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Everything posted by bridiem

  1. In that case I did see her dance professionally, with great pleasure - I didn't realise this was her. Very sad.
  2. That's so sad! Yes he was a wonderful Prince in the original Swan Lake. Really sad news.
  3. I don't want to go over all the same discussion from the Snowflakes thread, but I must point out that this is simply not the case. I have often posted negative comments and never been 'jumped all over' by anyone, not even once.
  4. I haven't seen this bill yet so can't comment on it, though I've been reading these posts with interest. But I sometimes think that critics (and non-critics, including me no doubt) go to performances predisposed to like or not like a bill according to its purpose, vibe, participants, etc. Bernstein is currently in vogue, as are all three of the choreographers in their different ways, and it takes courage to go against what is currently in favour. I'm not saying that's necessarily the case here, but I did think that the critics would be positive about the bill before it was ever aired. (And I have sometimes seemed to be in a small minority - or moreorless on my own! - either liking or not liking a bill/work, which is quite disconcerting. But as Sim said earlier on, I think we always learn from what we like or don't like, and what others do or don't like and why. All part of the rich tapestry.) P.S. I'm actually looking forward to this bill, partly because I LOVE Chichester Psalms and I LOVE McGregor in lyrical mode.
  5. Well there's still more than a year until he leaves, so it could well happen in time. I'm very much hoping that it will.
  6. You have to fill out forms obtainable online (I think Cabinet Office), and provide supporting evidence and others who support your nomination. It's demanding and time-consuming (I did it for someone a few years ago, and they haven't received an honour in spite of all my efforts!). I think that now he's leaving they will probably be prodded into giving him a knighthood anyway, though it shouldn't have taken a resignation for that to happen.
  7. I didn't read the review as being overtly critical of Osipova - just describing her unique/idiosyncratic way of dancing the role. In fact I really enjoyed the writing and found it very illuminating. Maybe I read it too quickly!
  8. I'm getting a bit wary of the idea of a 'ballet spectacular'. I'm sure it's good marketing, but it seems to imply that a 'traditional' ballet cannot in itself be sufficiently spectacular. cf Alice, which is very enjoyable but doesn't really tell the story through choreography but through the (amazing) sets, costumes, effects etc.
  9. Yes, very well put Odyssey. It seems to me that a commitment to 'dance' in this sort of context isn't necessarily the same as a commitment to classical ballet.
  10. I hadn't seen Hallberg at that point, so it didn't occur to me then; but when Ball stepped in for Hallberg, I did think that he looked like a slightly younger version of Hallberg and so there was actually quite an interesting dynamic about that!
  11. I suppose I was thinking particularly in comparison with ENB, Northern Ballet and Scottish Ballet. I see the funding for the Birmingham Dance Hub has been increased, but maybe that doesn't directly benefit BRB.
  12. So was BRB getting better than average total funding in the past because of the grant from the City Council, and now is more on a par with other companies? Or do other companies get funding from local councils too? (Sorry - big question. But would be interesting to have some idea.)
  13. I don't know about tomorrow, but it was Claire Calvert last week. She was excellent, but unfortunately rather overshadowed by the unintentional casting drama of Act 2!
  14. I do tend to agree with this, especially given the need to maintain BRB's distinctive qualities and heritage in a difficult 'market place'.
  15. I have huge admiration for both Marion Tait and Desmond Kelly, though I would have thought it unlikely that they would want to do this at this stage. I have no idea who will be appointed, but just to mention that a number of the RB's directors have not been British born, so I think that that is unlikely to be a relevant criterion in considering candidates for BRB.
  16. I also hope that he will be knighted in the Birthday Honours this year, so that he can have the whole of his last season as Sir David.
  17. Now THAT conjures up a truly deep and mysterious (or possibly wild and frenzied) image.
  18. I find it difficult to believe that the performance/s will be more entertaining than this thread. Though I hope they are, for the sake of those going.
  19. For someone who didn't (unfortunately) book for this, this thread is (at the risk of being tactless) getting funnier and funnier! Though I'm so sorry about all the confusion etc, both for those going and for the box office staff who clearly don't quite know what they should be doing.
  20. Sublime review Janet! Thank you - I wish I could have seen some of these performances, but reading your post is the next best thing.
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