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Everything posted by Raquelle

  1. Ooh I'm not sure! I can only see views...mind you I keep forgetting what I've viewed! It may just have been to check the link was working x
  2. I think we had elmhurst views it was the week before christmas x
  3. Does anyone know when we will hear back from Tring?
  4. Submitted ours yesterday! It was the hardest to do and did take a while!
  5. I don't think they're doing mid associate assessments this year..hadn't thought of that...x
  6. Congratulations both! No matter what happens it is lovely to say you have got a place in a ballet school! X
  7. Elmhurst produced a really useful guide for doing videos may be on their website? X
  8. I'm relieved I can't see how long the videos have been viewed as I know i would overthink, but I wonder if they're just checking the links work now? Also I remember from the JA analysis of their videos you could never tell from the views whether people were successful....I'm sure someone got in and they only viewed it gor a very short amount of time...xxx
  9. I haven't had an email from rbs...when was it sent please? X
  10. I'm sure we have had a view on our video! Won't let me see how long which is good as I would probably overanalyse...eek...the wait begins!
  11. Don't worry crazy kids I sent the tring 3 times! Once to the registrar email once direct to the registrar then I realised you were supposed to add it to their file so I did that! We look very keen!
  12. We sent ours the week before christmas by email and asked whether they had received it and got a reply saying they had had my application and managed to access the link. I would contact them tomorrow just incase!
  13. I've noticed that one of her photos she is barefoot...there are bound to be little mistakes here and I doubt they will penalise parents for that. Good luck everyone...x
  14. Hi number 11 the closing date for young dancers was jan 4th (we are applying for year 7 place) I think but it may be different for older years? Should be on their website? I emailed them over Christmas and they replied saying they will pick up emails tomorrow x good luck with your application x
  15. Oh gosh I hadn't considered that either! To be honest its not just about having smaller numbers in the audition, its also the issue of whether people can travel to get there? We are tier 4 and may still not be able to travel then....regardless of how small the auditions are?! Its a bit of a logistical nightmare! X
  16. Aw its mad isn't it! They could have at least tried to write it in plain English for us non dancers! There has been lots of googling here...we ended up doing froggy lying down on back! X
  17. Oh thank goodness for this group I will do that now! X
  18. Ooh I just emailed my link to the registrar were you supposed to upload it somewhere?! I'm losing the plot with all this! 🤣
  19. Hello! They just say film barre from the side to check alignment and don't mention filming from both sides so I wasn't going to...I think Tring were the only ones that said about both sides as far as I'm aware....we are going to attempt the singing today! My dd is a lovely dancer but can't sing at all...should be interesting! X
  20. Good luck everyone! Does anyone know if they've had any views?! I haven't for rbs or tring but I am sure elmhurst has (although they may have just been checking the link)....problem is I can't remember how many times I've viewed it 🤣
  21. Its so hard isn't it! I did rbs and elmhurst just before christmas and tring yesterday. Leaving hammond as have a bit longer. It has been stressful! I did a spreadsheet and worked out what was needed for each dance. Luckily there is some crossover between the schools. Also filmed barre from both directions (front and side) as hammond and tring require some from the side. Tring also ask for both sides for barre. Did some with dance teacher some at home. Certainly not perfect but we tried our best as we are not from a dance background! Good luck with getting the vids finished x
  22. We sent our elmhurst link as a vimeo link. Just put it in an email and asked elmhurst to confirm they had received it and could open the link. They have confirmed so think its all sorted. X
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