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Everything posted by Dancermom

  1. Thanks for the reply! So it’s nothing too in depth with the physio then. Congrats to your DD, is she enjoying it? X
  2. Hi, my DD has a final audition at white lodge, she isn’t a JA so I was just wondering what type of things they are looking for in the physio assessment? Do you think all of them will see the physio or just those that they want to call back? Xx
  3. I’m really not sure how the extended young dancers will work either! I don’t know whether there will be a separate application for it or whether they’ll choose from the school applications 🤷‍♀️ X x
  4. Just a thought, when we filled the application in for rbs and had to tick for MAs too, there was no mention of what MA centre was the preference, do they just allocate from your address and the nearest to you if you’re successful? X
  5. Yes this is why I wanted to know a bit about it so we can prepare 🤣🤣
  6. Before the RBS finals they have to have a pastoral interview over zoom. Does anyone know what this is about, what kind of questions they’ll ask or anything? XX
  7. I’m not sure. I don’t know how they decide but I know a few people were saying that they like the MAs to have applied to the school. In all honesty I think some people may tick the school just as a long shot but really just want MAs. I’m sure in the end it’ll just come down to who fits best x
  8. It’s a no for my DD but we had a yes for rbs so she’s not too disappointed. Congrats to everyone xx
  9. No I believe they decide mids from the videos / finals but it would seem strange if they chose from the vids and not from who they invite to finals, if that makes sense. Also the JAs had a separate audition for MAs or at least that was what was planned, I read it on another thread x
  10. We know they’re there now and sending out results so it looks good for the yr 7 results sometime soon 🤞
  11. Yeah RB, It’s strange how they would decide for MAs seeing some and not others. It’s hard to figure out how they would do it lol! Surely those that got finals would be their first pick for the MAs? X
  12. Unless of course some didn’t apply for the school only MAs x
  13. So if there’s 90 then in theory all the MAs will be chosen from the finals too do you think? X
  14. Wow ok! Thank you! This year at royal we are not allowed in with them and they are only there for half a day going in to dance in ‘very small groups’ but I guess it will be over the 3 days so that sounds about right x
  15. Would anyone know how many rbs and elmhurst take through to finals? X
  16. I think it may be after the 21st like they originally said on the email 🤷‍♀️ I was hoping for earlier but I can’t see it being this week now x
  17. I don’t know why but I’m thinking it might be next week now. Although I wasn’t expecting the royal one, I was totally taken aback when I was faced with it! X
  18. Congrats! My DD got a final audition too, she’s so happy. Good luck everyone x
  19. Yes definitely, I enjoyed the break at the weekend I have to say!
  20. Yes I did wonder whether they may have posted out letters. The post isn’t great at the moment though is it! X
  21. Bit of a disappointment as I expected to hear from either rbs or elmhurst before half term. I do think it’s possible we could still hear this week though 🤞 either way it’s getting closer to hearing and we will all know soon enough! X
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