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Everything posted by bridiem

  1. I'd forgotten it was that recent! Yes, I would LOVE to see it again soon.
  2. Well I think he is rather full of himself and opinionated, AND he does the groundwork. I think he's an excellent writer; but he sometimes gets a bit carried away with himself.
  3. Yes, I suppose that's possible! But where it is widely perceived, I think it would be reasonable to say that it exists. (Though I'm not offering that as a general principle!).
  4. Interesting though - can charisma really be subjective? Whether one responds to it or not is subjective, but I would have thought that its existence should be unarguable. Perhaps some people resist responding for some reason and instead deny its existence.
  5. According to Broadway World she's playing Victoria - the white cat. Can't remember much about the musical or how lead a role that is.
  6. Francesca Hayward is to take the lead role in the new film Cats - see http://www.roh.org.uk/news/royal-ballet-principal-francesca-hayward-leads-the-cast-of-cats?utm_source=social&utm_medium=twitter She'll be replaced in The Unknown Soldier by Yasmine Naghdi and will be back with the company in the spring.
  7. Thank you, Sim. I'm sure it wasn't an original image , but worth expressing anyway. Still awestruck by last night's performance.
  8. I'd been looking forward to La B, but only as a load of hokum with a beautiful Act 2. More fool me. This was stupendous!! Nunez, Muntagirov and Osipova were all so brilliant that they even made me care about the characters, and the whole ballet is chock full of dancing, dancing, dancing. Nunez meltingly beautiful and so fleet of foot and heart; Muntagirov everything Mary has described - just perfect; and Osipova glittering, evil, jealous, but also, in her way, heartbroken. All three sensational technically. Campbell an excellent (but in my view rather wasted) bronze idol. The shades: a beautiful, poetic realisation of Solor's anguish and his love, and stunningly danced, like sighs of sadness streaming slowly onto and across the stage. And at the end: the worst wedding day ever - Solor distraught, Gamzatti despairing, and then the apocalypse. And the final vision of heavenly peace and unity in love. How the company can go straight from Mayerling to this God only knows. Makarova came on for a call and got a great ovation, as did the whole cast. Just wonderful.
  9. I donated by accident too this time. I don't think this way of getting donations should be allowed.
  10. But wouldn't there be an arrangement that if the seats weren't going to be used they could be sold at a given time before the performance? That's how it worked when a company I worked for had permanent tickets at the Royal Albert Hall, to ensure that there weren't empty seats.
  11. I don't think 'a lot of people' would have done this. Anyone who knows anything about Mayerling would know that Watson, however brilliant he may be/is, is not crucial to the success of the ballet. And how many people buy a ticket for something and then just 'don't bother to turn up'? They must be very careless with their money if so, and also careless about theatre and the people who 'bother' to put shows on.
  12. And how is that 'opening up'?? (Though of course it could be simply messing up, like so many other aspects of this project.)
  13. The sort of response that makes me reach for a sick bag... Whatever they're trying to achieve with the new website, its most important function is to list correct information about performances and facilitate the booking of them. The old site was fine for this; if the new site can't achieve it (or not yet) then it shouldn't have gone live.
  14. Quite. And I really don't think a review should purport to speak for 'the audience' en masse. The reviewer may not have been interested, but this member of the audience was.
  15. Since there have been a few negative comments, I just wanted to say that I thought Emma Maguire was very good as Stephanie - a touching mix of confusion and bewilderment culminating in both fear and disgust, whilst also trying to maintain a fragile dignity in public.
  16. It's perfectly possible to disagree with someone's views whilst still being interested to read them; and certainly without considering them to be rubbish. I thought Mendizabal was very good as the Empress; she seemed to be really quite frightened of her son and his desperation, and that increased her alienation from him (and his from her).
  17. Breathtaking performance from Bonelli/Morera tonight. She totally in control, yet unable to hide her horror at what she can see is happening and will happen to both of them. As if they've both been caught in a tidal wave; she knows it will sweep them away, but has no choice but to allow it to happen. So she rides it, dives into its heart, and they fall together. Such incredible physical and emotional engagement between them; absolutely seamless and mesmerising. And he in his weakness and his pain allows himself to be taken - by her, by life, by death. Stunning.
  18. Let's hope they haven't got their eye on that next! (Though maybe they have enough other problems with the website at the moment...). My sister has very generously got tickets in the Orchestra Stalls for us this evening; would it really sound so exciting to be going to 'level 1' or whatever it is? It's all part of the romance of going to the theatre.
  19. I acknowledge all you say above, FLOSS, but I still think the casting smacks of 'anyone but Campbell'. I just don't think it's right or necessary. And I agree that Mercutio is an important/principal role; but if it's really considered so significant, why is the casting for that role not announced in advance too?
  20. If it's important enough to be in the cast list, it's important enough for a change to be properly notified.
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