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Everything posted by Michelle_Richer

  1. Had an email from RAD tonight Nutcracker Rep Workshop (RAD), South East Dance Studios, Hextable Kent, 8 December (Closing date extended to 25 November) Link: http://www.rad.org.uk/article_pink.asp?id=119&realCat=138 They haven't quite reached the minimum number for this workshop to fly. I hope we can attached a few more from this forum.
  2. For me what Christmas excess, the meal and Salsa party planned for Christmas day has now been dropped. We had 20+ dancers for it, but too many have pulled out. I guess I will have to chill out at home. Means I will have to cook and do the washing up Grrrrr. Id rather be dancing ballet particularly the harem girls dance from Le Corsaire. At least I will get time to recut the music for my own chorography. Lin have you had any thoughts on your tutu for the LAB Intensive yet, I'm OK as I have about a dozen, a couple more on order and for Christmas I might treat my self to a couple of JB's professional one's as they are really nice. Must go out and get some fairy wings though, in case w0e are doing the fairy variation's.
  3. Hi Lin I thought that was quite ambitious of you. I'm off tomorrow to see my Physio to see if she can give me some new 18 year old legs or a full service, not sure what she is going to make of me. Had a lovely day with the Royal Academy of Dance in London doing Repertoire from the Ballet “Don Quixote”, we danced two very contrasting scenes, the first was a Spanish dance from Gamache’s Entrance (Act 1), the second was far more classical from the Dream Scene (Act2). Our teacher for the day was Darren Parish, an easy teacher to follow and learn from, I liked him alot. I also met one of my friends from English National Ballet, and two other’s that were with me during our LAB Summer Intensive at Docklands. Our teacher also thought he had recognised me from the Royal Opera House, it just shows what a small world it is. I had a nice chat with Natalie Dorman, one of the RAD organisers. It appears they will be running an Adult Repertoire course on Cinderella in February, but nothing is published yet. I have submitted a comprehensive feedback form with suggestion on many ballet’s that they may consider using over and above those that are currently in their mind. The journey there was a bit fractious, left home at 6am, silly me didn’t check the train times as I knew I had a good deal of contingency built in. First train from Peterborough was 7.26am but it was late at 7.41am, it was also the slow train getting into Kings Cross at 9am. RAD info said to find bust stop G for the 170 which was not marked on that stop. A map I downloaded showed it as bus stop R, which was the one I used. I was also not prepared for ticket machines for pre-paid tickets, besides the one at “R” was out of action, but a nice gentleman said I would probably be OK to pay as they weren’t very busy on a Sunday, so that’s what I did. However on the return journey, the bus was full to bursting, but I still paid the driver.
  4. Hi BMT Wow now I can put a face to your name, I hope to see you at Northern Ballet in Fiona's class on the 17th, and hopefully with City on the 4th of Jan, I will have to stay in London that weekend as I'm doing Nutcracker with ENB at the Coliseum on the Sunday. I think I'm a bad influence on Lin as she is now doing both too. Hopefully she will find the right door this time.
  5. Hi Muchkin16 If you are particularly looking to do something with City at ROH, then at the moment there is only the Swan Lake3 repertoire workshop on the 1st of December, then next two (Giselle and Swan Lake4) are at Sadlers Wells, Rejane did mention another Masterclass but I think that was the evening of the 10th December, which conflicts with my two classes at ENB, perhaps LinMM can remember its location. The Masterclass with Rejane were real fun so don't worry about your training in Cechetti, one of my local teachers is too, after a while I guess you become sort of multi-lingual in ballet terms, especially when you do a number of different classes. In any case I use a ballet dictionary which covers the different ballet schools terminology for the same movement, hand positions etc. The repertoire workshops do tend to cover quite a lot, three or four scenes from one of the classics, but at the same time it does not appear to be rushed. Like any class it will start with a short barre session biased against movement you will need for rep. Short centre practice too, to support your rep later, then the main repertoire. Often Rejane make provision at the end for a Friends and Family performance of the scenes you have learnt during that workshop. I guess I will soon have to think about booking the next two City rep workshops, I haven't missed one yet. Its of to RAD HQ Sunday for rep workshop on "Don Quixote".
  6. You will be absolutely fine, just go for it. Its a complete mix of abilities from beginners. Most bits of rep usually have two options, easy and a little more challenging, so it suits everyone. But the main thing is, they can be danced side by side as a company of dancers. Any course / workshop at the ROH is more expensive in comparison of other venue's, but that's because of where it is. Most of City's classes that I've been too have been at Sadler's Wells.
  7. Lin Has Chelsea Ballet's Master class for December been cancelled then, as the last notification I got from Louise was it would be a Friday either 6 or 13 and Laura Hussey was to be the teacher. Laura is my teacher at my level 3 class at ENB, she is an excellent teacher and helped me a lot with my own choreography when she was my level 1 teacher. BMT Who is your evening teacher at Northern, I have done a couple of sessions with Fi(Fiona)evening classes, but I can only do full days there when ENB are on break. I will be there again during the last week of the current term and join Fi's class again, I really like Fi.
  8. Hi BMT welcome to the forum My Interest is in repertoire classes as I already do multiple ballet classes most days, from my local area to London, ENB being my main contributor. However there are rep classes outside London if you are prepared to travel. Recently I did Le Corsaire with ENB at Oxford. Nutcracker Rep Workshop (RAD), South East Dance Studios, Hextable Kent, 8 December (Closing date 18 November) Link: http://www.rad.org.uk/article_pink.asp?id=119&realCat=138 Scottish ballet are doing various workshops on Hansel and Gretel, but its in 10days time, I only got notification yesterday. I’m up at Scottish ballet in December. See Link: http://www.dancebase.co.uk/classes/workshops?options%5Bsite_id%5D=33463 Occasionally Northern ballet in Leeds do workshops, I was there only last week. It’s also worth keeping an eye on Birmingham Royal Ballet too, but most of these do get posted on the forum. But most Rep classes do take place in London, I think because there is a strong regular core of dancers. I see a lot of the same faces at all the ones I go to, and I also help to promote them where I can, as it’s a shame when a workshop fails due to insufficient interest. Usually its badly promoted.
  9. Yes Janet a nice video. I had not thought of using a resistance band sideways, most of the other stretches we do in our body balance class and its left to each individual how far you go. I do two of those classes a week and love them. One of my teachers doesn’t rate the resistance band for strengthening the feet, but it seems to work for me, especially as I have broken two or three stretching them too far. Its certainly helped with preparation for pointe work. In pointe class we are still concentrating on building strength, last night exercise was quite simple apart from the usual prances and rolling up onto plie’s, We were taking the body weight onto one foot and holding it there. There was only two of us last night, the other girl struggles a bit so the teacher left it at 15 seconds. My right foot is my strongest and has the best straightness profile. Strength wise it feels almost indefinite but my toes get a little sore after a minute or so. I ended up doing developee’s to the side, and front then with front gesturing foot in attitude and round to the back in arabesques, all at the barre of course but only one slight fingertip support. My teacher just told me to be careful, but didn’t stop me. It was awesome the sense of height. It wasn’t all good news though, my left leg still has a little bit of a knee injury, which I can feel when that leg is supporting my full body weight en pointe, it gave a little last night, so I put an elasticated support around it. I continued with the class on that foot and it held up, but it was a warning not to push it too far, so I just stuck to the teachers exercises. It did screw up my pirouettes, with that foot as the gesturing foot during the class that followed, the mind boggles why.
  10. I love the fairy variations, I have already performed the Candide one (First Fairy) in public and in a tutu, but I didn't have any fairy wings. But at the RBS studios we must keep up the standard and do things right this time, don't you agree? I will have you in a Tutu yet.
  11. I know Dance Direct had problems with an upgrade to their system. I held off with an order, then their website was updated at the end of last month and I started to get email replies to my queries. On the 30 I place an order with them which was duly confirmed but I think like everyone else, that’s the last I have heard from them. The small items that would have been delivered in a day or two have never arrived. I’m now using StarliteDirect.com as its fairly local to me, I’m visiting them tomorrow in Sleaford Lincs.
  12. Depends what solo you are doing, don't forget the fairy wings though.
  13. Just returning to post #111 Musicality. This is just an observation I have noticed recently. I have been learning Giselle’s first variation and have worked quite a lot with it and always to the music. However a couple of times recently in classes where we have had a water break, I have attempted to dance this variation. Without the music there is clearly something missing, I guess for me it the cue’s for transition to the next movement or elongate the current one. The feeling I get without music, its just steps and they appear rushed. Music adds feeling, power; it lifts your spirit. With the right music I always feel it put that little bit of extra power into an extension etc, you can really feel it.
  14. Had a really fantastic day at Northern Ballet, the girls there are so friendly and sociable its really nice to meet up in the local café after class for a coffee and a chat, its the only class I know of does this and its wonderful. Even their teacher is really nice even though she uses Yorkshire French pronunciation for ballet terms, but she it getting me trained in that now.
  15. Section 2 added to our show piece, very ambitious of our teacher as it contains a Jete en tournant, chaines travelling turns and a pirouette, we still have section three to go. The show is only three weeks away, gosh this is going to be tight and concentrate the mind, its also a public paying one too. Fortunately my teacher has allowed me to video it for practice, as it will be useful to dance this at more than one venue so there is no surprises in terms of special awareness when it come to dress rehearsal on the actual stage.
  16. I must confess the same thought crossed my mind, as I would be very useful to have a common thread, only one place to look.
  17. Yippee just got notification from trainline.com that the East Coast cancelled Scottish rail journey has been refunded. Scottish ballet is now on for the 9th December, not sure what they will make of me.
  18. Yes I was tempted to put a posting on the forum about this stray I picked up hiding in the ROH booking area, then having to tear her away from the Royal Ballet School door as we walked down Floral Street, and almost did not believe me when I said we needed the ROH stage door. The class was a really nice one, it was extremely enjoyable. I noticed the amount of dancers using first rather than fifth when Rejane announced it as an option. Still I think everyone enjoyed it, and in any case there was something I learned too, I'm not sure what you call the pose possible "Sleeping swan", that we did at the end of the two circle configuration of the main enchainement. I've just booked and paid for the LAB Spring Intensive at RBS, I see we have some solo rolls, hope its the Fairy Variation and possibly Aurora's variation in Act 3 which we did with Franziska. However the number of places is limited to 50. PS it does say Tutu's if appropriate. Done two classes today so far, rehearsal tonight.
  19. I don't know, go onto the ENB website and try to book it, it not very expensive £25.00 I think, but it does start at 9.30am. shall I give you an early morning call?
  20. Thank you balleteacher I just hope they can restore my legs to that of an 18year old, then I WILL be very happy.
  21. The dilemma now is does one book for the two and get the 2ORMORE 10% discount, or wait and see what promotions they introduce, as they often do. If I do the 4th of Jan with City, which I probably will, I will have to stay in London as I'm doing Nutcracker with ENB at the Coliseum on the 5th. Next weekend its Don Quixote at RAD HQ.
  22. Well at least you will be able to find it all by yourself next time, I have sent Rejane quite a list for Rep workshops in the future.
  23. Physio booked for the 18th, then I will see what they come up with, however my heels are much better at the movement since my ballet activity tails off towards the weekend. Next week is a light week too, as I am going to see Moscow ballet Tuesday evening and miss ENB that week, however to compensate I will do two classes with Northern Ballet Tuesday morning. I received notification the my parking fine had been dropped which is good news.
  24. That's a wonderful thought. But not in one of my classes, as my teacher says my port de bras on Plie are too flownsey, it OK for performances but not in this class. She is very strict and focused on technique. One bad habit I have picked up though, is more with Plie's than any other movement, I tend to close my eye as I feel the music and for me Plies are continuous, I just float into them with the music, its gorgeous. I love Brahms Lullaby and Titanic theme for plié's at the barre. Recently I fell in love with the music from Le Corsaire from the Harem Girls Dance.
  25. Hi Lin Sorry I don't do OAP, grey hair or intend to grow old gracefully, its just not in my mind-set, as for waiting for others to move the barre, I never was born with much in the way of patients, I just like to get things done and make it happen if necessary. I did concede just a bit in getting my rail card, but I'm really struggling over getting a bus pass. Perhaps the savings on the busses to RAD may tilt the balance, but only if the bus drivers treat me the same way as one of the ticket staff at Peterborough station, when he ask me If I had stolen my mums rail card, that really did bring a smile to my face, I was walking on air for the rest of the day.
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