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Everything posted by Ondine

  1. Not everyone admires them. Not everyone supports a monarchy. Let's not all fall out. Let's consider what happened to that cloth of gold that was used to line the royal box in 1953. Was it recycled for costumes? Is it languishing in a trunk somewhere backstage? Was it melted down and flogged off?
  2. I can't get the photos to work, though after that review I am not sure I care!
  3. Royal visits to the ROH are so not what they were. Seventy years ago this is how it was done. At least the queen had instant access to the royal box lav, had she required it. https://www.facebook.com/royaloperahouse/videos/royal-visit-to-the-royal-opera-house-in-1953/566640331921083/
  4. Members of the royal family attend numerous sporting events and I see them in the meeja and think, 'OOOH football! If THOSE people go then I must do likewise!' Same with tennis. Actually no I don't. I carry on with my lifelong lack of interest in sport. (Confession, I did once attend a footie match at Wembley Stadium, the old one. The most tedious of afternoons. I wish I had taken a book.)
  5. The first time I saw the Beatles live was a wet Monday evening in our local dancehall ('ballroom') and we all sat at the edge of the low stage and listened. Love Me Do had just been released. They had THOSE suits on and looked as though they had slept in them. The second time was at a bigger 'concert hall' venue and the moment they came on stage the screaming & hysteria began and didn't stop. I was astonished. I wanted to listen to the music not scream and cry hysterically. I understand this even less at a ballet performance.
  6. Also Magri and Ball ('Golden Balls'?!) have been featured in Tatler dontchano. How vey vey grand. Every member of the upper crust must know who they are! https://www.tatler.com/article/matthew-ball-and-mayara-magri-interview-royal-ballet-royal-opera-house-covent-garden-don-quixote
  7. For those wondering why Magri and Ball were not replaced as Charles and Camilla Windsor were paying a visit to see some ballet, possibly they wanted to book for that pair? Both are the same rank of dancer as Nunez and Muntagirov. Shuffling off an already announced couple for another as the other are perceived as better wouldn't have done morale much good, shades of Seymour and Gable and R & J! There's always the possibility Muntagirov preferred honouring his commitment to China, and wasn't actually too bothered about a royal handshake? Not everyone is. I've certainly passed up an opportunity to be present at a royal visit to an exhibition, private, late night, major museum, with only four of us commoners plus a royal in attendance. I preferred my sleep.
  8. Yes that was a typo... thanks. I don't do mornings! 😐 Will edit. Watch Royal Ballet dancers and coaches in rehearsal as they prepare some of the works they will soon perform on stage. The countdown to Nutcracker has begun!
  9. Upcoming Insight to be streamed The Royal Ballet in Rehearsal Nov 21st 7.30
  10. It's a lovely little cinema isn't it? https://keswickalhambra.co.uk/KeswickAlhambra.dll/Home
  11. Well. Don Quixote BALLET IN THREE ACTS 07.11.2023 7:30 PM The 122nd performance by The Royal Ballet at the Royal Opera House. Tonight we welcome the individuals, schools and groups we work with to place ballet and opera at the heart of communities. We also welcome workers from the NHS who do so much to support the nation. This evening has been made possible by the generous philanthropic support from Doug and Ceri King. Cast https://www.roh.org.uk/tickets-and-events/43/don-quixote-by-carlos-acosta/cast-list/56674
  12. Indeed. There is now some controversy about Saturday's march going ahead, so we will see. I'll keep watch on the situation. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/07/justice-secretary-alex-chalk-calls-for-armistice-day-pro-palestine-march-to-be-postponed All I'm saying is it's all going to be a very busy Saturday in London all things considered. Anyone attending the matinee, I'd try to get into London and in the vicinity early.
  13. It's on YouTube mainly in sections. Here's a 'legit' link to an article with an embedded vid of Dowell. Sigh. Anthony Dowell in "Four Schumann Pieces" (1980) https://pointemagazine.com/anthony-dowell-four-schumann-pieces/ And this. https://www.wiener-staatsoper.at/en/staatsoper/media/detail/news/hans-van-manen-in-conversation-about-four-schumann-pieces/ It's certainly worth resurrecting isn't it?
  14. Indeed they did. On 10th March 1914, a former Fine Arts student, Canadian-born Mary Richardson (c.1882 – 1961) entered the National Gallery with a butcher’s knife hidden in her sleeve and attacked Velasquez’ Rokeby Venus, in order to “destroy the picture of the most beautiful woman in mythological history”. Before being evacuated onto Trafalgar Square, she could slash the painting about 5 times. https://womensarttours.com/slashing-venus-suffragettes-and-vandalism/
  15. She was tiny wasn't she? The first time I saw her dance Swan Lake (in a tent, on Newcastle Town Moor, with Dowell) she looked on a different scale to the corps, who looked galumphing next to her. I'm sure in reality they were petit too but she looked so other worldly. I recall her tutu was so different too, the corps looked as though they were wearing droopy lampshades and hers was again, on a different scale. Possibly it was her own and travelled around with her! (Remember that tent anyone?)
  16. They look like old fashioned wool knitted Long Johns to me, and that rather gives them comedic value. http://fab40s.co.uk/mensunderwear.html
  17. They look blue here. Very pale blue. (Those strange costumes for the blokes though, oh dear.)
  18. I think Saturday 11th November's 'ceasfire' demo (it's a democratic right to peacefully protest) is going to be huge to be honest. Coaches are booked from all over the country, I think the meeting place is Hyde Park at midday. I'll see if I can find the planned route, but anyone going to London needs to be aware of this and plan accordingly.
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