviously the newbies to the company are all having 'first outings' on stage! Wishing them all a happy future. Don Q is a great fun ballet to be in I'm sure, and how exciting.
  5. Updating this thread as there is an interesting & thoughtful interview now published with Bethany (Beth) Bartlett, who, along with Blake Smith (see above) is 'home grown talent'. 😊 Rosemary Woodwark School of Dance Devon, JA, White Lodge, Upper School, now Aud Jebson dancer with the RB. https://www.roh.org.uk/people/bethany-bartlett From Student To Star | Bethany Bartlett | The Royal Ballet https://www.balletnews.co.uk/from-student-to-star-bethany-bartlett-the-royal-ballet/
  6. How lovely! You must be so proud (and relieved!) Enjoy the moment! 💐
  7. For younger readers. (They were OK but at that time I was into real blues, not most pretendy UK ripoff blues bands, finger in yer ear folk, and loved Dylan until he plugged in. I still have sooo many LPs.) The Moody Blues The Ballet I don't think actually will fill theatres though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Moody_Blues
  8. This. Totally. Still cool to be a BS fan, even into old age. Confessing to be a Moody Blues fan? Not so cool. So many fans around who will relish the chance to dig out the old T shirts and savour the music, with others, in a theatre. Great feelgood stuff. They may or may not return for other ballets but hey, this one has made them think ballet is OK, and they've had a wonderful time. A wider range of merch next? DVD? ££££ for BRB.
  9. Is this not the purpose of this ballet? I don't think it was ever about anything except getting in Black Sabbath fans (no not me, was never my thing back then) and hopefully filling a few big theatres (how about an arena?) and the coffers of BRB? Also of course, masses of national publicity and local goodwill. A range of merch next? He's not daft that Acosta bloke. Now, what's needed is for Northern Ballet to come up with a crowd pleaser...
  10. It's all rather WWII isn't it? 🤨 An orchestra was a luxury, so Constant Lambert, Music Director of the Sadler’s Wells Ballet, and Hilda Gaunt, Rehearsal Pianist, accompanied the dancers on two pianos. Absent male dancers were replaced by young inexperienced colleagues (Eliot 52), although sometimes they were able to participate in performances at short notice when they were on leave (90). Repertoire was selected to accommodate the situation, with Les Sylphides (Fokine, 1909) a regular item in the performances of many companies: it was already an audience favourite; it required only one male dancer; and Chopin’s music was originally composed for piano. https://britishballetnowandthen.com/tag/balletinwartime/ I hope there is a national outcry but as it's The North(ish) and an orchestra will play in that there Lunnon and for the fancy folk of Leeds, the national press will be quite muted about starving other areas of live music. We're one of the richest nations on earth and we deprive the arts and artists of funding and I'm so soddin' angry about it all.
  11. I've also said we are veering a long way off topic to attempt to keep it vaguely on topic and I'm not (shock) a mod (in fact I'm often on the naughty step... 😏) and tried to be polite (cos otherwise I'll be on yes, the naughty step) so maybe we can all try to be polite? There's a great deal more I'd like to have said on this thread at times but I haven't. I've reined in my inner Rottweiler.😇 Suggest other do likewise. x
  12. As did the old system, without the worry of being saddled with debt. Fees were paid and maintenance grants were available, though means tested. We need to agitate for a return. An old thread re ballet quals and UCAS points. Always best to check current situations, things do change, however, worth knowing. Also, very good advice here if you read the thread.
  13. I think the entire concept of paying fees for education is wrong. I think the old system was a great deal better. That enabled many to have a good career who would never have considered higher education. I think an excellent education should be free to all who will benefit, without being saddled with huge debts. I'm a bit of an idealist. I also think we should have a well funded NHS and everyone should have a home. And that's getting way off topic.
  14. How dreadfully sad. I'm sorry to hear this but well done your DD to try to change things.
  15. The reason I added the student loan rates was to show the actual rates. Nothing to do with bank loans. Student loans in my view are an abomination.
  16. They are but student loan rates are contentious though this is veering away from the topic of this thread.
  17. The entire system of student loans is contentious, and the rising interest rates part of that. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/apr/25/record-48bn-interest-added-to-student-debt-in-britain-last-year
  18. Student loans, paying back and interest rates. https://www.gov.uk/repaying-your-student-loan/what-you-pay Interest How much interest you’re charged depends which plan type you’re on. You’re currently charged: 6.25% if you’re on Plan 1 7.3% if you’re on Plan 2 6.25% if you’re on Plan 4 7.3% if you’re on Plan 5 7.3% if you’re on a Postgraduate Loan plan
  19. Just because it's Friday here's a little treat for all Black Sabbath fans, the inspiration for the ballet. Such a clever move from Carlos Acosta, hopefully the coffers will overflow, delighted it's such a critical success too. I have to admit I was worried it might be what we used to term 'naff' back in the olden days. Official video and link so 'the mods' can relax and singalong. 😘
  20. Did you read the comment from Paul Arrowsmith re his Henry Danton interview? https://www.gramilano.com/2023/09/dynamo-biography-michael-somes/#comments
  21. Another Gramilano review has a stunning portrait photo of Michael Somes from Anthony Crickmay. You can see why Ashton was so smitten... though sadly for him, though Somes became a great friend, it wasn't reciprocated. I am so looking forward to reading this! https://www.gramilano.com/2023/09/dynamo-biography-michael-somes/
  22. Oh. That's not what Amazon actually says on its page is it? However, though I do use Amazon for some things (guilty confession) I think I'll order via my excellent local bookshop. Amazon is convenient but there isn't huge reduction from RRP. That's a very enticing review from Jann Parry. Here is the man himself (via ICA Classics clips so it's official)
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