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Everything posted by Michelle_Richer

  1. Hi Lin Don’t think you are out of a job, I see several tutu’s tonight with the pink overlay adrift in places. Mine only has 3 fastening points left from about a dozen, I think the cotton must break when the tutu is folded up. I shall re-stitch mine tomorrow with Pointe shoe ribbon thread which is extremely strong, I will also have some small safety pins for emergency repairs just in case. Lin unless you have something else on, do come and help out, you are part of the LAB company now, just go round the girls asking if they need any help, me and a couple of others tonight needed help in tying the ribbons at the back of our tutu overlay as it kept coming undone.
  2. Hi Skydancer I don’t recall going early from BRB as I drove there in my car. My memory now of that event is quite vague, I do remember leaving when everyone else did as I was with a group of girls leaving and talking to some one, not sure if it was our teacher or not about organising other adult workshops, I did follow that up with a number of emails. As for the two dances you mentioned , the Djinn Dance, having looked at something on youtube, I think I did do that one, I think we had to partner someone for that or at least part of it and I had the only guy that was present during that class. The finale I cant remember at all but I think it highly probable that I was there. As that part of the workshop was more like contemporary it would get filed in my brain as fun and not ballet, so its unlikely I would remember it. Im surprised you found that workshop pricey even though you had factored in Train fairs. But then I guess I spend considerably more that most on virtually full time ballet at around £1000 a month, sometime considerably more. I remember doing a Summer School at Stamford where they had Lyrical, Modern and Hip Hop down for the Tuesday, I did the rest of the week but did ENB on the Tuesday instead. Friday ended with a friends and family performance of what had been learn during the summer school. The dancers were mainly in their teens other that a couple in their twenties. Thursday was the rehearsal, the lyrical ( I was told Lyrical and contemporary are the same) was the first piece to be rehearsed as I wasn’t present my teacher said I could sit it out and watch, three other girls were already in the audience seating. So I said "no, its dancing isn’t it, in that case I will go to the back and try and follow the other girls, If I cant I will just wing it”, and that’s what I did and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The three girls that were sat down were sent to join me. I did sit out on the Friday performance for that piece as I didn’t think I would remember it, but when the music started it all came flooding back and I really wish Id been performing to it. Again that was filed in the brain under fun not ballet. For me my love of ballet is classical and from the classics, I primarily dance for me as its unlikely I will ever have the flexibility, strength or technique to match a professional, but I wont get hung up about that, I will always try my hardest to push my own ability. I have shed all my classes that don’t support performances other than ENB, however I still use many of those previous classes as gap fillers during term breaks if they are still running, after all I’ve generally built up a good relationship between the teacher and myself and the other dancers too for that matter. In the new year I will review my classes again, the bias of performing classes will be solely towards scenes from the classics and not from teacher own choreographed enchainements. It’s also likely I will be doing more one-to-one sessions on classical repertoire. I am sure our paths will cross again, and I will look forward to it
  3. London Amateur Ballet is proud to present The LAB Gala 2014 at London’s Bloomsbury Theatre. LAB is the UK’s leading amateur ballet company, and with over 70 dancers and guest stars, this is sure to be a spellbinding night at the ballet! The programme includes magical excerpts from The Nutcracker, Coppelia, Les Sylphides and many more… as well as the dazzling pas de deux from La Corsaire, danced by our stunning guest stars Tomomi Sato and Pedro Lapetra. To book see www.thebloomsbury.com or call 020 3108 1000 T h e L A B G a l a 2 0 1 4 The Bloomsbury Theatre, London Saturday 5th July 2014 3.00 & 7.30pm
  4. Hi Skydancer Wow what a memory you have, I do vaguely remember that session with Chris and at least one girl after class doing some quite elevated jete en tournant’s, I wonder was that you? I guess you may well have been next to me when I was chatting to Chris near the piano when the class had ended, I really liked Chris as a teacher, I met him again later that week when he was teaching company class at the Grand Theatre. Yes I did the BRB Aladdin workshop that seems such along while ago now. I don’t understand your comment “ but IIRC you weren't actually dancing then” Did you do the BRB workshop this year, I swapped emails with them but decided not to attend unless they were teaching a scene from one of the major classics. I met another girl from the same Intermediate/Advanced class at Northern doing the City Academy’s Ballet Master Class at The Royal Opera House Covent Garden. This was November 2013, I was hoping to see her at Northern but never did. Its not often I can get to that later class unless my regulare class at English National Ballet are on break. They are today for just one week, and I had a trustee meeting in London, so unusually for me no ballet today. I'm really sorry I didn’t stop and have a chat, I feel relly awful about that. I often meet people Ive done workshops or Intensives with, all over the place but I can never remember their names.
  5. Hi SkyDancer Terpsichore was under the impression we knew each other (ref post #1196 ) other than outside the lift at Northern. If we have met other than on the forum then I’m sorry for not recognising you. Terpsichore For me the dancing goes on; it was another dress rehearsal on Sunday with LAB using English National Ballet largest studio as there were over 70 dancers present for our show, it was simply awesome. LinMM was also there as our resident Tutu repairer helping the girls out, I still have a couple of minor repairs to do on one of my overlays. Apart from a short barre and centre we did one run-though with corrections and tweaks . followed by a full run-through of everything end to end as it would be in the show, I think we are looking in good shape for our performance now on Saturday. However Saturday will be a really long day as its company class warm-up at 9.30am, we should get two rehearsals in again, one off site and the other at the Bloomsburry Theatre before our first show at 3pm, with our last performance ending around 9.30pm and then a bit of a celebration at 10pm. Get Saturday over, download everything out of my brain as its dress rehearsal at the Angles Theatre on Sunday morning 10am for the following weeks performances. Then I get a rest in the form of a 6 day intensive at the Royal Ballet School with LABs First Summer Intensive on the Don Quixote rep with a performance on the end of that course. One day I might see my home again.
  6. Hi Terpisichore Very well done, that was a lovely smile I see on your face, I guess that’s a moment you will remember all your life. For me I was a little disappointed, it was a lovely moment dancing on that stage with such lovely people but it all ended so quickly, I almost felt robbed. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning and dancing that enchainement to “Return of the Maxim” with you and the other ladies of Northern, I mustn’t call them girls as I was told off by one of them, but in a nice way. I will certainly miss you all on Tuesdays, as in September I’m starting with City Academy on a 12 wk performance course ending with performances in two shows at Sadler Wells for Christmas. However I will be back if Northern OK the Christmas show, as the City Academy course is in the evenings, hey ho back to my 500mile round trips again. At least today I did get the chance to try out the stage makeup, although it was very cramp in the ladies loos, sharing two mirrors above the wash basins. Tomorrow at ENB I will be taking my own mirror, which I nearly did today. The makeup video I told you about is on post #1135 of this thread, which was basically the technique I was following. Can I assume the lady that was with you when I came out the lift at the end was Skydancer?. When I first arrived another lady came up to me and ask if I was Michelle Richer from the BalletCo forum, she has two daughters at Northern and is an avid reader of this forum including this thread, but doesn’t post.
  7. Terpsichore on the day once the introduction in the music starts you wont have time for nerves, you will be counting the introduction in and on the third set you will go, as I think you and your partner for that piece pass infront of me, we basically leave opposite wings at the same time. Besides before that we are in darkness. You are going to be absolutely fine, remember they are a lovely bunch of ladies to dance with. Anyway have you thought about joining us for the Christmas show if I can persuade Northern to do it. Tonight at LAB was fantastic, we started with a group photo shoot in our tutu’s with the show overlay on it, I think one of the photo will be incorporated in the program for the show. Our barre session was quite short about 15 mins, then we went strait into rehearsing rep, our school has 5 scenes to perform in the show, all were performed tonight twice, but in different studios, however I’m only in three scenes as I didn’t join until Term 2. Friday is a sort of ballet free day and I’m not even dancing Salsa which I usually do, Instead it’s a bit of a beauty day, I need to try my skills at mastering stage makeup. I think I have most products that I need although on the day I will only take what I require to minimise weight. However apart from having my hair done Im having eyebrows and eye lashes done too. So Lin how is your beauty training coming along as most of us will need your expert touch at some time or other.
  8. Now begins the frantic run up to performances with costume preparation and dress rehearsals. Tuesday see my first dress rehearsal with Northern Ballet at Leeds, this was the first time we had run our show piece on that stage. After about the first 15 minutes everyone became reoriented with the new geometry of the stage against the practice studio, the most marked difference the dancers commented on was the loss of the mirror which was in the direction where the audience would be in the studio setting. We had full technical support present for both sound and lighting which replicated exactly what we would be sensing on the day of show with the exception of the audience applause. Terpsichore was also present strutting her stuff in the rehearsal. After the rehearsal several of the dancers were not happy with the costume arrangements which is a black top or leotard with black leggings and pink ballet slippers and tights with a wide coloured silk scarf warn predominantly as a wrap round skirt, others had it as a sash. I suggested adding in a black chiffon wrap round skirt with the coloured sash on top. Unfortunately not everyone has the skirt so I will be taking a few in to help out with those that don’t have on. While I had the opportunity I raised the question of participation in Christmas performance for adult ballet. That request has now been submitted formally to the appropriate person in Northern Ballet for consideration. My train journeys that day was spent sewing elastic and ribbons to ballet shoes and that’s not particularly easy on a bumpy ride, but it did make the time pass quickly. Wednesday was pre-dress rehearsal at the Angles Theatre, unfortunately I was late for this on due to an accident which blocked the A17 on my journey to Wisbech in Cambridgeshire. That meant a large detour, but I was only about 5 minutes late. My teacher told me we were not doing costumes tonight as some hadn’t brought theirs, but I could were mine if I wished. For me a dress rehearsal is a dress rehearsal and its about replicating as much as possible .of the actual performance. I put mine on (White leotard dress), several of the other girls did the same. The costume arrangement for this one is a combination of half of the girls in black leo dresses with the other half in white and those dancers positioned in alternating colours for each of the formations we go through. There was no technical support for this one, it was very basic with light full fully illuminating the stage and audience seating, no scenery present or strategically place curtains, its was just bar walls at the back of the stage. Called at my sisters on the way home to pickup some tutu overlays she had been making for my LAB performance, only to find one that did not fit in spite of creating a template for it first. That was corrected while I was there, as its needed for the Thursday night group photo shoot at rehearsal in RAD HQ. Our LAB full dress rehearsal takes place on Sunday at ENB with the Gala on the following Saturday 5 July. It really is frantic getting everything together before it needed, I have a large running check list and three piles of costumes and accessories for the three different type of shows I am doing. There is 9 shows in all.
  9. Hi Lin If you had fully read my original post you will note the solo I’m doing is shown by Mimi I think, in post #1077, my own mix is definitely not to make it simpler, but nicer and more pleasing to the eye. But that solo will not be required until next year, in any case I know the solo pretty well, its just the pirouettes I need to take to triples that really needs the work. As for Coppelia, I haven’t done anything from that classic yet, however I'm down to do ENB’s workshop at the Coliseum at the end of July, but no idea what scene it will be based on. It looks as if we will be doing something for our Lincoln Show on Coppelia but again its not been defined yet. It has taken a bit of organising to get me in that show for at least the Friday 5 December as I have a dress rehearsal with City at Sadler’s, fortunately via Rejane we have been able to pull that forward to the first slot at 1pm after the lighting technicians are done, which now leave me free to do the Lincoln show that evening. Sadly I will miss the Saturday’s Lincoln show, as I will be doing two shows at Sadler’s. As for my own choreography, it now looks as if I will be doing a piece, totally new for my Salsa Groups Christmas party, I was ask last night by the organisers if I would as some will be coming to the LAB Gala and I have three already to come a see me at Sadler. Gosh what pressure, just love it. Are you going to see Rejane’s group at City’s performance at “ALIVE” tonight as I will be there in the audience as will be many of our ballet workshop friends. As for the Gamzatti variation, that music is growing on me, unfortunately there is little or no time for me to do prep on this one, the first session is also in the same week as the first Summer Intensive at RBS. Ah well hope the legs can take it as all my immediate shows will be out of the way by then.
  10. Hi Balleteacher It will be something created from Le Corsaire, if you go back to post 1077 of this thread, that is a quite close to what I will be doing, I say close as it will be based on the same scene but will favour Bolshoi’s tempo with Kerov’s triple turn pirouettes with a little bit of my own choreography in the mix. Only tonight at LAB we were talking about Le Corsaire as LAB has just launched what they call “SHORTS”, which is for the moment a two day, with one and half hour per day short courses. There is a total of six course, three are en pointe and the other three not. I have chosen to two of the non pointe courses which are “The Black Swan from Swan Lake” and Gamazatti Variation from Le Corsaire As I wanted to be clear what variation we were to be taught, so I took the video example below for conformation Then I was Introduced to Natalia Osipova’s version which is truly awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=zLNW3aioL1w I did say tongue in cheek to Tom of LAB, "if I couldn’t dance like that at the end of the course could I have my money back please", needless to say he just smiled. There was me thinking how nice it would be to have a break when my shows are finished or at least the pace to be somewhat slower so I get to enjoy a little bit of my garden and home, but I think that is never destined to happen.
  11. Hi Lin Unfortunately I could not find the colour match I needed for the tutu overlay from my local sewing shop, however I have acquired several other colours, but in that I have been able to create a template for them all. I’m hoping to pick up some more material from LAB tomorrow night and get the template checked out too Tuesday was the usual rush in trying to make all my classes between Leeds and London on time in spite of the teacher over-runs. With only two minutes to spare by the time I got to Shoreditch. I know as I was travelling on foot dragging my suitcase on wheels I was passing everybody, I certainly was a woman on a mission; the adrenalin must have been flowing. The most remarkable thing that happened at the end of my ENB level 2 class, was as we were doing a repeated enchainement that used opposite diagonals where each sub-sequence ended with a glissard assemble. The assembles for me were significantly higher than usual even on my weakest foot. I’m not sure if it was as we normally do them at the end of the later level 3 class when I am more tired or not. However on the train home, my energy level was severely depleted, far lower than I could ever remember, so certainly something was very different. Although being very stiff the morning after, I soon recovered. I have spoken to one of my teachers for next year’s public show to allow me to go solo, she has agreed.
  12. Hi lartiste Nice to see you surface again on this thread. I went to Paul’s class at RBS in February just after they started advertising it, then bookings was not as formal as the previous week they only had 15 adult dancers. I called in to reception on the Tuesday and booked my place with reception, I think there was only 8 on the list at that time, they were still taking booking until we went in on the Wednesday, then we had 34 or 35 dancers which was just a bit crowded. But never the less was a good class. Unfortunately I cant do that class on a regular basis as I with Angles Theatre which is on rehearsal from just after Christmas to their week of performances in July, so that’s getting close now. Are you likely to do any of the remaining LAB Intensives this year? Hi Lin You will be our resident LAB make-up artist, so I hope you have been practicing as you will have 70+girls needing make up doing, so we all look like the girl in the make-up video, (I wish). I had a disaster with our LAB tutu overlay material tonight. I took the kit down to my sisters as she regularly make soft toys and does alterations. However after laying the tutu bottom flat on her table (inverted), pinning it and cutting round. After creating the centre hole for me to try it on with the tutu base, it was about half an inch short on the circumference due to the overhang of the tutu which we had not allowed for. So are you any good at sewing as there is a vacancy there too. I’m going to try and get some new material, but I’ve also ask Tom for some in case I cant. This time we will do the centre first using a template created from the old overlay, wear it over the tutu base and cut to size. While on the train tomorrow I have elastics to sew on some black ballet slippers for La Sylphides, and ribbons to sew on pink satin ballet slipper used for the other scenes. Lincoln was a good class tonight, only three of us again as several girls are away taking exams. Did a little more pointe work, but I will be pleased when my shows are over and I can get some real point work practice in. At least I did get to chat to my teacher about our Christmas show arrangement as I’m trying to organise the possibility of doing Lincoln and City Academy’s show at the same weekend, both teachers have been extremely accommodating and its now looking quite feasible, its just down to the show organiser agreeing to accommodate my teachers request at City, then I can do City’s dress rehearsal and Lincoln show on the Friday and both City Performances at Sadler’s Wells on the Saturday, but unfortunately I will miss the Lincoln show for Saturday this year.
  13. Hi DavidW Good luck with your move to the land of plenty. General: What a week that was: Tuesday was fraught with rushing around to meet schedules as this was my most time critical day. Northern added an extra 15minutes to the rehearsal which was manageable but we over ran by another 5 minutes and I only just made my train to London in time. The train arrived at Kings Cross 7 minutes late, only leaving me 5 minutes lee way at Shoreditch Dance Studio for my private session. As it was there were some girls in the studio that also over ran and the proprietor had to hurry them up, again that had a knock on effect as we utilised all our time in the studio booking which in turn left me little time to get to ENB and get changed before class. All in all I made it to each class on time but I literally had to leg it between venues that was not a comfortable day of ballet. LinMM Are you coming to see the LAB Summer Intensive performance at RBS on the 19th July. This is being pulled forward half an hour compared to the last one, as Louise Hudson has her Chelsea Ballet performance at Lanterns in Docklands. I will be going there after my LAB performance. Today I checked the journey time from Kings Cross to Lanterns before I went to LAB rehearsal at RAD HQ. On the day I will need to leave the bulk of my luggage at Kings Cross on the Saturday morning prior to going to RBS, which will leave me one and a half hours after the Chelsea Ballet show to get my luggage before left luggage closes for the night. The time today was three quarters of an hour. The only things I will be carrying to docklands will be the show tutu’s and a few other light weight bits. You are welcome to come along with me if you wish, but I won’t be hanging about. LAB went really well tonight in spite of several absentees, I had people at the side and in front of me missing and at one point in snow flakes the lead person which leads my line off missing, gosh that concentrates the mind. But never the less we managed to cover all the show pieces, but of course we all got a few polishing corrections. I’m back in London on Friday but that’s not for ballet this time.
  14. Monday started off a bit rubbish as my Body Balance class had been cancelled, most girls had been contacted, however another girl turned up so at least we went to the cafeteria in the sports centre for a coffee together. Lincoln class was good tonight in spite of there being only three of us this week, in barre sliding spits stretches I could still feel my old right leg injury but less intense, but what did surprise me tonight during our short pointe work session, I got no discomfort on my left knee and I wasn’t even wearing the tubular support which I usually do, that is a very encouraging good sign. The support remained off all evening. After class I got a chance to talk to my teacher about our Christmas show as it’s likely to conflict with my performances at Sadlers with City Academy. However she did confirm that they will be doing both Friday and Saturday nights which gives me the opportunity to do at least the Friday night performance, with two at Sadlers on the Saturday. At least I know now where I’m going with my ENB classes for the autumn term (Sept – Dec) that will be move to Wednesdays; however I will still be doing levels 2 and 3 as at present. If Lincoln was not doable then it would have been ENB Mondays for Levels 3 and 4, but I will have to wait for January for that one.
  15. Please note that City Academy are running a promotion up until midnight Saturday the 7th June, 15% off most dance courses including their Ballet Performance Course which I have just booked using their discount code GETDANCING15
  16. Lin you will be fine, we are there to help each other. I don’t know about your group but ours are a pretty close knit group, most of us including Tom do socialise and go for a drink and a chat together after our weekly sessions. I assume you got the same LAB guidelines which basically says “We will tone this look down a little as it's not a huge theatre, so fake lashes aren't required!, but foundation, bronzer to shade, 2 shades of brown eye shadow, mascara, red lipstick (fairly bright), blusher and fixing/translucent powder will be needed.” I’m glad about the fake lashes as that’s one thing I can’t do these days with my eye site, even with glasses with the drop down lenses. Otherwise I need to sort out what makeup I need to buy and get practicing to create that look for the Gala Performance. I love the Kitri example on that site, especially as I’ve just taken delivery from Just Ballet of a Kitri Tutu, they should go together nicely for the first Summer Intensive, but I still don’t know what scenes we are doing on that one yet.
  17. First two quite interesting things happened today, My physio who I haven’t seen for several months called me to check on my heel injury progress, which I thought was really nice. Secondly this may sound silly but my postman called at the Village Hall that I use for ballet practice on my own to deliver a parcel, and ask me to sign for it. My first thoughts were I couldn’t, I’m in no way responsible or associated with the hall, then he said “No its for you, I see your car outside”, I thought that was really thoughtful of him going that extra mile to do this, and so I thank him. Tuesday: Success as last, our Northern Ballet rehearsal was videoed by one of the girls who is unable to perform on the day. Copies have only been distributed to those participants that have requested it. Some discussion on costumes took place; it now looks like black leo/tops with coloured scarf’ forming large sash looking skirt. Met and partnered Terpsichore for part of our show routine again. Rehearsal at Angles Theatre had a bit more tidying up this week, plus we have now started on the end of show finale. Some discussion this week on stage makeup, which was interesting as with our LAB GALA we have been given general guidelines by the means of the following video. Her website is full of useful make-up and general ballet info, so follow the link: http://www.ifthepointeshoefits.com
  18. Brilliant, yes you will get challenged we all do, Tom is a fantastic teacher and choreographer, you will like him.
  19. Dear David You will be fine, on the last two LAB intensives we all did the same enchainements, there was no difference due to level, not even placement position in the performance. The first LAB intensive for the Girls was done on height; the second one was done on alphabetical order of names. The guys were grouped together for their own party piece and also attached to one group of girls in the last intensive which was my group dancing the Friends dance from Sleeping Beauty, as three different groups did that dance of about 25 dancers each. Usually there is only 5 or 6 guys, their ability ranges enormously, two of my friends from ENB both belong to the same LAB performance group as I do, and also do the LAB intensives, LinMM know one of them “Tony” who is a really nice dancer (Level 2 and 3 at ENB) and does most of the City Academy Repertoire Workshops as I do, we also have another one who is from ENB level 2 (Improver/advanced beginner) who is to some extent is recovering from an operation so is somewhat limited in mobility, but full marks to him he really does try hard. The two summer intensives coming up are 6 days in duration not 5, with the friends and family performance on the Saturday. There is a 3 day Autumn Intensive 31st Oct – 2nd Nov, but Tom hasn’t decided what rep that will be yet, I’ve ask him to consider Giselle. Needless to say I will be doing all three LAB intensives, as I do most adult ballet repertoire and performing courses in the UK. I will be doing the City performance course when it starts in September for the show at Sadler’s in December. If there is anything specific that you want to know, I will be seeing Tom on Thursday and I can ask him then if you wish. I hope to see you there.
  20. Back to some serious ballet this week after the half term break, only to find tonight that the refectory at the University of Lincoln where we hold our ballet classes was closed, apparently whilst their full time students are off (until September), they close at 5pm rather than 8pm which I am used too. That was going to be my main proper meal of the day. I did get something on the way home. Back to Leeds tomorrow and then on to London as usual, only one month left to go now until Northern Ballets Annual Showcase. Although last week wasn’t quite a ballet free week, I still had ENB, but I also went to one of my old classes at Sleaford, that was really to nice to catch up with the teacher and the girls. July and August look like being particularly tough months with Performances and Intensives, but as they say a change is as good as rest, In September I should be starting a Ballet Performance course ending with two public performance at Sadler’s Wells on 6th December. I’m just hoping that date does not class with my Lincoln performance which has not been committed yet, but is likely to be around that date.
  21. Last Saturdays City Academy Workshop on Don Quixote was perhaps the most challenging rep workshop so far, that was certainly my feeling and that of many of the dancers that attended it, mostly from the very quick tempo of the music. We danced three separate pieces from Act 1 which to some extent followed each other. The Entrance of Kitri, some of which was slightly simplified more for group safety than capability, Pas de deux: Although we had only one guy, he danced with one of the girls, whist the rest of us partnered up into girl/girl combinations as the most of the guys steps were a mirror image of the ladies steps, and where it wasn’t our teacher substituted those for something appropriate, basically it worked well. Corps de ballet piece, lots of balance’s and use of fans, so much so that my arm ached up to a couple of days after the event. City have two repertoire workshops coming up: Giselle this Saturday 31st May. Swan Lake Saturday 19 July There is another Don Quixote planned and a Nutcracker too, but no dates released as yet. City Academy are launching a 12 week ballet performance course commencing in September on Tuesday evenings, culminating in a performance on the main stage of Sadler Wells Theatre on 6th December. I will be attended that course.
  22. Why don't you just try it, its only two hours in duration, especially as Fiona is comfortable with you starting with intermediate level, in any case I usually find it take a week or two to get used to each teachers style. I regard it as a running in period, it also allows them to get used to me, especially when I query their technique (usually in a nice way) or use of terms. That's a legacy from one of my old ballet teachers, she was a stickler for detail.
  23. What was supposed to have been a ballet free week due to term breaks wasn’t quite. ENB were still running, today has been quite a pleasant day as the only classes I had were my two ENB classes, however ENB were running a free BalletFit taster class at the Westfield Centre at Shepherds Bush. My first thoughts was that this would have been held at a dance studio or fitness centre, wrong, it was held in the centre of the main shopping complex for all to see, sadly there were only 3 plus one of my old ENB teachers who joined us as well, it was great fun, needless to say my instructor gave me lots of corrections in turnout and pointing my feet as we were doing developpe laid on our backs and arabesques doggie style on our exercise mats. At ENB we worked hard again I notice those girls like myself that do both classes has sweat pouring off them, my leo was soaking wet after the class, it needs to go back in the wash even though it was clean on this morning. I thought at first it was partly down to a very warm evening but it was quite cold outside and raining. Certainly my feet felt considerably better this week without the 2 Leeds classes and my private Rep class as they do take their toll on my body.
  24. Hi Lin Best not jump too high then, you know what happened with all the little jumps in Cygnets. We missed you on Saturday at Sadlers, that equalled Cygnets for being hard on the feet, I think everyone felt it was the most challenging rep workshop yet especially with the fast tempo of the music. I wonder if you will be ready for the 19th July when City are Doing Swan Lake again, I think Rejane will move away from Act 2 as we must have done 5 or 6 sessions on Act 2. Unfortunately I won’t be able to go as it’s the last day of LABs first Summer Intensive. Tom is pulling our performance forward by half an hour so we can make Chelsea Ballet’s show at Lantern’s and give them a bit of support. I hope you continue with LAB even if it’s just helping out while your injuries recover, I’m sure there will be lots for you to do on show day, even if you’re not able to perform, after all you are still one of the company. I do hope you have a speedy recovery and are dancing with us all again soon.
  25. Hi Lin I did see your email, I will send you a proper reply tomorrow night as I'm trying to get some stuff done for Rejane plus I need to get an early night as its another early morning for me to get to Sadlers before 10am.
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