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Everything posted by bridiem

  1. Maybe just to do with timing? Hirano being further on with his preparation than Ball.
  2. What is it that they complain about? (I haven't seen it so can't guess.)
  3. Yes, he will be. I immediately thought of you when I received this email, penelopesimpson! What a huge opportunity for both Hirano and Ball. By chance I will be seeing both of them, which is very exciting. But I'm so sorry for Edward Watson, and very glad and grateful that I saw him last time round.
  4. Me too. My internet connection/speed is fine for everything else, so why not for FB videos??
  5. That's interesting, Alison. Did that apply to the whole ground floor area? That would be a huge change.
  6. Yes, but the staff who allowed them to go in late should have directed them to the empty seats. You can't simply expect people to be sensible or considerate (though of course some are).
  7. I can't go to Hirano's debut because my niece has rather inconsiderately decided to get married on that day... But I'm going to his second performance and this Insight has made me even more excited about it!
  8. Thanks, Richard LH - I see that now. Though since MENU is in caps above items in uc/lc, I don't think it's at all clear that it's a link itself - it looks simply like a heading.
  9. I haven't seen the building yet, but the new website home page is a mess. Huge graphics that are slow to load, and almost no information provided about the ROH. The only Menu options = Account (which for a lot of people isn't going to be relevant and even for those who have an account it's not necessarily relevant at this stage), Basket (not relevant at this stage for anyone), and Search (which brings up a horribly basic search screen). None of it seems to fit on my laptop screen (which is probably intentional - no doubt it's meant to be edgy and interesting; in fact it's just messy). Clicking on 'Find an Event' brings you to the old page of productions (which as before initially only shows those in the autumn booking period, so for those who don't know about the ROH's labyrinthine booking arrangements they'll wonder why there's nothing showing in the much-touted new Linbury). This home page clearly doesn't know who it's aiming at and what it wants to tell them. It doesn't work for newcomers and it doesn't work for regulars either.
  10. What they said initially is that 25% of seats are £25 or less. So I'm not sure their message is quite clear.
  11. If that's the case, that's rather annoying - I booked 2 very bad tickets rather than no tickets at all (at a price I can pay), because I thought that was all there was.
  12. He says 'That will be announced, perhaps soon. I don’t know myself who it will be, but I suspect the decision has already been made.'
  13. Simply because it meant that the 'Royal Ballet' bit was the focus. I know the change to ENB was very controversial; but I suspect it has been helpful in marketing terms.
  14. Yes, I agree re SWRB (and I think that was probably helpful). I hope your last sentence is right (e.g. CBSO, of course), but I think it's more challenging to achieve.
  15. Given the current situation, I don't have a suggestion! ENB have taken that name, and presumably Birmingham would anyway want name recognition of its financial input etc. So we are where we are (as they say).
  16. That makes me feel old... I remember when he was starting out, and it doesn't seem that long ago. It's very long explanation of why and how he is retiring/leaving... But then words are his thing, I suppose. I've very much enjoyed some of his work, and I hope he does keep on writing about ballet in other capacities.
  17. Saw the performance this evening. What a magnificent bill this is. A perfect trinity, each work a beautiful facet of the same sad, reflective truth. Love, and loss, and the waste of life; but above all, love - enduring, unbreakable even when shattered, and rising above the dust in clear, determined arcs of grace and tenderness. Superb dancing from everyone - complete conviction and absorption. Brilliant.
  18. Well - yes; but I don't really think of them as a Midlands company, in spite of all the good work they do in Birmingham. I think they're also a company of national importance and standing. If Birmingham gives them the funding that has allowed that to be maintained, that's great; but I think it complicates the marketing and identity of the company to a wider public.
  19. Given that we do have ENB and NB, I must admit that I've never quite understood the rationale for having a 'Birmingham' RB, much as I love the company itself. The old SWRB/touring company did have a clear purpose, as the touring arm of the RB; linking that to one particular city seems a bit strange to me (though I understand the funding/facilities offers that precipitated it). It implies a local rather than a national remit, which is not really accurate. But I do agree that the companies couldn't be rejoined; BRB does now have its own identity and a 're-merger' would be neither feasible nor desirable.
  20. I can't recall hearing that as an explanation before; I think it's quite compelling.
  21. Programmes are clearly now aimed at either a) people with a lot of money or b) people who only go occasionally so it's a special treat situation. Regular non-rich patrons have now been priced out being able to buy a programme. I always used to buy a programme when there was a new work or new production; now, I have to rely on other sources to give me background about what I'm seeing. That is wrong. The programmes should (if necessary) be less lavish, and they should be less expensive.
  22. Quite; and I can't see the ticket prices anywhere - has anyone found this info?
  23. Well I'm glad they're doing something; but I hope/assume it won't be just a fundraising opportunity! I look forward to hearing the rest of the plans.
  24. I find this article rather annoying. I have never found the ROH 'awkward' or 'unprepossessing', and I've never assumed that all the people who go there wear tuxedos (not that I actually know what a tuxedo is, now I come to think of it). I have always liked the fact that you come on this great theatre suddenly in the midst of the streets of London, and that its glories are hidden within. I first started going there as an almost penniless teenager, and what small amount of money I had went on tickets, not on drinks or coffees; and that is still the case now and will continue to be so regardless of any greater ease of access to the building. BUT if this does encourage a few more people to take an interest in ballet or opera when they otherwise would not have done so, maybe it will be worth all the expenditure. And I hope the new Linbury theatre works well.
  25. She danced it with Watson in 2012 and was very good. But there are now other dancers I would prefer to see.
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