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Everything posted by bridiem

  1. Yes - no casting for Symphony in C on 22nd Nov, for example. Not sure if that's because it's not decided yet or because it just hasn't been updated yet.
  2. Honestly. I'm only just getting used to DVDs... 😩
  3. I wonder if dancers from any other ballet company are going to be involved? Or is it turning into a kind of Royal Ballet co-production?!
  4. Last time I looked they said they were having problems with the comments function and were working on it...
  5. I would add... Alexander Campbell!! Surprise, surprise... And, of course, Osipova. And Hay. Well really, they're all flippin' brilliant.
  6. But how can 'they' have planned this entire project without incorporating/deciding about the box office?! It's crucial to the whole enterprise!
  7. Fascinating blog, miriskusnik! Really makes me wish I'd seen Soares too. Thank you so much for sharing it.
  8. That's interesting - almost every time I've asked for/had to pester someone for a cast change slip, they've said 'it's not an important one' or words to that effect (regardless of how significant the changes have been). Are they told to say this to everyone then?? I get a strange sense that the ROH is somehow embarrassed by the fact that there are last-minute changes, as if it's somehow a sign of inefficiency or an admission of failure, so that from a PR point of view it's not desirable to make much (or anything) of it. Which really does imply that the people in charge now have no idea what ballet is about, or what matters.
  9. Yes, so did I; but if you don't know they're there, you wouldn't know to ask for one.
  10. I assume they're printing fewer. I'm not sure I understand the logic, though - how do they decide who should be given one?!
  11. The full changes: Mayara Magri replaced Fumi Kaneko as a D'Jampee Dancer Fumi Kaneko and Julia Roscoe replaced Itziar Mendizabal and Beatriz Stix-Brunell in the Pas D'Action Elizabeth Harrod replaced Beatriz Stix-Brunell as the third Shade The only reason I knew there were changes was because I heard a programme seller say this to someone buying a programme. So I asked for a slip. When I suggested she put them on the counter top so people knew they were there, she said that the ROH is moving towards using less paper and that there was a sign about the changes at the front of the desk. There was - a very small sign that you would only see if you bought a programme that side of the desk. I said that if they don't want to use paper they need to have BIG signs everywhere, otherwise it's very disrespectful to all the dancers involved. She said she would pass that on.
  12. Another tremendous performance, with the highlight for me being the blazing Nikiya of Natalia Osipova. Fascinating to see the Nunez/Osipova role reversal - both ballerinas showing their great versatility and dramatic intelligence. Osipova made me care about Nikiya as much as I do about Giselle, and danced with impossible intensity, lightness, height and speed. She positively flew through the air as her heart shattered. Nunez was a beautiful, dangerously and deceivingly gracious Gamzatti. Beneath the smile - a snake. Corrales was technically superb, at least in his solo work, but although he used his body expressively I got no sense of characterisation or real emotional involvement. And I thought his partnering looked anxious and sometimes laboured. But he did dance beautifully (and I loved his entrance!) and I hope the other aspects will come as he relaxes into the company. The corps were magnificent again - as near perfect as it's possible to be. And the destruction of the temple was more successful (so to speak!) tonight, with rubble and dust pouring down in divine vengeance. The finale was so moving, with Osipova tip-toeing through the celestial clouds, gently leading her beloved Solor to their eternal life together.
  13. I see that the order has changed too, with The Unknown Soldier coming first. Presumably meaning that Naghdi is in Symphony in C on the dates when Hayward was supposed to be performing.
  14. Thanks for posting this, Stevie (not that I really understand it!). But I would just wonder why this would apply to WW and not to so many other works where it has been possible to produce DVDs? Was WW filmed in a different resolution? Just thinking aloud.
  15. Finding their way around should be the main part of their training, i.e. it should happen before they start dealing with the public. Otherwise it's not fair either on them or on the public. But yes they do seem to be pleasant, if understandably rather stressed.
  16. I don't know, but all they ever say to me is 'do you know where you're going?'. By the time they've waited for my reply, they might just as well have told me. Unless, of course, they're not sure themselves...
  17. Well I suppose there are practical reasons in that it's in the current rep.
  18. Thanks for your very interesting comments about the performance, capybara. Please don't refrain from posting negative thoughts! As Mary said, the Forum is interesting precisely because of the range of views. I'm a huge admirer of Hirano, but I'd forgotten what a bravura role Solor is and I'm not sure I would think it a natural fit for him anyway. And of course he's had rather a lot on his plate recently... But I would still have loved to have seen this cast (unfortunately can't see them all!).
  19. I suppose what I'm saying is that if a performer is widely deemed to be charismatic (which doesn't necessarily mean brilliant or best) then they must be so, since charisma is wholly about the impact of a performer and the link between them and the audience. It's not about quality but as someone else said is something akin to stage presence. The fact that some individuals don't recognise or feel the charisma may say more about them than about the performer and doesn't mean that the charisma doesn't exist.
  20. Well I agree that in practice it seems that it's not always undisputed; but I think that charisma is something that comes from the dancer and should be evident to the audience regardless of whether or not they particularly like the dancer.
  21. I did think it's a shame they're only taking Don Q. But I suppose there are the two gala nights.
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