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Everything posted by Raquelle

  1. Good luck everyone! I'm leaving my phone upstairs to stop myself checking everyone five minutes! X
  2. Hi guys. I think we only ever had one view on our RBS video a few days after sending it...just wondered if anyone else is the same or have you had multiple views? Definitely had multiple views for elmhurst though x
  3. Hello. We are the same and I've completed the registration form but not sent the money yet...we have a date for funding in March. really not sure what to do and dd having second thoughts about whether it is right to move away....thought I would wait for elmhurst and royal and see what happens there!
  4. Thanks all the posters so far. Watching this thread with interest as another prospective year 7...we can only afford it if DD gets MDS so we are going in with low expectations. She didn't dance competitively at all last year and only joined JAs this year so I suppose I feel we are quite late to the table. We have gone into the process with low expectations, but having said that, it is already a bit of en emotional rollercoaster! Thanks for everyone's honesty and to @cotes du rhone !I have been reading your life after ballet thread too and think it is important that we all go into the process with eyes wide open. Xx
  5. Thank you this is really useful. My dd is square on one side but has only just got into splits on left side and they are open...hannah Martin (ballerina in elmhurst school, finalist for greatest dancer) recently did a stretch class and said to be really strict on yourself not to cheat and to keep hips straight when going down and eventually you will get there with practise and dedication. She said she was the same when she was younger. Will definitely try the stretches above too!
  6. Aw I know!! Sometimes I think its best not to know but I can't help peeking! X
  7. I am not sure dainty dancer but I wonder if even less this year due to covid? Judging by this group more people got an offer without finals....xxx
  8. Yeah zoom classes have been fab and there aren't too many in her class so I think she can see them all fairly well. The email made me laugh this week as we have been guilty of letting the dog in on the action at times! Whoops!
  9. My dd only started in year 6 and only made it in person twice this term to her JA class..so I think it might be hard for some of the JA teachers to give feedback based on zoom...unless she assessed her based on the week she made it in December? X
  10. Nothing since the first week of Jan...not sure how long for which I assume was to check the link...x
  11. Thank you xxx not expecting a call but you never know! X
  12. Hello. Just wondered whether anyone on the SWL had been contacted to offer a place?
  13. I'm sure they do...they don't wear the uniform either I don't think xxx
  14. Ps well done to everyone so sorry didn't mean to sound negative. It has been a hard day and I might have been a bit abrupt. Well done to the not yets, the maybes and the yeses! Xxx
  15. Thanks hun. I honestly don't think you can watch a video though without it showing as a view. Even if you watch it for a second it records a view? It doesn't make sense to me...I suppose I just want to make sure after going through all the effort of making video that it was actually watched x
  16. I'm worried they just haven't viewed it as it was a vimeo link. I can see all the other schools have viewed her videos but Tring haven't so I don't understand really what has happened
  17. Hi everyone..my dd was offered a place but not a funding audition. However I have been watching views and her video doesn't appear to have been watched....I've contacted the registrar but I am confused as to whether they have maybe made a decision without watching the video. My dd is so upset as she can't go without funding and she loved the look of Tring. Has anyone else had this? X
  18. I think if you can afford the fees you have a place. The funding final is to see who gets allocated mds funding. However even if you can afford the fees then you can still apply for mds...but this is means tested..most applying (like us) could only afford to go with mds so for us it is lovely we can say she has got in somewhere, but she won't be going unless she gets an mds place. If she doesn't get mds, we will have to give up our non funded place x
  19. I think due to Covid they weren't able to accept the normal number of JAs this year. So they started a zoom programme for those on the SWL in years 4/5, just till September I think.
  20. Just wondered, as we might not have much time to prepare for finals, do tring or hammond expect them to perform their solos again in finals? Wondering whether she needs to practise it! Or is it only in prelims x
  21. Crazy isn't it! The year we became teachers and film makers!!! Well done. So lovely isn't it when you finish
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