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Posts posted by AnneMarriott

  1. 10 hours ago, Colman said:

    Oh dear. We have a pup of similar antecedents and it sounds exactly like something he’d do.


    Then, if you haven't already, I recommend getting the maximum vet-fee cover!

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, alison said:

    How were you, Anne?

    Ahem - black eye, torrential nosebleed, facial bruising, mangled right arm and sprained left wrist plus various other bruises, but otherwise unharmed except for a slight loss of dignity.  Luckily all my injuries were of the self-healing type but I was jolly glad when the facial bruising faded and I was able to go out in public without having to field intrusive questions about my relationship with poor innocent Bruce!

    • Like 5
  3. 6 hours ago, alison said:

    You have a new puppy?  Did I know about this?  I've been rather out of the loop this year.

    Yes, we got him in mid-August.  He's a lurcher, (whippet/collie cross) and had been responding wonderfully well to training until the mishap.  Ironically I was doing a loose-lead walking session when he darted under my feet (what an excellent dog trainer I am!) and sent me flying down an embankment.  I either trod on his foot or kicked him  during my airborne trajectory and he finished up with four broken bones in his foot, requiring expensive orthopaedic surgery and five weeks of cage rest.  All the joys of pet ownership ...

  4. I have stopped opting for print-at-home tickets because I finished up knee-deep in paperwork with "Admit 1 (or 2)"  plus the actual ticket(s) for the seats concerned.  This often resulted in two A4 sheets of paper which had to be cut to a reasonable size.  Now I just ignore the e-ticket option and wait for the post to deliver the old-fashioned ones. For anyone preparing to reply that I can show e-tickets on my phone, no I can't - my phone is of the primitive type that simply sends and receives calls,  and at the moment we have to attend performances separately because our puppy has a broken foot (don't ask) and is on five weeks' cage rest so can't be left alone or with puppy-sitters.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Jane said:

    We live in a very rural location, no neighbours and grow own veg. I used to go out early in the morning  to do a cull which involved scooping up on spade and flinging into road where they could be squashed by traffic until I was busy doing one morning and tossed into path of a dog walker. Made for an unusual conversation starter especially as I was in dressing gown and wellies. 

    I used to use a shovel and fling them up over the garage roof at the bottom of our garden until I became convinced I recognised the same ones returning the next day.  Now I flush them down the loo.

  6. 7 hours ago, Jane said:

    Alison I have a long haired cat who likes to sit outside in the evening but more than once he has come in with one or more attached to his fur, he doesn't seem to notice. 

    Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!  Sadly our new puppy likes to crunch snails and chew slugs.  This is potentially harmful (lungworm) but despite nightly torch-lit sweeps it's impossible to find and remove them all.  Wretched things.

  7. Magazine inserts.  The Radio Times arrived this morning with six fliers inside the plastic wrapping but outside the magazine - at least I have to assume they're all fliers because one is in a plain sealed envelope - one loose flier inside the magazine, one two-page flier stapled between the pages and, just when I had let my guard down, there stapled in the middle was a 16-page Radio Times holiday brochure featuring "dream destinations".  I only looked at all these in order to count the numbers but I am perfectly capable of sourcing anything I need so I don't look at fliers.  They all go straight in the recycling bin.  What a waste!

    • Like 4
  8. 17 minutes ago, trog said:

    I work in a sixth form college and we have to have training in this. LGBTIQ is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning. Intersex is somebody with characteristics of both sexes. As far as I understand it, Questioning is a Christian person who says they are something that their religion says is wrong.  Missing however is Asexual. I questioned this in the last training session and I did not receive a suitable answer. Be prepared for more letters to be added to this - excluded are Gay & Lesbian Muslims and others.


    Where I work, if I'm address a group of female students, I say "girls" and for a group of male students, I say "boys". For a mixed group, I am very imaginative - "girls and boys".

    Thank goodness it's "Questioning" and not "Queer"!  I obviously misread - how embarrassing.

  9. 40 minutes ago, Fonty said:



    Oh good heavens!  This is ridiculous.  Have we really come to the point where we cannot refer to someone by gender?  Or indeed, to ban it?  Sorry, this is like a red rag to a bull for me.  I went through all the uproar at University, where the militant PC brigade brutally and publicly insulted anyone who dared to use any terms that implied gender.  Hence the insistence on the word Chairperson, which still grates on me.  


    I already find it stupid that the Oscars decided that the word Actress was demeaning in some way, although I have no idea how.  So now they have awards for Best Male Actor and Best Female Actor.  How long before they are not allowed to use the words Male and Female?  "Best Actor with a Penis.  Best Actor without a Penis.  Best Actor who has neither.  Best Actor who can't decide whether or not they want one......"  Still, I suppose it increases the number of awards available.


    Oh, and while I am ranting.  What do the letters I and Q stand for in LGBTIQ stand for?  Anyone care to enlighten me, in case I get arrested for using the incorrect term while addressing someone?

    Can't help with "I" but the other day I discovered that the "Q" stands for Queer.  I'm still scratching my head over that because I always thought it was a derogatory term for a male homosexual.  

    • Like 1
  10. 55 minutes ago, alison said:

    We don't appear to have an overarching thread for next season's cinema ballet broadcasts, so here it is!


    Details of the Bolshoi season are here: 



    Do we have the Royal Ballet details anywhere yet?  I can't find them. 

    I have the following from Salthill Park  arts centre in Bracknell:


    ROH Live The Nutcracker Sun 24 Dec 2 pm

    ROH Live The Winters Tale Wed 28 Feb 2018 7.15 pm

    ROH Live Bernstein Centenary (triple bill) Tues 27 Mar 2018 7.15 pm

    ROH Live Swan Lake Tue 12 Jun 2018 7.15 pm


    I assume these will also be available in other cinemas here and overseas.



    ROH Live 

  11. 8 hours ago, alison said:

    Flippin' heck.  We host the World Athletics Championship, and we can't get our own national anthem right???!!!

    Very cryptic!  For those of us who are not following the athletics, a word of explanation please?

  12. 11 hours ago, zxDaveM said:

    people picking my blackberries from my hedge - as I'm standing there watching them!

    Have you got a garden sprayer?  Next time, fill it with water and go out and ostentatiously spray the brambles.  With any luck the scrumpers will assume it's pesticide and stop scrumping.

    • Like 2
  13. 27 minutes ago, Amelia said:


    O dear AnnaMarriott, how could it be “less than impressed with the mighty Kirov” several decades ago? At that time the company had an absolutely breathtaking, unparalleled corps de ballet. And the leads you might saw at that time were probably Asylmuratova, Terekhova, Ruzimatov, Zelensky… Sorry for the dummy that prematurely shot off the windmill but Leningrad (as it was then) was a true mecca of classical ballet. 

    Of COURSE it was Leningrad - silly me!  I'm sorry to have offended you with my less than flattering portrait of a performance seen so long ago but which has stuck in my memory.  It was 1969-70 and without a cast list or any experience of Russian ballet at that time I couldn't say who was dancing.  I don't think it can have been those you mention. And it wasn't just the windmill mishap but there were several other problems with scenery and props and a few of the solo dancers had nasty falls.  There may have been a damp patch or something but the overall impression was really rather shambolic.

  14. 21 hours ago, VickyPage said:

    " I did have to wonder if something went wrong with Don Q and his windmill moment, because the doll just sort of flopped awkwardly to the ground really quickly, rather than getting stuck on the windmill for longer. "





    Surely this can't be the same production I saw in Stalingrad (as it was then) several decades ago when the dummy Don Q. flew off the windmill about five minutes before time and the gypsies had to avoid trampling it underfoot until the right moment arrived and they all stopped dancing and made a great show of tending to the injured party.  What with that and several other production mishaps, I came away less than impressed with the mighty Kirov (as it was then).  

    • Like 2
  15. 21 minutes ago, Melody said:

    Windsor? The Queen's speaking Estuary English now?

    Not as far as I know, but her loyal subjects seem to be and of course I can't answer for the younger Royals!

  16. 33 minutes ago, alison said:

    That's SarfLondonese.  Been around for decades - certainly since I was at secondary school.  People round here come from ForntonEath :) (aka Thornton Heath)

    I remember something from  my childhood, mocking Londonese in general:  "How many feavers on a frush's froat?"  "Firty farsand feavers on a frush's froat".


    And it's reached Windsor!

    • Like 1
  17. 17 minutes ago, Vonrothbart said:

    People who think they are speaking really cool, when they don't sound the 'T' in words such as formality eg. There's that many who speak like that nowadays, it will more than likely become part of the dictionary.:wacko:

    And there's the use of "f" for "th" which seems to be getting more common.  Fanks for the memory...

    • Like 1
  18. 15 hours ago, alison said:


    More distressing, though, is the number of pretty moths recently which seem to be trying to commit suicide usually in my bathroom.  The above today, and this one a while ago:





    Alison, I think the yellow one is a swallowtail moth.  Apparently they are quite common in England but I've never seen one!  Don't know about the dark green one.

  19. 9 minutes ago, Pixiewoo said:

    I live a minimum 45 minute drive from a big supermarket so I do have home delivery - BUT instead of coming from the supermarket 45 mins away from me ... it comes from one about an hour away! and seems to stock a totally different selection of goods to the closer store!




    Same here - I live about a mile away from the huge Tesco store but my online deliveries come from Ashford, Middx which must be between 30 and 60 minutes drive away depending on traffic.  Many times I've been told an item I want to order is not available, only to find shelves full of it in my local store.  I'm sure there's a logistical reason for all this but from the customer's point of view it's plain silly.

    • Like 2
  20. 14 minutes ago, Jan McNulty said:

    From what my friend, who uses the 'scan and shop' in the Sainsbury's in Harrogate, says you scan your items as you put them in the basket and then proceed to the check out to pay.  Sometimes your whole basket is re-checked otherwise I think what the scanner says is accepted.  


    A couple of years ago my niece and her partner had a phase of drinking grenadine and soda.  When trying to buy a bottle in our local Tesco the check out person did a "challenge 25" at which point they pointed out that the drink, although displayed alongside spirits, was non-alcoholic.  The staff member would not give in and neither would they so security was called.  The security man (fortunately) told the check out person not to be so ridiculous!

    I have now googled scan and shop.  We don't have it at our local huge Tesco hyperstore.  However I forget to mention that they they do have a Krispy Kreme concession which fills the entire area with an unmistakable aroma, and it also offers a third chance to sit and drink coffee while eating the doughnuts, and the dry cleaners also hires out carpet cleaning machines and does shoe repairs and key cutting.  I do feel cheated about the scan and shop, though...

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  21. 1 hour ago, Mumofballetmaddaughter said:

    I usually do scan and shop at Tesco so have to scan my clubcard to access a scanner.


    What is scan and shop?  Is it some wonderful system of avoiding the checkout?  If so, sign me up immediately!  I've seen it at our local Sainsbury's but never bothered to find out about it.

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