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Everything posted by Michelle_Richer

  1. Hi Terpsichore The Friends dance is from act1 see the clip: However this will get highly re-choreographed to accommodate up to 25 dancers, as we will be dancing in 3 groups of 25. We have two other pieces to do, both solo’s but we will be dancing together; again in tutu’s which is a Fairy Variation, from a choice of first or second fairy, I will take the first “Candide”. We will also be dancing Aurora’s variation from Act 3, that is the trickier one, but I love it. Just before I left Northern today I persuaded them to display the RAD “Swan Lake” workshop flyer on one of there notice boards (Fourth floor), at least it’s raised its profile in Yorkshire.
  2. Hi Polishrose If you are looking for Pilates based exercises, then please check out “Body Balance”, it’s a combination of Pilates, Yoga and Tia Chi. I certainly use it as conditioning for ballet, although I’m probably the only one in my Body Balance class doing ballet. Our Instructor demonstrates three different levels for some of the movements, most do level one. Similarly I tend to modify some slightly towards ballet, such as tree pose to a retire. Most of my foot extensions are to a pointed foot, where everyone else tends to have there feet somewhat flexed, but my instructor does know of my involvement with ballet. It will certainly increase your core strength, improve your balance and open up your hips for improved turnout. Check out this link: http://w3.lesmills.com/global/en/classes/bodybalance/about-bodybalance/ As for leotards, Dance Direct do stock XXL in black only, I’m certainly interested in the US site you have found as we have a number of big ladies at one of my classes, that class also performs on stage once a year, one of those ladies has been performing there for the last 17 years. I agree with the others comment about not worrying about going in a leotard, the only important thing is ballet slipper, my feet are wide so I have Bloch leather Split sole pink ballet slippers width “C”. As for pointe work, you will need to see your teacher as you can’t do pointe work on your own, it really is too dangerous. Firstly when she thinks you are ready she may well set you on a program of foot strengthening exercises in normal ballet slippers first. I have just started pointe work myself and was doing pointe work at tonight’s class. Also you will need to get your pointe shoes properly fitted, its not something you should buy on line.
  3. As Tom hasn't come back to me via email as promised, so I have checked the dates for compatibility. The second Summer Intensive is likely to be based Swan Lake, both from at conversation I had with Tom and checking the dates that Swan Lake (Marlinsky) is on just across the road at The Royal Opera House on the 13 and 14 of August. But please note this has not been finally confirmed by him.
  4. Hi Lin That’s wonderful news, you will be among friends too, at least 4 of the City Academy regulars are in that group. However just one word of caution, don’t forget you are joining an established group with an established sequence they are working on. I know the Thursday night group (My Group) is the only group on target, both the others are running behind a bit. Term three which you will be starting was intended for polishing for performance, so it would be advisable to look at your groups work as soon as Tom sends you the weekly video’s for term 2. The sequence is fairly graceful with lots of step hops, one of ours is the jumpy one from the same ballet. When I started term 2, I missed the first week, and the video gave me a chance to catch up and familiarise myself with the moves. I like many of the others do practice out side of the LAB sessions, so for us its not just 2 hours. I have also asked to be able to dance 2 of the 3 pieces learnt in term 1, which was before my time, that I will have to get up to speed outside of LAB if I’m to do that successfully. Anyway welcome aboard, we will have you in a short pancake tutu yet, you should know by now I’m a bad influence on you. See you at ROH on Saturday.
  5. Thanks for the reminder I had planned to do that but had forgotten about it. I have just rang (12.10pm) and I'm in, otherwise it would have been a shame as I booked the rail tickets some time ago. See you Tuesday.
  6. Awww no red carpet then, seriously they are a lovely bunch of girls at Northern, I see a few of them when we did Cleopatra at The Grand Theatre so they would have known I was coming on the 1st. I too wont be staying long this time, but sufficient to have a coffee and a bun with the girls after the second class as my train leaves at 2.45pm. Normally I would stay on for the evening Intermediate/advanced class, but as I’m so near the LAB Intensive at RBS, I really don’t want to push it on this last week and consider my self extremely lucky to have recovered so quickly and carried on with the intensity I had already planned. I’ve still got some prep to do and working through my correction from last Tuesdays one-to-one session. Sadly the hall I hire on a Monday is no longer available next week, however I’ve managed to squeeze in between bookings on a Wednesday, then I have Thursday as usual. But this time it has to be practice in a tutu, to replicate what we will be doing in the Intensive, so there are no surprises. I may well video it for my own feedback. I’m not sure what any of the people in the hall car park may think looking through the windows, as the car park is well used for the large village park opposite. Yes it will be nice to meet you there again too, I should be arriving well before 10am as my train get in at 9.17 ish
  7. I had a word with Tom of LAB tonight, he is going to confirm the details in a email to me by the weekend, then I can post an accurate response.
  8. Awww Terpsichore you make me sound like royalty on a state visit to Leeds, I can manage a tiara and fairy wings from the Fairy Variation in Sleeping beauty if that will do. I haven’t posted very much this week as it’s been a really heavy and challenging week and I wasn’t sure what state I would be in at the end of it, luckily I’m OK. Monday I did 3 sessions and could not sleep at all Monday night, but not really sure why, possibly excitement or even apprehension of the next day, or just simply too hyped up. Tuesday another three sessions plus an impromptu trustee meeting at my old parent companies HQ. The end of that day I was absolute shattered when I left ENB just before 10pm, we had worked really hard, especially with a lot of jumps/sissonne’s and assemble’s last thing, everyone was tired. I was worried what state of my ankles would be in the following morning. The walk from ENB to the tube station seem to take for ever, I just couldn’t go at my normal pace. The real acid test would be at Peterborough when my legs had stiffened up, lucky they weren’t, however I did use the lifts at Peterborough Station rather than the stairs and I think that helped. Although I was dead beat when I finally arrived home at 1am, I still found time to do my heel drop therapy. That night I only slept for two hours, I just could not sleep, mainly because of the need to keep flexing my feet to get any form of comfort. After two sessions on Wednesday I was finally able to sleep right through. Today (Thursday ) has just been fantastic. I went to my local village hall and collected the keys from my old ballet teacher, manage to practice and keep refreshed 5 different pieces of repertoire, then it was down to London for my 2 hours of LAB rehearsal. My feet at the end of all that are absolutely fine. Next week Tuesday and Wednesday will be dancing for pleasure, as my normal rep classes feel more like work as they certainly contain work like properties of schedules, targets and performance where you relentlessly need to push yourself. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but it’s also nice to have a break or even dance without that pressure just for the joy of dancing.
  9. Booking dates Monday 7th April – LAB Company and previous LAB Intensive attendees Monday 14 April – LAB mailing list booking opens Monday 21 April – Public booking opens
  10. Hi LizS24 Welcome to the forum. Follow this link to LAB http://londonamateurballet.com/lab---the-lab-intensives.html I will be doing all 4 Intensives this year. The only additional item for your list is pointe shoes but only if you are experienced, beginners are not allowed on pointe, the rest of us do the same or similar exercises on demi in you regular ballet slippers. I guess you could consider this as an additional but its not compulsory but is nice socially. The first evening of the course there is a social get together for a drink in a local bar, the same applies at the end of the course after the performance. Mid course there is an evening out to the theatre to see a performance of the ballet of the repertoire you have been doing on you course. I think that is now an on-going intention, as the spring intensive is on Sleeping Beauty and that is being performed by the Royal Ballet at the Royal Opera House. The ballet we are using for rep for the first Summer Intensive has not been decided yet, I will check again with Tom tomorrow night. I know he has something in mind for the second Summer Intensive but I’m not sure if he wants it made public, again I will check with him when I see he tomorrow night (Thursday), and if so I will drop it on this tread.
  11. Hi Lin I wish I was doing the RAD Giselle one, as its more like to be based on the RB version than those which we have done, but unfortunately I'm on dress rehearsal that day. I did ask RAD if they could move it, a long shot I know but sadly they could not. I’m hoping one of the LAB intensives in the future will be based on Giselle, I have already suggested it, so its already in the melting pot for consideration. This week is another heavy week, but thankfully my feet are in far better shape than they were last week, only slight development is the ankles are starting to itch, not sure what to make of that. They have had a bit of a pounding today with jumps and jete’s, and still going strong. Hopefully will make ENB tomorrow night. Next week things start to thin out with the onset of term breaks, in spite of the LAB Spring intensive that weekend.
  12. Hi Sheila Fantastic, can’t wait. I’m so excited. I will try and give you a ring on Wednesday as I’m in London all day tomorrow (Tuesday), with morning one-to-one rep coaching, trustee pension meeting in the afternoon at my old parent companies HQ, then two evening classes at ENB, so quite a full day, with home at 1am, legs permitting.
  13. Hi Fiz Do you have Pastel Pink or White, they might be worth a try. Yes that's good you have found some prices that's not move, that must be very rear.
  14. Hi Terpsichore That good, will you be doing both classes, that end at 12.45pm, I will be and that gives me a chance to go for a coffee and bun with the girls at the café just round the corner (opposite the BBC) as I'm taking a slightly later train back at 2.45. Hi Fiz Wow, Pacific Blue is a gorgeous colour, I have turquoise leo's which is about the closest which is a much deeper and darker colour, but I do like that pacific blue. Which style of Moi have you gone for and can you get a matching chiffon skirt to go with it? I'm getting excited too, as my delivery of tutu’s from Just Ballet will be due towards the end of this month.
  15. Hi Lin A few pieces of Info for you, The new LAB class is likely to contribute a little something to our show, but I have no idea as to what, but it will be quite small as it will need to be polished. We are using all of next term to polish our performance material. In class during next term we are expected to wear and get used to dancing our enchainements in tutu's ready for the performance. I'm not sure if you are aware, but LAB is not drop in, you have to pay by term (£200 approx). As for being careful, I thought you knew me better than that, try calculating , its more appropriate. I have had two miserable days, firstly having to drop my classes ENB on Tuesday, then dropping the Angles Theatre rehearsal Wednesday, fortunately according to our teacher she was not added any new material to the sequence this week. I just felt in my hart I hadn't achieved anything, but my head knew it was necessary to avoid prolonging the injury. However this morning it felt marginally better( Slight movement with the Soleus), but still quite painful. Out of frustration I reasoned if I could warm the heel joint with gentle exercise it may allow me to stretch the soleus further with my heel drop exercises. To that end I went on my tread mill very slowly for the first 5 minute, that was agony but it diminished with time, I gradually increased the speed and remained on the treadmill for a total of 15 minutes. Then came the heel drops, it did stretch a little further. This morning I hired the hall primarily for practice of our LAB rep, I also tried Sleeping beauty rep, but my feet were along way from right. I was still undecided about LAB tonight. Finally I decided to go anyway with a bit of damage limitation, firstly I went with shoes with 1.5 in heel to take pressure of the Achilles. I told Tom of my injury and said I would not be doing Jumps, he was very sympathetic. As it was I did barre and Centre and when it came to it Jumps as well. Halfway through rep it suddenly dawned on me, there was no pain and full movement had been restored in my right ankle. When we had a short break I stretch the soleus, the range had increased enormously but at the extreme end I could feel only very mild pain. The rest of the class was fantastic, it really put a spring in my step. It just ended up being a really wonderful night and it didn't even end with the class. When I caught the train back to Peterborough a young lady sat in the seat on the opposite side of the isle and said "You were at the Chelsea Ballet Summer School Weren't you", she introduced herself as Hannah, and yes I did remember her. We chatted for the best part of an hour before she got off, that certainly broke that journey up in a very pleasant way. I certainly felt at the end of the day, it had been a fantastic one and I had achieved a lot, and certainly not what I had expected. One other piece of news: RAD are doing a Swan Lake workshop on the 18th May at RAD HQ in Battersea from 10.30am to 1.00pm, closing date 28 April, cost £36.00
  16. Hi Lin Yes the classes are two hours long with about 45 minutes for Barre/Centre then the rest is repertoire and usually we are working on two pieces a week. As for the intensives its good you are doing the smaller spring intensive (3days) as that will give you an idea of the general standard. The Summer Intensive are 6 days not 5 as they include the Saturday for performance. LAB has 3 schools at the moment, I think the intention is to only fill slots where dancers are left as I know they are setting up a fourth new school for Mondays but I don’t know where that will be, Tom will not be teaching at that one, as he teaches at ENB on a Monday. I wont be doing a full week at the Chelsea Ballet Summer school this year as I will be doing all four LAB Intensives, but I’m hoping to get to the Chelsea Ballet Summer School for at least one day to say hello to the girls again.
  17. Hi Terpsichore I should be at Northern Ballet for AnneMarie’s classes on the 1st of April as my classes at ENB are on break that week, will you be there that week?. Wednesday the 2nd is either Paul Lewis at RBS, or Godance at Sleaford as I haven’t been there for a long time. As for Adult Beginners, ENB not only have Level1 Adult Beginner, but also Absolute Beginners
  18. Hi Lin I think we will both be on crutches at LAB together, I thought I was doing well on Monday with my ankle after the long session on Sunday, but it started to play up in the early hours of this morning and by the time I got up the Soleus muscle is almost full contracted, I can still put my right foot to the floor so its not as bad as it was at Christmas, but quite undanceable. I still went to London today for my private session on Aurora, I couldn't even stand on demi point, almost the first step when you go into attitude. I have take a lot away from the session so it wasn’t a complete waist of time and its almost kept me on schedule. The next two days are going to be the most difficult as they are both rehearsal. If necessary I will sit and watch tomorrow at the Angles theatre, as progress there is quite slow due to absenteeism. Thursday which is LAB, I really need to be there to take my place in the formations otherwise its not fair to the others. I had to skip my two classes at ENB tonight as I’m sure that would have further injured my ankles and really screwed thing up for the spring intensive. I’ve re-stretched them tonight the best I can and also iced the ankles afterwards, its a case of rechecking them in the morning.
  19. Hi Michael Welcome to the forum, its nice to see a person with a real face and a real name. We have met; I was at last years Chelsea Ballet and loved your enchainement you built up day by day to that Harold's piece of music. I tend to be the Black Swan (Bad girl) of this forum with my contentious comments.
  20. Hi Dave Yes your link makes a lot of sense, particularly your comment “you don’t need to worry too much about clothing before you go – the important things to have are ballet shoes”, then just go and see. I remember the second class I went to had what appeared as a strict dress code of black leo, black chiffon tie round skirt, pink ballet tights and slippers. When I got there I was the only one that complied, when I queried this with the organizers, I was told they could not enforce it and if they did they would loose a lot of dancers. I think the important thing about clothing is to make sure the teacher can see the profile of your arms and in particular your legs in your ballet movements. In any case tight legging are almost as common as leotards in all the classes I attend. I do like the bit about the male dancers moving heavy barres, I have known them at one of my classes to leave it too the girls, mainly me and another, we always had to do it. This term things are much better. Hi Lin What therapy has your physio recommended between now and the spring intensive, if she is confident you will be OK. There isn’t an awful in the way of jumps in the reps, is more likely you will meet these in the general class beforehand. First Faire variation has no jumps at all, the second does but it’s a short sequence, Aurora has sissonne’s, but we both did the Aurora variation with Franziska last year, all except the traveling turns in a circle, which I don’t think is practical this time with 25 dancers on stage at a time. However the corps de ballet piece is quite jumpy but that will get re-choreographed for a larger number of dancers. What do you think. I thought I was going to be in a bit of trouble today after 7 hours of Swan Lake yesterday finishing a very heavy week, especially with that cygnet dance at the end of the session, but I managed my three classes today and the only issue I have found was last thing tonight during our pointe session, when slowly coming down off point, the back of my ankle on the right foot was very sore as the back of the pointe shoe pressed on it, so it was quickly down with an “ouch”.
  21. Hi Lin Yes she did mention Don Quixote but there was no hand-out, I asked what scenes we were doing, she mentioned possibly the Spanish dance from act one, and something else but nothing was finally decided yet, I had also mentioned the dream scene to her so its a question of just wait and see. I think there are two workshops only one week apart, I don't think I will be doing both this time, I think the other is Giselle and I'm not keen on the Cuban version of that. Its a shame I'm missing the RAD's Giselle workshop on the 29th June, but that's on the same day as our dress rehearsal for LAB's Gala performance.
  22. I attended a City Academy Swan Lake Rep workshop on Sunday 16 March. We had 8 female dancers including me and 2 male dancers which was a welcome surprise as we had a Pas de deux to dance, as well as the Cynet dance and Waltz of the Swans. The Pas de deux came first and was from act two, it was divided into 4 segments and each girl would dance a segment with one of our male dancers. I took the first segment which was the one I wanted to do, that was the highlight of the day for me. Those without a partner still danced the step but on there own. The second session was Waltz of the Swans, but it was somewhat simplified but still enjoyable. The final piece was the Cygnet dance, as that was towards the end of our 7 hour day, I think everyone’s feet ached by this time, but we all managed to keep going. That was arranged as two groups of 4 girls and another group comprising of our two guys, but one had to retire after hurting his foot. Only half of the dancers were regulars, the rest were new faces. I do hope most of those newcomers will continue to support these workshops in order to create a good core of dancers to keep the workshops viable. That was the end of a very heavy week for me.
  23. Hi Lin The Fairy solo’s we are doing are the first two, I think the intention is we a have a go at both and choose. For me its Fairy No 1 “Candide”, I’ve already put a lot of time in that one but still got a bit more to go. I’m now working on Aurora, but I am led to believe that I may not be able to perform both at the end of course show, for that I will be disappointed. I can help think some of Aurora will be simplified as you can’t have potentially 25 dancers doing travelling turns in a circle at the end, and we have three groups of 25. During one of the break periods today I managed pose’s in a circle around the Sadler’s Wells studio at our Swan Lake workshop. I haven’t as yet started on the friends dance as that will be re-choreographed, but I will get to grips with the basic movement and combinations as most of those I guess will feature in our piece somewhere. Lin you will have sore feet if you do Grand Jete's down the high street, otherwise I would most probably be doing them.
  24. Problem solved, I have just got a couple of additional low cost (£10)MP3 players from Argos giving me a total of 4, each with a separate Rep music track on it. That gives the effect of cycling the same track which does nicely for silent rep practice.
  25. Thank you 2dancersmum, but the earphones are not the issue. I don’t want to use speakers as it may disturb the other class, especially as I’m only a guest at that time in the studio. In any case I’m quite familiar with hooking up to sound systems as already I hire a studio privately each week as well as my local village hall. The earphones that I have are the little flexible ones that clip over your ears and are reasonable secure, what I do need to find is a tiny MP3 play that has replay function that will constantly cycle the same track if set. The ones I have are tiny but doesn’t have that function, so you have to fiddle with it each time to replay the same track which is really annoying when you want to prepare for a second run-through of a piece of rep.
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