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Posts posted by AnneMarriott

  1. All the above plus:




    But excepting the staff doing other people's shopping because non-DD did that and those trolleys are extremely heavy and unwealdy. She did her best to keep out of peoples way and help them find what they were looking for but people still threw four letter words at her - not allowed to complain as the customer is always right!


    Oh dear, I feel bad now, but I grit my teeth and have never resorted to four-letter words. Heaven forbid! I know the industrial-size trollies are unwieldy but it's when they gather in flocks for a chat or park alongside one of those multi-storey goods wagons full of products waiting to be put on the shelves that I get irritated - but then little gaggles of what are clearly "management", in suits, also block the aisles whilst apparently holding a board meeting, oblivious to the punter with her small shopping trolley saying "excuse me" several times, and that also gets my goat. Just back from the supermarket, so feeling a bit raw ...

  2. I exchanged emails with Susan Fisher the day after Friends booking. - She confirmed that on Friends booking day some performances had no SC standing available - as higher Friends had booked them all. - For last booking period the allowance was very generous.- She gave no indication that tickets would be released prior to Public Booking.


    So the moral of this story is that in order to get cheap tickets you have to fork out £1600 + (or something like that) to be a "higher friend". Strange system!

  3. Today Friends were able to buy extra tickets for the Period 2 performances.


    Given the scarcity of Stalls Circle Standing tickets during the initial Priority Booking period and also given the fact that the allocation of tickets this time had been very generous, I was extremely surprised to find that there were a number of SCS tickets available this afternoon for some Onegin performances.


    I have no way of knowing when these tickets were released as it is at least 2 weeks since I last checked but it does seem very strange that they weren't available when Friends did their initial booking.


    As we've long suspected, the ROH releases these SCS tickets over a period of time after Friends' booking opens - but the timing is rather random, it would seem!


    Incidentally, Onegin was the one programme I managed to book SCS tickets for on the day - there was nothing for the other programmes.

  4. TalkTalk!


    Supermarket shopping - sub-categories include aisles blocked by staff doing other people's shopping, goods rearranged so you can't find anything, not enough checkouts, self-service checkouts - instant apoplexy - shoppers ahead of you at the checkout taking ages to pack before realising that, yes, it necessary to pay and then fumbling through handbag, pockets, wallet etc. for the elusive payment card.


    Inconsiderate parking


    Dustmen who leave the wheeliebins miles from the house


    People who think that the entrance/exit or the bottom of the stairs or escalator (theatre, department store, underground all apply)are just the place for a nice long chat


    Doctors' appointment systems

    • Like 3
  5. Hello! Here I am again! Thank you, BT and large raspberries to TalkTalk :angry:


    Ah, dear TalkTalk - this brings back memories of a traumatic saga of my own which I won't bore everyone with. Suffice it to say that I have recently thrown out a huge file of correspondence, copies of emails and notes of abortive telephone conversations with TalkTalk about their appalling service, including making it almost impossible to pay the bills let alone get the bills right in the first place. I wouldn't have minded so much if I had signed up with them voluntarily - caveat emptor and all that - but I was bequeathed to them through a labyrinthine series of take-overs and mergers via British Gas.


    Sympathies to you, Fiz - and if you've severed all links with TalkTalk, congratulations!

    • Like 2
  6. Anne - I only managed to book 1 (SC standing) - it hasn't arrived yet.


    What rotten luck! We always suspect they release these precious SCS tickets in dribs and drabs over a few days, but unless you can sit at your computer 24 hours a day you probably won't be lucky enough to spot them when they appear.


    I didn't have much luck with SCS this time either - nor on the phone, which is unusual - so I've spent far more than I can afford just to get *something*.


    But thanks for reassuring me I'm not alone in still waiting for tickets to arrive.


    . Another reason why I don't leave as soon as the curtain comes down... which come to think of it really annoys me... but then again, I don't know why they are leaving... .


    Guilty as charged. But only when standing or when we've been lucky enough to get seats at the end of the row - and we try to leave tactfully e.g. only moving when the curtain is actually down, not when the leading ballerina is taking her bow! The reason? To get out of London before the motorway closes for overnight repairs - at its worst it can take the best part of two hours to drive the 25 miles home. Or to get to Waterloo in time to avoid the half-hour wait for a train on our branch line. All this is mainly out of consideration for our dog who has been left for six hours with an ever-extending bladder ...

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  8. I've watched an interview with Dave Brailsford this morning. He was saying that the French have been asking him about why Team GB has been so successful in the cycling over the last 4 years. The answer (paraphrased by me) is that the British use round wheels on their cycles!! Wonderful stuff!


    I think I heard on the radio this morning that the wheels are manufactured in France!

    • Like 2
  9. Trying again, oddly enough there were some for Nutcracker. Not for anything else that I could see.




    I'm sure they must release these gold-dust tickets in little batches over time. Once I had been relieved of some tickets I booked in error and could then book some extra Nutcrackers, I found SCS for several dates - and this two and a half weeks after Ordinary Friends advance booking. I think the secret is to keep looking in on the off-chance ...

  10. My shopping basket indicated 0 purchases during the entire booking session. When I clicked on it my selected tickets were actually there but I got the turning circle experience and was afraid of running out of time. In the ensuing panic I managed to buy three superfluous tickets for the same cast in Swan Lake, all SCS, so humble apologies to anyone I may have deprived - keep an eye on the ticket trade forum nearer the time.


    Otherwise it was refreshing not to have to queue for ages only to find no SCS left - although Viscera and Concerto mixed bills were distinctly lacking online. Some luck on the telephone but after eventually getting through to be regaled with the message "you are no. 39 in the queue" was a little dispiriting. - and like the old online waiting room it did seem to take for ever ...



    As a late postscript: the box office have very kindly cancelled my superfluous tickets and arranged a refund. It's had two benefits - freeing up some SCS tickets for others and allowing me to grab a couple of additional ones which I couldn't before because I had reached my maximum allocation.


    Grateful thanks to the lovely box office who are always so helpful.

  11. Henry James's The Golden Bowl - I gave up shamefully early.


    War and Peace - made it almost to the end but then my Kindle rudely failed to deliver the last few chapters!


    Then in non-fiction there's "The Mind of a Dog" bought for me as a kindly-meant present. I struggled valiantly but when the author (whose name escapes me) started using Jungian terminology I threw the book at the wall ...

  12. Does anyone know what the casting is for the remaining performances of Pagodas? I want to see it again but with a different cast (tonight was Stix-Brunell and Hirano).


    Any inside info most welcome!




    Linda, who danced the four kings last night? We have tickets for next Wednesday, same cast, but don't know who the kings will be. I do wish the ROH would announce more than just the lead dancers!





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  13. My shopping basket indicated 0 purchases during the entire booking session. When I clicked on it my selected tickets were actually there but I got the turning circle experience and was afraid of running out of time. In the ensuing panic I managed to buy three superfluous tickets for the same cast in Swan Lake, all SCS, so humble apologies to anyone I may have deprived - keep an eye on the ticket trade forum nearer the time.


    Otherwise it was refreshing not to have to queue for ages only to find no SCS left - although Viscera and Concerto mixed bills were distinctly lacking online. Some luck on the telephone but after eventually getting through to be regaled with the message "you are no. 39 in the queue" was a little dispiriting. - and like the old online waiting room it did seem to take for ever ...

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