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Everything posted by bridiem

  1. But someone walked past his grave yesterday, and cared. Which matters more than its physical condition. So thank you, alison.
  2. Thanks, Timmie - I had no idea! Will look out for these in future just in case!
  3. I wouldn't support that, at least in part because it assumes that everyone has a smartphone.
  4. It was Battersea Park. And yes about the proms. And I as a nearly penniless student could afford both. Not what I call elitism.
  5. I'd book for that cast!! (Not that the website would show it correctly, of course...).
  6. Especially whilst also saying that some tickets are 'too cheap', and in the light of the recent comments about regulars in the less expensive seats coming too often. The ROH's recent media/public statements are inconsistent and self-contradictory, and give a very poor impression of the organisation.
  7. Well I think that's very odd. Especially if you use quite a high-profile dancer who is likely to be recognised.
  8. I also assumed (and hoped) that she would be dancing it. Otherwise why would she be on the poster?!
  9. I'm afraid he'll have to improve his extensions too. Back to the barre, Peregrine!
  10. Or possibly both. Or, as someone else has suggested, there are hidden agendas here. I also think that wealthy people sometimes really don't understand how ordinary people live. What is 'cheap' to them is a lot of money to most people. How someone like this is supposed to be able to make decisions about ticket prices with the aim of reducing 'elitism' I don't know. And I wonder where they get their 100,000 figure from, since there are no checks or counts at the doors.
  11. I must be easily pleased - I rather liked the tiger! But I agree the snake has largely been conspicuous by its absence, or at least absence from view. Which is irritating because it could easily be put right.
  12. Yes; when Osipova applauded them at the end of the first night, I thought it was very touching, and possibly acceptable given that it was a big first night with Makarova there and etc. But in general I don't think it should happen - as Douglas Allen says, this is the time for audience appreciation, and is in a sense still part of the performance. It looks very amateurish for performers to clap each other (and I speak as an amateur choral singer - we do applaud our professional soloists, because we are acknowledging that they are on a different level from us). If the dancers start applauding each other on stage, the crucial divide between the cast and audience (which continues to matter until the final curtain call is over) is broken and it just becomes a mutual congratulation fest. And it would be endless - should the corps applaud the principals? And vice versa? Etc.
  13. I'm actually equally happy with Nunez or Osipova as Nikiya or Gamzatti. They are both absolutely phenomenal in both roles. And with Muntagirov as Solor, all is right with the world. What a trio/triumvirate/trinity. And what a company.
  14. But she also talks generously about the performance too. I'm sure she's been asked to talk about her own experiences of performing whenever possible - that's at least partly why she's there. I don't usually find her very illuminating, but I think she's very charming and very personable.
  15. I tubed home under harsh artificial light. Other than that, I echo Mary's comments to the word. Such brilliance and beauty. Indescribable.
  16. This is helpful and may well be true, Geoff; but I think that language matters and should be used in a way that's appropriate to the context. This forum is not an scholarly journal where certain linguistic conventions may be taken for granted - it's a public discussion forum. (Having said which, even in academic circles language can be misused and misinterpreted.)
  17. Yes, I wondered about that move, but then I decided it could perhaps be interpreted as an expression of Solor's tormented regret etc - sort of turning himself inside out or punishing himself. Or, of course, it could just have been a flashy move...
  18. I saw the Takada/McRae/Naghdi cast this afternoon. All three danced superbly, but I didn't feel any real connection between any of them - none of them really made me believe in their characters. Which sounds harsh given how hard they all worked, but it was how I felt. It turned into a spectacle (which of course it is too) rather than a real drama (or tragedy). Still very impressive, but not moving. I also struggled to believe in Yasmine Naghdi as a (sort of) baddy - she looked too wholesome, somehow! I'd rather see her as Nikiya in fact. The corps were terrific again, and I enjoyed Alastair Marriott's imposing High Brahmin. I also really liked Mayara Magri's Shade - I hope to see her do Swan Lake before too long.
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