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Everything posted by Michelle_Richer

  1. You’re welcome. I had an email from City Academy today, basically nothing has been organised yet for the Ballet Performance Course. My first impression was not to consider it as I have more than enough already. But I also take on board what one of my ENB teachers said, “I should go for quality rather than quantity”, and of course she is right. As I am biasing more and more towards performances, this has now really got my interest. I’m also hot on the heals of RAD, as they intend to bring out some Adult Repertoire Workshops, but they are not ready to publish them on their website just yet.
  2. Ballet Master Class at the Royal Opera House Saturday 9 November 2.30pm to 6pm £60 No details of content. Ballet Performance Course 11 weeks at Sadler’s Wells, no dates or cost for this one yet. It does say you get to perform on the Sadler’s Wells stage. Friend and family have to buy a ticket to come and watch you. I have to phone City Academy on Monday to book two other courses, I will see if I can get further details and then post an update.
  3. As for sticky floors at ENB the lower studio was awful, I complained two or three times but it didn’t seem to change. Pirouettes were difficult against the amount of energy you had to put in, and the awful noise that was created by the friction as they came to a halt (stall). Even worse is trying to do tendu’s, you had to cheat and lift the foot off the floor ever so slightly, otherwise you just pushed and pushed, the foot was literally stuck to the floor, very frustrating. That floor also had lots of black skid marks on it. The upper studio has been generally OK all but for a couple of week about a month or so ago, then it were a little sticky too, but that has since gone. I really like that studio in preference to those at ROH, I wish ENB were like Pineapple where I could just boro the studio when it’s not in use. Lin: Do you remember the movements we used for the Sleeping beauty piece to replace the travelling petit battements, the bit after the 4 bure’s and soutenu turn, it was like a glissard with a petit developee on the trailing leg. At ENB last night my teacher was thinking on her feet to finish of a sequence where we ended in an arabesque, she was deciding if we were to rise up on demi-pointe or do a fondu into a penche and then Pas de Buree or Buree out. I couldn’t resist it I was a little bit naughty, I went for a rise on demi-point then as the supporting foot came down, brought the gesturing leg to cou-de-pied and the just glided though 3 or 4 of those glissardy type things we were doing on Saturday. My teacher see me in the mirror but didn’t say anything. The class finished the sequence with a pas-de-buree and then pull up with into 5th to end. I just love that new movement now, it just glides off the feet, it felt very wooden on Saturday but now I have acquired the muscle memory, I’ve Franziska to thank for that.
  4. I thought you girls knew me better than that; of course I have tried them but only a few at a time. We did do three hoping ballonne’s as part of a sequence at LAB SI, very similar but not quite the same. Never the less I am cautious as I already have some long standing discomfort in my ankles until I get them warmed up, but that I think is just down to the amount of ballet/related fitness classes I was doing every week, that has subsided a little since the summer break. But I am also of the opinion that if it get exercised then it will eventually strengthen and accommodate that activity. I have also seen our easy it is to get injuries while in class or at workshops even for experienced dancers, I have occasionally sustained minor injuries myself so please don’t think I’m foolhardy. As I have the best part of four weeks to condition my feet for these hopping ballonne’s, so for me it will be little by little and in any case my ENB teacher is well aware of what I’m doing, It’s the sort of thing we discuss when talking about my homework after class.
  5. Yes there are windows at the far end near where the piano is and the drinks dispenser. I love the upper studio, for me its a bit like a palace, I would have thought all ballerinas would love to dance in a palace, this one does. My regular level two teacher was ill tonight, so we had Tom again, it was a really nice class, and guess what, lots of pirouettes in both classes. Only two weeks to go now before the end of the ENB term. We seem to be tidying up most of the sequence's we have been learning too.
  6. It looks like I have picked up another recruit tonight from ENB a guy this time, two girls from Saturdays Rep class were also interested. I’ve started looking at the Giselle's first variation, had a chat tonight with my level three teacher at ENB as I will need to strengthen my ankles for the 24 hopping ballonné’s, or the 6 ballonné’s 6 hops 6 ballonné’s and 6 hops, dependant upon which version City Academy chooses, my teacher thinks she wont be doing demi-pointe, but on a flat foot instead. But I’m going for demi capability weather we use it on the day or not. Should start some basic practicing this weekend.
  7. Hi Lin I guess the next taster classes will be just before Christmas, and then it should be level 1 and 3 tasters, as it was levels 2 and 4 this time. Tom does levels 2 and 3 on a Monday, but sometimes covers other classes for holidays etc. I shall do levels 2 and 3 again before Christmas as I have a lovely level 3 teacher (Alison) who gives me homework, then I will switch to Toms classes on a Monday after Christmas as I will most likely join LAB on Tuesdays at Sadler’s Wells. I have already spoken to Tom on this, however that means once a month I will be doing three days a week in London as I will be restarting my two classes at ROH the last Wednesday of the month until the Angles Theatre goes on to rehearsals again. Some of the girls at ENB seem to think Tom progresses much more quickly than the other teachers, but I just like the way he teaches with proper explanations for everything. Hi Fiz The best of luck sweetheart, I had the root canals done on two teeth some years ago, so I know how you feel.
  8. Hi Fiz I never though I would ever say this, but I’m really enjoying the break from such intense ballet, and down to two classes a week from a dozen, is quite a break for me and no workshops for a month. Things soon pick up gain after the next 2 weeks, and then I guess we will be rehearsing for our Christmas show at Lincoln. At the same time with all the summer schools gone too, it’s a bit sad.
  9. Fantastic repertoire class on Saturday with Franziska of Holistic Ballet, I chose the Sleeping Beauty option, Act III Aurora’s 2nd variation. Although I was short of time to prepare for it, the only bit I was worried about (the petit battement sequence) was totally substituted by Franziska. There were other changes too but all seemed to work well with the music. However later that afternoon when I was on the train going home, I jotted some notes down covering the changes, as I was writing stuff down, more and more details came flooding back, however there was one bit that seemed to happen but I don’t think it was taught. Part of the music was slightly longer than the steps and most of us filled it with a couple of petit retire, just like flicks, it fitted perfectly. I typed the changes up tonight (Sunday) and checked it against my practice track, the new bits do not seem to fit as well, which has also made me unsure about where I have inserted the petit retire’s. I’ve dropped an email to Franziska our teacher for clarification, I am also not sure that the music is identical. Its now prep for Giselle in 4 weeks time with City Academy. Only ENB to come this week.
  10. Well it should, it was one of your resistance bands. The previous week I was on the steps to the Royal Albert Hall doing the same thing. x
  11. What about this then: I was sat on a park bench in Hyde Park last night just prior to going to my ENB classes, doing a 150 reps each foot with a resistance band, a guy came and sat on the seat beside me but didn’t say anything, not sure what he thought, probably that I was mad. He went after a while.
  12. A good night at ENB tonight, most barre exercises ended in the pirouette prep position on balance, only to be followed in both classes with pirouettes in the centre tonight, at level three we managed to get this balance/pas de chat thing to end our little sequence again. Only three weeks to go before this term ends. At the moment ENB is the only regular classes I am doing and I think its helping clear up my ankle problem. Another three weeks and all my regular classes will be back off summer break, hopefully I will get some news from my teacher on our proposed Lincoln performance.
  13. Hi JustBallet You have over a month to go for this one, with your expert pointe work I'm sure you will make short work of the first variation, What do you think?. I will be doing the easy option on demi. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=omqyVhJqozk
  14. Hi Lartiste Best add these repertoire classes to your collection The ENB Le Corsaire Workshop is on Wednesday the 30th of October at 18:00. Its held at The Old Fire Station, 40 George Street, Oxford, OX1 2AQ. it cost £12.00. Check if ENB have any others as I turned one down recently. Sleeping Beauty Act3 Aurora 2nd Variation, See Holistic Ballet for details, its this weekend and will be already fully booked. Keep an eye on RAD too.
  15. Hi Lin You name should be on the list at reception which you tick as you are going in and leave, they ARE very slow with conformations, just turn up and you should see Karl in reception, he is a nice helpful guy. I was almost tempted to do the level 4 taster, but I have already got enough on my plate. I have to work like mad for prep on next Saturdays Sleeping Beauty Workshop as I haven't had a chance to do anything yet.
  16. City Academy is teaching a new full day intensive Ballet workshop - Giselle! This workshop will be taught by Rejane Garcia, and will teach you classic steps from the Act 1 for Giselle's friends dance and Giselle act 1 variation. It’s a beautiful ballet to learn, as well interesting choreography. Both men and women can attend, as there are plenty of roles to fill. All levels are welcome, from beginners to advanced. At the end of the workshop, you can invite family and friends to watch what you have worked on throughout the day. Date: Saturday 21st September Time: 11am – 5pm Location: Jerwood Space, SE1 Cost £80.00
  17. Today was our day for the performance, it started as usual with work at the barre and a little bit of centre practice, then the teacher started to reassign girls that were performing on Sunday at Burley House, as there was only one girl from my group. Relatively quickly we went into rehearsal, mainly to teach those that had been reassigned the new fairy variations from sleeping beauty. Later that morning our teacher came along with bags of really nice light blue tutu’s, with each of the girls names on them, these belonged to the school. However their was not one for my 20 year old friend or myself. Our teacher did manage to find my friend a pink wrap round tutu type base, but my friend later decided not to do the show. Not sure if it was a premonition or not, but something told me to put my best “Odette” Tutu in my car just in case. I told my teacher of this and I would collect it at lunch time. So correction on my previous posting, I did get to wear my sticky out tutu to do the Candide Fairy variation from Sleeping Beauty. There were two girls in front in their blue tutu’s and me in the centre just behind in my white sparkly-out tutu, I think it was a nice combination. Dancing that piece went quite well too, I just loved it. From there we went back to our leotards, many of the other girls changed into white t-shirts and black leggings for the hip hop and modern pieces. Although I could have done them as I had only been through them the once, after talking to my teacher I decided not to do them in the performance. However once the music started and I see the girls performing through the doorway, the routines all flooded back and would really have liked to done them, perhaps next time. Our lyrical section was next, performed in our ballet leotards, lots of rolling about again, but somehow I managed to keep my tights clean. Next came “Masquerade” again done in our leotards but the mask on our faces, that ended with the supposed sighting of the phantom, so we all dashed to the opposite wall of the stage so as to look like running in fear, there we removed our masks and hurriedly put on our tutu’s on top of our leo’s this time, as if in a panic. Then assembled in groups to the four corners of the stage in order to perform our piece from “Phantom of the Opera”. Not sure how many was in the audience but somewhere between 50 and 60, it was well attended. Unfortunately no photo-shoot had been organised, so I manage to see our teacher before all the girls had changed after the show and suggested group photo’s. Both our teacher and those in the audience were taking group photos off us all, unfortunately we were all in tutu’s on top of leo’s, probably not very professional for a photo-shoot but it has a story to tell. Finally managed to get back to one of my regular Salsa dances tonight, after weeks of absence due to my summer schools. Saturday I get a long awaited lie-in. The end to a really nice day.
  18. Today the other girl from the adult class was informed she wasn’t to do the Burley House performance; I guess that was no surprise. I did take half a dozen masks in for the girls doing the Masquerade bit for the show, as several were without. Those were things left over from some of my old Salsa parties. I did get a bit of a surprise this afternoon when we were scheduled to do lyrical, the session had been halved and the last half was a rehearsal which also included hip hop and Modern which I missed on the Tuesday as I was at ENB. The teacher said I could sit and watch those parts if I wished, there was three other girls who had not done them either, that were sat down. I cant sit if there’s dancing to be had, so I said I will follow what I can from the back or just ad lib it, needless to say I really enjoyed it, my tights were back at the knees, my ballet slippers too from rolling around the floor etc and I feel battered and bruised all over but it was worth it. The other three girls were sent to join me, not sure what they made of it. We also danced the 3 fairy variations for the ballet section in separate groups, our group did the first fairy variation “Candide”, I really love that part, but sorry no tutu or fairy wings this time. For the Lyrical section were had our old routine which was constructed by the dancers. The dancers were divided into 4 separate groups. Our teacher had placed four piles of paper on the floor, each group was to take a piece of paper from each of the piles. We had 8 counts to perform our piece, the first piece of paper had the count number of what we had to perform, the rest of the counts were up to us, the second piece was which of the 8 sides of the room it was to be facing, the third was the type of movement “Balance” which could be an arabesque and the fourth is the feeling being projected, eg strong, happy sad etc. The pieces that were designed by each of the four groups were then strung together with a suitable connecting step. The original exercise took place on Monday, we created another sequence today by the four groups and both added together as part of the schools performance tomorrow for parents and friend. The last thing in our rehearsal was our young man (the only guy) of about 16 – 18 performed a solo roll from “Phantom of the Opera”, he was fantastic, a really beautiful dancer, however he is not at the school tomorrow, so that was his only performance. During today’s rehearsal there was a lady in the audience area, I though she was a school patrol or something, she stayed until the end and chatted to the teacher for a short while, everyone else had gone and I wanted a quick word with my teacher too, I was about to go and the lady finish with my teacher and came over to me, she was extremely complementary, I thought she must be looking at someone else, my teacher also back up her complements, which was really nice. The lady was our young mans mum, she must have been so proud seeing him perform, and everyone clapped so enthusiastically at the end of his performance, it was a nice ending to the day.
  19. Hi Lartiste I wondered what had happened to you. Yes the ROH has some nice studios, I've dance in some on levels 4 and 5 but I haven’t been there since February as I used to time share with another school at Angles Theatre in Cambridgeshire and in March we went on to rehearsals until the show in July, by the time that was finished my old ROH classes were on Summer Break. My favourite posh studio is the upper studio at ENB, which Lin will experience when she does her taster class with them. Only drawback with that studio, in the last couple of weeks the floor has become a little sticky compared to what it used to be.
  20. Hi Lin I hope you get that reply, you will really like Tom, he’s a really nice guy, and so full of enthusiasm. He also talks you through the use of muscle groups when at the barre. He has been my level 2 teacher for the past two weeks as my regular teacher was on holiday. I get homework from my level 3 teacher, only because I ask for it, she is nice too. As for the Fairy thing, my wings have been clipped, I was told in the nicest possible way that the show at Burley House was really for the little one’s, so I wont be going to that one but I will still be performing in the parents/friends show at the school. At present there are only two of us from the adult class, the other girl (about 20years old) is very unsure about the performance when I told her I would not be going, unfortunately that will only leave only one girls to perform that scene, as there are several for the other two fairy scenes. Hopefully the teacher will persuade one or two of the other girls to join her. I guess I will finally have to accept I’m not young anymore and can’t do fairies, I guess I should look to perform as a wicked witch instead. Today’s rep was quite fun, we did bits cobbled together from Phantom of the Opera, and also something from Masquerade.
  21. Nice classes at ENB tonight, I dropped Pineapple this week, next week my two ENB classes will be my only ballet for a couple of weeks until my regular classes finish their summer break. Hopefully my ankles should improve with the rest. One of my ENB teachers spotted how I was standing (On my heels, with the ball of the foot just off the floor), I know that has developed in the last few weeks especially when I get out of bed in the morning. My balance in pretty normal and so is the strength in my ankles in spite of the tenderness, that effect is most prominent if I have been inactive. Got the facebook video clip today of the Sleeping Beauty scene we are rehearsing this week and dancing on Sunday, I better get some practice in now. I went to Clair’s in my local town today to try and buy some fairy wings, but the only ones they had were far too big, as we are doing the Fairy Variations from Act 1and the dancer in the clip has two little wings at the back of her tutu.
  22. Still plagued with the heal problem once I stop using my feet, its getting really annoying. Started the first day of my final Summer School for this year. Today was divided into three periods, Ballet, Lyrical and Repertoire. The class was made up of mostly teens, with one girl in her early twenties and two ladies in their forties, the two older ladies left after the ballet session. The Lyrical was a new one for me and quite fun, especially rolling around the floor, I’m sure I’m covered in bruises as a result. The session I liked best of all was repertoire, we did three solo pieces from Sleeping Beauty Act 1. We then had to choose one for later in the week, which will also be used in our performance on Friday, when some of the parents and friends come in. However our teacher has asked for volunteers to perform their Sleeping Beauty piece at an event at Burley House on Sunday, needless to say I’m in. I’m not sure what we will be wearing but I know the school has a selection of tutu’s, but not sure about one’s to fit adults. I’m not at the summer school tomorrow (Tuesday) as they are doing hip hop and similar stuff with a different teacher. I will be in London as it my day with English National Ballet. Wednesday we get a guest teacher who will be doing two repertoire sessions of her own, it’s strongly suspected it will be from “Phantom of the Opera”, I will enjoy that.
  23. Hi Lin The website is a bit of a shambles, it is there, the text is the old text but go into to timetable and booking and that's is new, as for the scenes being taught, I emailed them as I wanted to promote it via flyers in Pineapple etc, but they don't have anything yet. I was going to use the info on their website but as you see, its not suitable as its out of date. I hope that helps.
  24. Unfortunately my sore heels are no better today Saturday (My first day without ballet for 12 days), if anything they are a little worse. It feels very much like bruising, as for Bloch Split soles, I wear them all the time. I just think I have overdone things a bit as I did all the ballet classes at Chelsea except Friday afternoon and all the Pilates classes too, together with my two classes at ENB Tuesday evening on both weeks. That was 12 successive days of ballet. Today has been a bit manic too, up at 6am started on the lawns quite early and the after summer school washing, went up town to get the battery replaced on my car and then to get my hair done for next weeks summer school. Next on the agenda was grocery shopping for myself and my brother in law, took his shopping down to him and finally got back home at midnight. A little bit of tidying in the garden tomorrow (Sunday), then sort time table and cloths for summer school next week, at least I will be home every evening, but I still haven’t had any notification of what scenes we are doing from “Phantom of the Opera”.
  25. I have heard back from City Academy, This is what they have said they are doing: " Corps de Ballet Waltz and the Queen of Swan solo, both from Act 2.""
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