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Everything posted by Michelle_Richer

  1. Hi Moomin Heels are still very sore, I’ve abandoned doing pointe this time round. As Lin said it will be sad when it finishes, I have also met a lot of lovely people there. I was tempted when Mike our morning teacher gave us flyer for his class at Central, I was in two minds as to go to it tonight or not, also Pineapple had a Salsa class on too. In the end I decided against both as I still need to pace myself for my Summer School next week. At the moment my feet are holding out once I get going. Im only doing the Morning classes on Friday as I have to my bags out of the Hotel by 2pm. Then it will be mowing my lawns if the weather holds for the weekend and sorting out two weeks mail. Coming back to an earlier part of the thread around #790 (Muscle Groups), it was interesting Tuesday night at ENB, Tom from LAB covered our class as our regular teacher was away, and he spent some time describing the muscles groups being engaged as we were doing the different movements at the barre. I also found a couple of books in the Royal Opera House shop “The Anatomy of Exercise and Movement for the Study of Dance, Pilates, Sport and Yoga”, by Jo Ann Stangaard-Jones. Also “The Anatomy of Stretching” by Brad Walker.
  2. Wow does that mean I qualify, 3 x 1 week summer schools in a row and a two day weekend workshop?
  3. Oh I do like the "soon" bit, well you have had a couple of days to get organised, let here what you have got planned or at least share your thoughts.
  4. Sorry Ive posted an error on the times its 10am to 6pm, Must be getting my numbers up side down,
  5. Well Lin, I though you didnt have internet access in London, but it seems to be working well. I only have it when I go down for a meal at the Travel Lodge, although it did work from my room one night. Anyway it was good to meet up with you again today, I also met up with one of the girls from the RAD Romeo and Juliet workshop. It seem that the pool of adult active dancers is not so big. My only regret from todays class at Chelsea Ballet is not doing the pointe class, although I did sit in and watch. Unfortunitely my heels are extremely sore especially when I first get up in the morning, only thing that help is a long soak in the bath, I guess it just the amout of ballet Ive been doing, Fortunitely Chelsea does give me the opertunity to rest during Advance Pointe and Contemporary classes, just need to get through my two ENB classes tuesday night, then I will review my foot condition for pointe work on Wednesday. Otherwise I will have to give it a miss on this course.
  6. Yes she did Fiz, however a thread on LAB had been run log before that as I posted on Post #3. The origninal was started by Lartisle who I met at the original City Academy Swan Lake Workshop then again at BRB, I think she had to pull out as there was a conficks of date with something she had booked to see Bolshoi.
  7. Yes I know Lin, Pas de Chat is "the step of the cat", see you tomorrow.
  8. City Academy are launching the third in a series of Swan Lake Workshops, this time at The Royal Opera House Covent Garden on Sunday the first of December. Its on their website but with very little detail, other than its single 1 day workshop running from 10am to 9pm. The cost is £120. AS soon as I have any further info regarding Acts / Scenes etc I will post them here.
  9. Hi Lin I really don’t know if it has any Russian origin, but its definitely not a Russian Pas de Char as that’s done at the back, we were doing them at LAB SI. We finished the City Academy workshop today with Cygnet dance and Odette’s solo then we had to perform everything from both days to a small audience (Friends and family) , unfortunately a couple of girls developed foot problems during the course, mine ached but that was not something new. It's Chelsea ballet Summer School tomorrow.
  10. Welcome to the Forum Miss Sparkle, Im not sure if me met at LAB SI, but I guess there is a good chance we did.
  11. I came across another interesting move at my ENB class on Tuesday evening; it appears not to have a proper name that my teacher knew of. She described it as a balance pas de char, it is a bit of both. The best way I can describe it, imagine stepping out on a pointed left leg and swishing the right leg through as if to jump as in a balance, then using the pas de char action of the left leg only, then landing with the right leg straight and the left in fondu, right arm will be pointing virtually to the right foot and the left arm in the air forming a straight line with the right. Managed to move out of Docklands this morning after LAB SI, ready to start the City Academy 2 day workshop on Swan Lake at Sadlers Wells, I set out early as I was unsure about the Northern line but it was open. There are 10 girls in the class including me, and no guys, today we did “Entrance of Odette” and “Entrance of the Swans”. It looks as if we will have a mini performance tomorrow for some of the girls families as we were all asked if we minded spectators coming in. The course is enjoyable but not in the same league as LAB SI, but then it has addition to LAB SI too. We are also able to video what we are doing, our teacher didn’t like to be videoed on her own, so half the class dance with he for the first shoot and the other half for the second.
  12. Just something I need to wrap up my posting on this thread for the time being until the next one, needless to say I WILL BE THERE. I do want to express my sincere thanks to JCS another BalletCo-er who was behind me and partnered me in the Waltz of the Swans, for constantly putting up with me checking the direction we should be going in, especially those bits I had to relearn to accommodate Tom’s changes in choreography against the RB version. Although I’m not quite finished with Swan Lake as I’m now with City Academy, it seems more appropriate to post that one on the “Going back to ballet” thread
  13. Thanks everyone for the good luck wishes, tonight’s performance went well, I hope I didn’t drop too many booboo’s I will see when I get the video. It really was an awesome experience with so many lovely dancers. We had quite a lot in the audience, I know it has a capacity of 250, but there must have been around a hundred (Friend and Family). We had something like 6 different section to the performance, Entrance of the Swans was the first which included every one, however the waltz was divided into two groups, my group got to go last, however it was my job to hold up going on to the stage as I was the first dancer on right hand side, and one of our girls (first in the centre row), had to do a quick change from a wrap round skirt to a tutu. I could see her from the wings on my side of the stage. So once she was ready I could signal my counterpart on the left, so both sides would enter the stage and into position (nicely). It was also quite scary being the one facing the audience with no one to follow other that the music from our wonderful pianist. It was hard work but fantastically rewarding even if I have made the odd booboo but I guess that swan waltz will now be burnt in my brain forever. After the curtain call when we all went back to our changing rooms, some of us were actually changed out of our tutu’s. Tom asked us all to get back in our tutu’s and come on stage for photos etc. He gave a really wonderful thank you speech to everyone, I know my eyes were full of tears and one of the other girls were to, we just looked at each other and smiled, just too choked to say anything. I met another BalletCo-er there today (PetrovaFossil) Lin I also Found Louise Hudson in the attendance register, just before we left the theatre tonight I met her while I was chatting to Tom. Tom told her I was hard core as I am ding City Academy over the weekend. She seems like a very nice lady, another one of the girls from LAB SI is also attending Chelsea Ballet next week. I need some serious sleep now as I have to move house tomorrow from Docklands to Covent Garden including my massive suit case. . Thanks everyone for the good luck wishes, tonight’s performance went well, I hope I didn’t drop too many booboo’s I will see when I get the video. It really was an awesome experience with so many lovely dancers. We had quite a lot in the audience, I know it has a capacity of 250, but there must have been around a hundred (Friend and Family). We had something like 6 different section to the performance, Entrance of the Swans was the first which included every one, however the waltz was divided into two groups, my group got to go last, however it was my job to hold up going on to the stage as I was the first dancer on right hand side, and one of our girls (first in the centre row), had to do a quick change from a wrap round skirt to a tutu. I could see her from the wings on my side of the stage. So once she was ready I could signal my counterpart on the left, so both sides would enter the stage and into position (nicely). It was also quite scary being the one facing the audience with no one to follow other that the music from our wonderful pianist. It was hard work but fantastically rewarding even if I have made the odd booboo but I guess that swan waltz will now be burnt in my brain forever. After the curtain call when we all went back to our changing rooms, some of us were actually changed out of our tutu’s. Tom asked us all to get back in our tutu’s and come on stage for photos etc. He gave a really wonderful thank you speech to everyone, I know my eyes were full of tears and one of the other girls were to, we just looked at each other and smiled, just too choked to say anything. I met another BalletCo-er there today (PetrovaFossil) Lin I also Found Louise Hudson in the attendance register, just before we left the theatre tonight I met her while I was chatting to Tom. Tom told her I was hard core as I am ding City Academy over the weekend. She seems like a very nice lady, another one of the girls from LAB SI is also attending Chelsea Ballet next week. I need some serious sleep now as I have to move house tomorrow from Docklands to Covent Garden including my massive suit case. .
  14. Hi Lin I can understand Louise’s wishes; in any case I will meet her soon enough on Monday. As for the other Swan Lake Course, there was to have been three for me, RAD had one running the week before, this one at Birmingham but it was only two or three hours, but still, I would have been on it. Unfortunately the number of dancers who applied was too small. RAD seems to lack the ability to promote very well. One of the girls here at LAB is also doing the same rep course as we are on at Franziska’s If the City Academy course runs to form we will be doing a lot with Odette’s roll and I guess the Cygnet dance too. But we don’t get to wear a tutu for this one, its very relaxed just normal everyday ballet wear. At least RAD said I could bring my tutu when we did the Romeo and Juliet workshop even though it was totally inappropriate for that one.
  15. Hi Lin The register is something we all have to sign in and out with including Tom, in case there is a fire or something; it’s a health and safety requirement. Went to see Bolshoi tonight, their take on our two pieces of Tom’s Choreography was not as challenging as ours, There performance was good and I enjoyed it but won’t comment further otherwise I will have the hounds of the forum after me. I will double check all Louise’s tomorrow in case she has remarried, but that still is the name she uses under Chelsea Ballet. Had to wash out my romantic Tutu tonight, I think will all the sweat and some residue of makeup, the band has become discoloured, I’ve still got enough white leo’s to see me through. A few of the girls are without white / pastel chiffon skirts; fortunately I have a couple of spare pink and a circular white one to help out with. Then Sat and Sun is more Swan Lake at Saddlers Wells with City Academy, the worst of it, I will have to move house from my hotel in Docklands to Covent Garden on Saturday night lugging my heavy suitcase. I will try and make it lighter by taking additional stuff to Sadlers then dropping it off to Covent Garden before going back to Docklands for the final move. Thank you Sheila and I will see Winnie tomorrow.
  16. Hi Lin I checked the booking in register of the Lanterns Theatre, Louise wasnt there, so Im not sure where you got your info from. We had Denise Whiteman (hope I have spelt the name right), she is ex Elmhurst and a RAD examiner. She did todays master class, a real girl after my own heart. I really liked her. Inspite of the heat we all worked incredably hard, its incredible to think what we have achived during the week. We have been through the Entrance of the Swans again, its looking good, anoth run through tomorrow to check the sequencing for the performance. Waltz is almost done and I feel a hell of alot better about it now. Lots of practice in the hotel in both the eary ours of this morning and again when I got up. Im glad I didnt learn all of the royal ballet version as the ending is quite different, but never the less no easier. Tom is a hard task manager but a really nice one. It off for a bit of a break tonight to see Bolshio.
  17. Hi Lin The main sequences from Swan Lake have all been danced on Demi-pointe, in any case I don’t do pointe yet although I have my pointe shoes with me, apart from a couple of times in the hotel I’ve done nothing with them. That’s just in case I do the beginners pointe at Chelsea. The format of today’s class was the same as yesterday, we have gone through Entrance of the Swans again, and that’s not looking too bad now. The Waltz of the Swans is another story, at least for me, we have had a new piece added right at the end of today, whilst my head knows what I should do, and doing it without music appears to work, but once the music is there I am spending too much time thinking and concentrating rather that relying on muscle memory. I almost went back to the hotel in tears tonight, it was a real downer, I know I must be up early and practice this with music in my hotel room just to get that muscle memory in place, otherwise I will have let everyone down, especially as I’m the first in line nearest the audience. The evening was nice, over half of us and Tom met up at the Coliseum to see Calos Acosta’s Classical Selection, However the theatre was styfullingly hot and pretty well packed too. Although we had booked our own seats, we all met up for a drink at the interval. Im off to see Bolshoi at ROH tomorrow night. No I didnt know Louise is there, what is her roll teacher or dancer. If you have or can get a picture of her please drop it to my email as I cant get into facebook on the netbook I have with me.
  18. Thank you Little Blossom for you Kind Wishes, yes I have had my share of good luck but determination also plays a part in ones future. Lin: ENB has been a rubbish night for Pirouettes, I think most of us have done rather badly, the floor in the upper studio tonight was very sticky, that one has been OK previously. The plot thickens on the Fourth position, I ask my teacher what position she was in, It was fourth opposite third, for those that cant get into fifth, so where do you draw the line on grand plie’s with the heels off?
  19. Sorry I couldn’t post before, but I have only just got back from my ENB classes at 11pm. Yes JB I did meet Winnie, she was the first one to sign in and I was the second. JCS is also with us. So is two members of my ENB level 3 class, another one will be doing Swan Lake with me at City Academy at the weekend. Today was quite hectic, after arriving there drenched by the rain, it was only a little shower when I set out from the hotel, its about 20minutes walk, 5 minutes into the walk the heavens opened, Fortunately my coat had a waterproof hood and kept some of the wet out but my track suit bottoms were soaked. We had two more teachers to help out today, This morning we were arranged into two groups so we could have the advantage of a smaller class size. During the morning we covered Pilates and work at the barre and did so pointe work too, about 70% of the girls were on pointe. The first session into the afternoon, we completed the first full run through of the entrance of the swans, The piece which I thought I had screwed up against the RB version has be re-choreographed by Tom. The second session this afternoon was a start on our main performance piece, the Waltz of the Swans. As that has several sub groups we have all be divided down again, I am in group B3. Group A and B is basically in alphabetical order of ones name, sub group 1 2 and 3 is on height, group 3 is the middle segment just to confuse things. In this group JCS is just behind me and we partner each other on part of the waltz. The break point of subgroup 3 has placed me in front so I don’t have anyone to copy (Oh heck) so Im in the goldfish bowl with Tom, This has been further compounded as Tom has re-choreographed a couple pieces we were doing this afternoon, which has altered the direction against the RB version. It really is going to be a brain teaser, but its really good fun and I do think Intensive does describe it well. When I got to ENB tonight, who did I see in the Car park but Tom, he’s helping out with their level 1 class as Mondays is his normal night for ENB. FullContreTemps is absolutely right, our pianists is fantastic.
  20. Yes she is, but never the less she is unable to satisfy my appetite to dance. I guess I will never ever be seen as part of this ballet community, as I will never have the years in front of me to take the traditional route of formal ballet training that most have done as youngsters. But what the heck, I’m a fast tracker and it my intention to choreograph, dance and perform and not just to attend classes to get me out of the house for a bit of social contact. Admittedly I have to work within the confines of my own body, mind and ability. But the more important question for me, is how will I come to terms when my own body fails me as I get older which it undoubtedly will, it just isn’t in my mind set. That is just too aweful to comprehend.
  21. The first day of LAB SI was absolutely brilliant, we had something like 48 girls and 5 guys. At least two from the forum that said hello, and a couple of Just Ballet’s friends too. We started off with a little work at the barre but it was a bit crowded as it was conducted a one large single group, that followed with some centre work . But the main work of the day was repertoire “The Entrance of the Swans”, that was an addition to what we had been informed. Non of that had been simplified against the RB DVD version, the only thing that was not taught was to use the head with Swan Arms, but I and a couple of other girls did, I guess that will come later, that is almost complete but still a little hazy in my memory. After reviewing the DVD tonight there is one bit at the end I must correct, but I guess we will be going over it again before our final performance on Friday. After class many off us went for an after class, get to know each other drink with our teacher Tom, that was really enjoyable. Today Tom has been our only teacher, a really nice teacher too, so full of enthusiasm. Tomorrow we are to be split up into two groups, which will still be a mixture of abilities, so if necessary there is always someone to follow. We have two separate rooms tomorrow, with a Pilates session, pointe/demi-pointe session before our repertoire of Waltz of the Swans. For me its going to be a tough day as I have two ENB classes to attend in the evening on top.
  22. Of course the 4th position I mentioned was a stretched position, not only is it done in the centre for Port de Bras but also at the barre too, we often do this at Pineapple., particularly with back bends. As for teaching the relationship of muscle group functions against specific movements, I never said or implied never just that it was only rarely mention. Lin I do think you are getting very pre occupied with the term “Adult Beginner”, most adults excluding me, have done ballet before, also most of my teachers but not all do teach RAD or ISTD and some both, that certainly does come through to the adult classes. I agree that often the teacher biases the class to the ability of the students. In the case of Pineapple you are expected to know what you are doing, its more about practice that learning and is generally not suitable for as you say it beginners. Some of my adult ballet classes do have a progressive level structure, ENB with 4 levels 4th being advanced, that does have a high progressive teaching content, but feedback is somewhat limited by the size of the class unless you seek from your teacher. ROH have an Adult Beginner and an Intermediate too, needless to say this beginner does both as you would expect. Sleaford has two levels too, Both Kings Lynn and Stamford when I approached them said their classes were not for beginners. Conversely Nicky my local ballet teacher does from beginner level from the point of view that we only do a limited number of movements against other classes, but she is a stickler for technique and detail, and gives lots of feedback mainly to me as she sees her other dancers as its a bit of recreational fitness that’s not taken seriously, I’m just the odd ball. But coming back to the question of using the correct muscles etc, I do remember on another thread asking the question on this forum about locating and exercising the illiopsoas for high extension of the leg, all I can say is the response was disappointing, when there are supposed to be many experts on this site. My impression is that this subject is not as well understood as its been implied. PS I’m in my Hotel in Docklands now, already for LAB SI tomorrow, after lugging a heave suitcase, haversack and my very large handbag half way across London. Not every station has either an escalator or lift, so I think my workout doing Plie’s carrying an extra 20Kg of weights has paid off, I definitely could not have done this a year ago.
  23. Hi Lin As for the 4th position in Plié's, Nicky in my local class does not do them at all, possibly as the majority of her dancers are at the older end of the spectrum, I have a couple of others that do not do 4th either, I don't think ENB did at level 1. I have at least 1 that does it in 4th open, the rest are crossed, but no of them do both. When my self help group with two other girls, when we were up and running we did both, but sadly on girl hurt her back and no longer goes to ballet and very rarely salsa, the other is looking after her grandson, but I do see her occasionally at Body balance, and she was very keen. Ok about the long 4th position for men and boys, most of my classes use longish 4th position for this too. Both my Grantham class and ENB use a very long forth position for some of the Port de Bras exercises with the back leg almost touching the floor, but you still have to have your foot turned out and fully placed on the floor. Ah well taxis will soon be here (11am Sunday) and then its off to LAB SI
  24. Hi I think to point you made about 5th is exactly the same point I made earlier. I’m always cautious before I condemn a movement as I am aware of some differences in methods and also the use of terminology between different ballet schools eg Russian, Ceccehetti, French etc. Yes I am aware of the return arc from one side to the other, I must confess I do just brush the heel of the supporting foot as I pass through first, its an indication to me via feel that the turnout is still maintained, which is more difficult at speed, and in any case Nicky my local teacher is almost willing me either loosen my turnout or not fully bottom my heel as it passes through first, and by heck she will spot it. I’m sure in some instances she has second sight. But then that’s what I ask her to do, provide feedback, which she does with enthusiasm. I know there seems to be a bit of a consensus that the snaking may be poor technique, for the moment I will leave my mind open as its not something I do, but I have seen gaps during snaking of an inch to an inch and half between the gesturing and supporting legs as it passes through first, it just doesn’t look right. OK about the book Lin I will have to get a copy. How are you getting on with your repertoire choice for bank holiday weekend, have you started yet?, I intend to start during our Chelsea ballet week, so I will see you there. I have packed my pointe shoes but still unsure as to if to take that first class of beginner Pointe at Chelsea.
  25. Hi Moomin I have only ever been taught 180 degrees, as for the ROH correction, I may not have had my foot (toe) inline with my heel, I can’t be absolutely sure other than it felt that way. It was just that, that memory clicked in when one of our girls mentioned how she was taught when she was a young girl. The snaking of the foot passing through first position is not uncommon; I often see it in Pineapple, that’s why I raised the question in the first place. Hi Balleteacher I’m not sure what you expected me to make of your comment. Although I didn’t state it, the exercise in question was done at the barre, furthermore I am fully aware that it should incorporate a tendu devant and derriere, as many other ballet movements do or go through and close through. As for correct usage of muscles, whilst I agree in principle with what you are saying, it’s not something that is generally taught in class. Only very rarely is it mentioned and I’m attending 12 classes a week plus a whole host of workshops and summer schools on a regular basis. Furthermore even in detailed teaching books like “Teaching Beginning Ballet Techniques” by Gayle Kassing & Dannielle M Jay, there is little detail of the correlation to specific muscle groups. Conversely books like Dance Anatomy by Jacqui Greene Haas and Conditioning for Dance by Eric Franklin, do have some correlation but not to the degree implied in your comment. I cant help but think this is a acquired skill developed by doing and feedback correction by observation by self and by teacher to create the appropriate muscle memory.
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