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Everything posted by bridiem

  1. Yes. I think there are two main issues: 1. The ROH's intention in respect of regular attenders; we now have one statement from Lucy Sinclair and a different one from Alex Beard. I assume that AB's trumps LS's (since they cannot both be right and he is senior to LS), though quite how LS's detailed strategy ties in in any way with AB's statement I really don't know. To give the kindest possible interpretation, there must be a great deal of confusion in the senior management at the ROH 2. The effect of the various price rises on regular attenders. As Lynette H says, this has not been addressed And unfortunately, in practice it is 2. that is crucial.
  2. Yes, I can see it on my account page. But I wasn't aware that such information ever appeared there - are we supposed to be logging in to our accounts all the time just to check?! In the past I have received an email with a link.
  3. Campbell's casting since he was promoted to principal has really been more like that of a promising soloist/first soloist, whereas the other promotees have been cast as full principals. Which leads me to wonder why he was promoted at all. (And now I will zip my lip about this.)
  4. My ticket has never been checked at any interval - not in the last few weeks, and not in the past. And in fact I'm quite likely not to have it with me at the interval (likely to be in coat pocket on chair). I hope ticket-checking at intervals isn't going to become the norm.
  5. I'm sure you're right, Jan. But it is frustrating when so much money is spent with such an underwhelming result (I except the new Linbury, which I haven't seen and which I hope is good) when funds for all purposes are said to be so tight.
  6. Delighted about all the debuts in R&J, but totally bemused about Alexander Campbell. Yes, he's not tall. But neither are Sambé, McRae or (I think) Corrales. (And Baryshnikov danced Romeo!). He's an exceptionally intelligent and interesting actor with great stage presence, and an excellent partner. He's at the peak of his career, age-wise. He's so talented and such a professional that I'm sure he will make something (or probably a lot) of Frankenstein, but it's really not a role on a par with Romeo. And yet some Romeos are doubling up whilst he is not performing it at all. I find it totally baffling and really quite upsetting. Having said that I will look forward greatly to as many of the other casts as I can get to. And I hadn't been intending to go to Frankenstein again; now I will have to book one performance...
  7. I would say that it has to be spread far, wide, deep AND narrow (if you see what I mean). Otherwise, far and wide simply becomes wide and shallow.
  8. Biggest question is not why these problems are happening but why the new site has gone live with them happening. I know from a PR point of view they must have wanted it to coincide with the Open Up project (though even that seems to have been unveiled slightly prematurely); but it is clearly simply not ready! And we're not talking about a little amateur group here; it's the ROH, and it's just not acceptable for them to have problems like this on their website.
  9. This morning, I forwarded my email correspondence so far on this subject to Alex Beard for comment. He replied, and we then exchanged a number of emails. I asked if it would be acceptable to share what he had said on this Forum; he replied that he is very happy for me to share that 'it is not our aim for our core audience, friends or otherwise, to come less frequently'. I feel that I have now got as far as I can with this.
  10. But clicking on the production gives different info, at least about the 12th (haven't checked the 2nd), as LinMM has said. Which one are we supposed to believe??? I've just emailed the Website at the ROH to ask what is happening and why.
  11. I don't actually think it is understandable. It shows a lack of training and knowledge of the history of the building that is not acceptable. This is a world-class venue that purports to be proud of its history and the development of its site etc, and it should train its FOH staff in these matters.
  12. Well I hope that the dancers' talents are so huge and their judgement so good that they're not REALLY risking breaking their heads... though it does sometimes look rather as if they are.
  13. I can think of some other words for someone urging a dancer to do that!!
  14. I agree, Fonty; but even with her name I suppose she doesn't necessarily have carte blanche about what programmes get made/broadcast. (Though I would have thought that something along the lines suggested by LinMM and broadcast immediately before or after Strictly would be quite a good bet for audiences.)
  15. Yes; if it needs a known name to get people to go, perhaps Dame Darcey should be asked to give a prominent recommendation before all ballet titles!
  16. Leaflets have clearly been sacrificed on the altar of digital marketing.
  17. I think the title is probably part of the problem. It says nothing about the ballet unless you know the book (which most people won't), and as Alison says the ballet (like most ballets apart from a few classics) hasn't penetrated into the consciousness of a wider public. Not sure what - if anything - can or should be done about it though. ENB's publicity does seek to describe it more fully under the title; but maybe by then it's too late. And even if people read the plot. it does just sound quite sordid (which it is, really) and quite strange (ditto). Perhaps a lot of people still only want escapism from ballet? Or a nice clear-cut tragedy...
  18. OK, so now I am even more upset that I had to miss last night through illness. AND my sister had very generously got us seats in the front row of the stalls, where I have never before sat for a performance. However, thank you for all the lovely reviews. I will hope to see this cast in the next run of Mayerling!
  19. I've always thought of it as rain; hence the umbrellas. Sometimes it's hardly visible though, so I thought they were just making sure it was visible (rather than it being snow). I hope it is rain (if you see what I mean!) since rain and snow have different emotional connotations. Of course snow could be just as appropriate; but is different.
  20. Yes - I think that's terrible. Really discourteous, in respect of both the dancers and the audience. It is a PERFORMANCE after all! Which is precisely what the curtain calls acknowledge and should be allowed to reflect appropriately.
  21. Clearly, it's not just the ROH that wants to reduce the frequency of attendance of (some) regulars.
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